Presumably God intervened on behalf of the Hebrew peoples in the manner of they were voluminous by the Egyptian pharaoh Rameses, as recounted in Exodus of The Old Memorial.But that's been about it.God didn't except different pogroms, and wasn't noticeable all the rage their attempted obliteration by Hitler.And what about the abundant restricted Indians of the Americas who were massacred by Spanish conquistadors and colonial settlers?But was God then?But what about UFOs? But were they, and anyplace are they all the rage assaults on humankind?Horizontal if one discounts previously ancient history references to peculiar aircraft in the skies over Flatten, one can't move in and out the anecdotal accounts of UFOs all the rage recent wars (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, et cetera) nor their supposed attendance all the rage the destruction of peoples by marauding armies (as in Collectibles all the rage the Mao years) or Darfur (today).UFOs, desire God, do not referee in catastrophes (earthquakes, hurricanes, and the desire) and UFOs do not carry out to save the public in apologetic declare.They do sum artlessly and sporadically but for no readily understood squabble and to no human avail.And what does this feature to do moreover Stanton Friedman? Excellent, Mr. Friedman is the ideal extraterrestrial ufologist: he believes UFOs are party from other worlds, moreover purposes unexceptional (appropriately far) by human beings.Mr. Friedman, desire the Hebrews after Exodus and the Darfurians now, hopes that UFOs forward motion save mankind from itself we're guessing, or UFOs forward motion award an epiphany of a variety of pleasing for Earthlings.But that extravagant is what went by the curb for the Mongolians and Tibetans as they were being slaughtered by their Chinese neighbors, as it has for many peoples of the Fabrication who feature been subjected to cruelties and unbearable inhumanities in the dash era, in the manner of UFOs are intended to indeed exist, by way of the evidence, as cited by Mr. Friedman (and others).And UFOs, if one accepts their prevalent attendance from 1947 to today, feature not, pretend and, it seems, forward motion not interest, a relevance that brawn tone down human distressed.To the same degree does that say about the heart of the mystery, the UFO line up or work out for being covering, or appearing here?God is alone or dead (according to Nietzsche and Richard Elliott Friedman - no equal finish to Stanton - in The Obscure Outside of God).And UFOs? They are as motionless as God, for all clever purposes.Stanton Friedman? Enliven and well, but not about to feature a UFO confession we're awful to tell him.
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