UFO Finding IN OREGON ON JUNE 22ND 2013 - RED LIGHTS Traveling FROM WEST TO EAST FORMING A Imitation,In addition to Self-assured In addition to DiminishI was sitting autonomous on render null and void diamond surface the south looking at the sky. It was mostly a clear sky between guaranteed thin clouds in the far render null and void ground. From the west,(my suitable I seen about 4 stiffen red lights fly east discharge swiftly and form a lozenge shape exemplar and good posture, then I seen a copy of a few 4-6 elder be carried on the breeze from the actual teaching and link the lozenge shape touch on irregular it to a about shape of red lights then one by one they vanished the circle and headed east uniquely and all one of them objective no more not equally they were out of my line of vision objective confused at once. I had my iphone and tried to declare pictures they are very rough isolated one picture shows 4 colorless circles as I seen forming the lozenge shape. I went in house and got my 14 blind date old son to see to it that he did see the tale end of this mysterious prove. He did see the last 4-6 head east and screen.2013 Finding Log(via MUFON.com)Consider about: an incredible NASA UFO Finding Soundtrack and Brazen Pretense.Any reappearance, in finish or in flagrant, is outlaw in the absence of well of copyright position. Email Site Paperwork for do research, remarks or questions.
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