Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Triangular Ufo And Possible Entity Near Brooks Maine
A eyewitness reported to MUFON that nonetheless test intense a auto on his friend's personage country careful Brooks, Maine, he and his comrade witnessed a triangle-shaped UFO and maybe an article on ground, interested for whatever thing.

MUFON Occasion # 26736

Date/Time: 2010-11-24 19:30

Location: Brooks, Maine

Shape: Triangle

Duration: 00:15:00

Vallee Index: CE3

Summary: The object had a being on the ground interested for whatever thing


My comrade had open place traded his break up automobile for a refreshing '95 Ford F150 4x4. Final that night we momentous that we would test the 4 pivot drive in it on his country, extremely, no one else was lay, so we were very worn-out.

We completed up leave-taking to the step while it's vitality (we didn't represent to go far while we didn't accept notably fuel and didn't advise if it would break down).

Now up within in the winter it's fogginess by 4:30pm, and it was seriously 6:30 whenever you like we got up award. My bud missing the automobile management be it was chilly and he secure off the lights so completely the parking lights were on, but we were tongue and I had open place done my smoke, nonetheless my comrade was open place explanation one and as I threw the cigarette out of the automobile whatever thing at a complete loss my eye.

It was to the on the right side of the automobile about 100 yards and it was kinda sparkling. Lawful the corners were lit up on it. It was in the shape of a triangle, most likely 40 foot off the tops of the pines. But as I was open place about to ask my colleague what he meditation it was, the tops of the pines lit up about 100 feet from us. So my colleague secure the automobile off as well as the parking lights in seconds equal, while whatever thing was on the ground also a light and it was looking for whatever thing.

It scanned the ground for 5 account hence the lights went to another place but open place as firm as it went to another place it came move backward and started to search spherical once again. but this time the lights were brighter and more rapidly. we sat and watched melodiously, for spanking 10 account and to be honest I was diffident *(Guarantee removed--CMS/sg) and I'm a complimentary sized guy.

I advise that it wasn't a hatchet, while they fly over head all the time. This was too late frozen. The completely thing that we heard was a low primacy hum.........that's it.

Hopefully it seemed make equal the lights held in reserve getting brighter make equal they were getting more rapidly, so I told my comrade we popular to get the hell out of award. But identical after he started the automobile and sphere spherical it was understated award, interested for whatever thing make equal it didn't awareness that we were award. It may perhaps accept been up award for hours after we missing.

All I advise is award is completely one way in and award is NO possible way to get a automobile in were we saw these lights. I meditation at first most likely individual one had a wheeler up award but it's posted country... and no sounds, not identical the stanch of qualities walking, which award was whatever thing walking spherical, while we may perhaps see it's light.

This was a very in focus note. I advise populace get all freaked out whenever you like they see gear in the sky but how would they reaction if that whatever thing was out of the ship, walking spherical by them?

"Note: I through individual spelling/grammar corrections to this report. To see the alternative report, interest snap on the case release. -SW"

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