Standard belief in yourself from a friend in New York, that he and his patronizing sighted a '"enterprise of about 6 lights move over Staten Coral island" at expression 10 PM, July 4th 2011."Put on were 6 fiercely highlighted spots coolly spaced and seemed to be flying in a clear line, consequently they seemed to duo up and flew clear up and consumed inwards the clouds. The achieve incident lasted about 3-5 account. They were WAY to high in the sky to be fireworks and lit to fiercely and way to desire to fireworks. They were thousands of feet in the sky. I was in Brooklyn facing west and the formation was over Staten Coral island. They were NOT planes from Newark Incurable, they were way to high in the sky and too adjoining attached for the nearness to Newark Incurable." "Above July 4th 2011 UFOs! "July 4th New York Desire Coral island UFOs - Merged Witnesses See Self-same LightsIndependence Day Weekend UFOs 2011Defiance Ohio July 3rd Fireworks & UFO 2011Mark J Turner
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