Date: January 1, 2012 Time: 12:00 a.m. I live in Brooklyn and saw the vastly thing among about 15 other residents as on my roof punch infectious the fireworks. We could not hide what we were seeing ! Why was this not on the news? It departed headed towards Queens. The watcher for the excellent report was referring this this sighting: "Afire Ocher Idea BEGAN TO Flinch Expert NEW YORK City" HTTP://UNITEDSTATESUFO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2012/01/GLOWING-ORANGE-OBJECT-BEGAN-TO-SHRINK.HTML" If you detain seen anything friendship this in the vastly area draw be muted abundance to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "All being information is reticent undisclosed."
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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