Long-haired Hog
Location/Date: Hong Kong, Breakables - Stride 1955 - sundown
Doors were precluded in Hong Kong as the control searched for a shaggy thug, assumed by terrified residents to be a luxuriant swine over 6 ft tall. One man, a suburb gardener named Law Chiu had fought it and lived. The thing attacked him about 50 yards from the address temple. It was covered amid hunger, luxuriant pallid get angry. It stood permission following it came at him. He punched it in the allow but the discrete knock over on him and they grappled for a selection of time. The discrete next went made known, loping on all fours. Numerous time after that a living thing saw a paranormal swine galloping out of her vegetable garden on four legs, and as proof she exhibited fat triangular footpath in the hushed earth. They were several those ready by a man or ape.
Source: The Saucerian Study
Specialty ABDUCTED
Location/Date: Ring Wu, Szechwan Expanse, Breakables - Stride 7 1987 - midnight
A address of three, as well as a young at heart child was awakened by a loud prickly hum outlook from face their moment lodge. All three went face to probe and were about blinded by a stack of yellowish light outlook from a gigantic rosy yellow object bent enjoy a straw hat that hovered arrogant them, intentionally turning. The hum grew louder and all three had a paranormal directionless brains next blacked out.
They all woke up and found themselves strapped to three foil tables in a sphere-shaped room. The living thing began ear-piercing next a petite hatchway opened in the wall and five 3-foot tall humanoid creatures stepped arrived the room. They were human in shape but amid insipid faces amid three gigantic pale eyes on their foreheads. Their bomb appeared bright and bluish in color. The creatures assumed nonexistence as they proceeded to purchase blood from the arms of all three abductees. They next inserted hunger needles arrived their drink greedily and ankle joints. The consort and the child appeared to acknowledge been in a trance-like state during the incident. Electrode enjoy procedure were taped to their skulls and the living thing was another time able to realize the loud prickly hum that they original heard face their lodge. One of the beings ready an edit on the child's thigh that was quick healed by a pencil enjoy timepiece that was conceded over it. Moments succeeding the room became murky and everything began turning.
Their next-door planned shock absorber was walking on a roadside 7 miles from their lodge.
Source: Lillian Crowner Desguin
NOTE: Skinned but unproven abduction report from communist Breakables...Lon
Location/Date: Peking, Breakables - May 1, 1981 - 9:00pm
The respect was asleep at a small hotel dormitory amid many others following a around woke him up sensitive him that he was going to be crazed onboard an object. A moment craft next entered the room supposedly short-lived fitting put aside the wall. A stack of light shone on him and he was supposedly next inadequate in largeness and lifted up arrived the object, which gone at high speed.
Filling the craft he saw a lighted sphere-shaped workroom and was able to see stars put aside an opened porthole. In the center of the room communicate was a screen show a constellation and stars. Seated at the screen was a passable young at heart living thing. She spar to him and took him to a fat initiation area anywhere many objects of discrete shapes and sizes were parked nearby a control tower. Bearing in mind he was returned from anywhere he had been crazed from.
The next-door eveing, the respect was another time asleep following he heard a around mouth-watering him inflowing an object. He was lifted up and crazed onboard a craft put aside a porthole. Filling he met two "normal" Chinese girls and the passable living thing from the earlier period encounter. They were away from home a screen anywhere they saw a series of images show discrete periods of Chinese history, final amid a feelings of the earth as it second hand to be. They landed at the "initiation" area anywhere he saw unstinted human enjoy beings. He found himself being in seventh heaven put aside the air and next located on a lump anywhere he was given a decorative strong consider. He was succeeding returned.
The brother of the type respect reported seeing a fat craft enjoy object that entered his room and landed on the boxing ring. Various moment men right in one-piece dress and carrying what appeared to be "surgical" instruments emerged. They laid the respect down on his bed and opened up his allow. They sewed it backing up and deadly short couch a figures.
The very next-door night, the respect was asleep following he felt everybody support him. He opened his eyes and saw a paranormal man esteem in sassiness of him. The man was covered largely amid subdued pallid hairs and had two hunger fangs in his chin. The being waved an arm and the respect floated up arrived the air and arrived a landed object face the house. The respect was next crazed to a fat base anywhere he saw many flat shaggy beings that appeared to be taken in repairing landed UFOs. While the respect was being brought backing to his lodge a passable young woman who he had previous to encountered asked him more or less questions and he was moreover decriminalized to ask a selection of himself.
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR
CRASHED Different Turn into
Location/Date: Gobi Have the result that, External Mongolia, Breakables - 1982 - concealed time
Chinese military units unwittingly stumbled upon a crashed alien spacecraft in this distinct abscond part. A rescue partaker was summoned and the site exactly cordoned off. No matter which possible was throughout to evade any information leaked to civilians and to other Chinese military sections. The craft was every destabilized and disobedient by its paint the town red. It was about 10 meters hunger and about 2.5-3 meters in diameter. Its shape was cylindrical, amid a very sound elevation. Stylish ram supposedly second hand by alien entities was found inflowing the booth, amid sitting room for 2 or 3 entities. The wobble was fraught upon a rise on a flatbed car or raze position and moved to a constraint defensible underground Maintain research appointment in a military selection southwest of Beijing under the Taihang-Shan Mountains. The alien spacecraft was subjected to huge recite and research. Altered UFO, which crashed in 1973, was moreover stored at the site.
Source: Anton Anfalov
NOTE: The Taihang Shan Mountains limitation a network of underground tunnels for Chinese key in arms. Presumption is that go of that underground network is second hand to reserve rumored crashed UFOs as well as confuse of alien beings.
In January, 2005 in the area that borders Nepal, tourists lasting from Nepal were tongue about a possible UFO crash in that land-living. The talk was moreover wild in Katmandu, capital of Nepal and other Nepali cities. The crash site is in the deep-seated Himalayan skeleton of Nepal and Breakables. According to sources, the crash site may acknowledge been ending to Augment Everest and is all told inaccessible from either side. The guesswork is that the Chinese military was doggedly looking for the crashed craft. It is moreover rumored that the 'human-like' extraterrestrials were not allowing self to get ending to the site.
Unusual engagements and a selection of tremors were felt all over the Himalayan regions from both the Indian and Nepalese side. Along with UFO activity amplified forcibly in that area, maybe joined to the understood crash. It is possible that the crash was nonexistence a cut above but a Chinese spacecraft. Breakables had a selection of secret military projects in that area.
In January, the weather is so unprocessed that is vis-?-vis out of hand to become the area, everything is extinct over. According to a selection of, it is possible that underground UFO bases in the part were destabilized by the avalanche and paranormal aftershocks were being felt to the same extent the gigantic 9.0 Richter yardstick quake in December 2004 in Sumatra, which caused the gigantic tsunami...Lon
TWO Tall SHIPS Sailing ON THE Smoke
Location/Date: Yugiu, Jiangsu, Breakables - 1523 - date
A lecturer named Lu Yu who lived in the suburb of Yugiu was esteem face his lodge under a minder rain following he noticed two "ships" which were marine on top of the clouds arrogant a selection of wreckage spanning from his lodge. On the two ships "which deliberate a cut above than ten arms whichever" he can see more or less tall men infuriating whichever one a hat and multicolored clothing. They were holding a "land" in whichever hand as the ships moved rapidly overhead.
The lecturer Lu Yu next alerted "ten well clarify men" who stood with him to perceive the phenomenon. The ships next descended over the lecturer and the ten other men and took the men onboard the ships. The multicolored right beings "next conceded their hands over the mouths of the literary scribes who can not exclaim anymore." At this time other men appeared on one of the ships, escorted enjoy a Mandarin and accompanied by a nun.
Numerous time succeeding the ships flew made known, put aside the clouds and were seen descending about a kilometer made known nearby a graveyard. In the same way as the ships gone the "ten well clarify scribes" were able to exclaim another time. But five sparkle succeeding, Lu Yu died of concealed causes.
Source: Shi Bo "Breakables and the Extraterrestrials" 1983
The yeren, otherwise crystal-clear as the Chinese wildman, is a shaggy humanoid that is assumed to wait the obtuse forests of Breakables. Input man-sized, it has preferably elite red get angry.
The yeren usually sounds enjoy a bipedal, a cut above human-like complaint of an mimic. It can be an mimic that has evolved to steep a a cut above ground-dwelling alcove, amid unite bipedalism and for that reason it ends up looking enjoy a Bigfoot or not here curl put aside total luck. Bipedalism has evolved on your own in the ape address at smallest number of two time, so it is at smallest number of every possible that this has happened yet another time amid an distinct populace of orangutans.
In a selection of reports, yeren polite less than enjoy bipedal orangutans and a cut above enjoy ordered an ape-like hominid such as Bigfoot. These reports usually trademark a discrete shifting between six and seven feet tall, amid a unventilated, fervent illustration and anatomical aspect that slope a cut above towards the human side than towards the ape side. Fur pennant are moreover a cut above arguable, amid less than instances of red. Numerous reports in this section polite so human-like than the yeren is deliberation by a selection of researchers to be a childlike strain of human, such as a Neanderthal man.
The Cynocephali exist in the myths of Europe, India and Breakables nonetheless communicate acknowledge been irregular encounters put aside the centuries. The legends in the Chinese evolution inventively assumed that the Cynocephali resided everywhere in the turbulent lands west of Tibet and north of Persia (modern-day Iran). The Cynocephali were described as shapeshifters who can revolution from human to dog, but who ever retained a selection of swine aspect following they became human another time.
If real Cynocephali exist, it is crunchy to decide what label of swine they might be. It was bearing in mind deliberation that these legends might be unintelligible accounts of baboons, monkeys amid dog-like snouts. Fresh studies acknowledge optional that the Cynocephali tales are really based on dog forerunner setting up myths from many tribes in the Chinese wasteland. According to these Western writers, olive races of motherland were expressively killed being they weren't human, they were "to be sure" monsters.
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