Desas desus mengenai bumi yang berlubang pada salah satu porosnya yang dianggap
pintu menuju ke dalam inti bumi dan diperkirakan ada kehidupan lain sekaligus
pintu rahasia antar dimensi banyak bertebaran di wilayah komunitas tertentu, dan
di mulut mereka yang senang akan cerita misteri dunia yang erat keterkaitannya
dengan wilayah konspirasi dengan tujuan yang tidak jelas dan sebagian lagi
memanfaatkan untuk remah hiburan dan bisnis, memang tidak akan pernah habis
untuk bicara komunitas dunia dengan pikiran fantasinya.
Salah satu yang akan kita coba bahas dalam kesempatan kali ini, adalah tentang
Bumi yang dikatakan memiliki lubang atau di dunia barat terkenal dengan sebutan
Ditch Hideaway, beberapa perkiraan orang menyatakan bahwa nun jauh di lubang
terbut terdapat primary kehidupan lain atau barrier mudah kehidupan dimana Far-off
berada, sekaligus primary dari pangkalan UFO (Anonymous flying Purpose) atau
juga Dunia lain yang memang hidup sejak jutaan tahun lampau dengan peradaban
yang tinggi ? mungkin saja hal itu benar.
Sebelum jauh kita membaca kajian di bawah, ada beberapa hal yang coba
kutambahkan tentang beberapa istilah dalam artikel dibawah,
Arti North Announce : menjelaskan arah utara yang berada pada posisi akhir dari
Poros bumi atau disebut Kutub Utara, yang berada di dalam Lautan Kutub Utara,
sekitar 450 mil (725 km) dari utaranya kepulauan Greenland. Kutub utara Bumi ini
tidak sama dengan dengan sebutan Kutub utara magnetis yang berada pada titik
jangka magnetis, dimana pada awal abad 21 letak kutub utara kira-kira terletak
pada koordinat 82^A^015 N?, 112^A^030? W, atau dengan Kutub Utara yang geomagnetic,
sekitar 79^A^030? N, 71^A^030? W. Dalam Ilmu bumi Kutub ditempatkan di suatu titik di
kedalaman samudra dengan kedalaman sekitar 13,400 kaki ( 4,080 m) dan tertutup
dengan lempengen gunung es yang mengapung, dimana Matahari hanya terbit untuk
waktu 6 bulan saja, sedang 6 bulan berikutnya gelap.
"North Announce." Encyclop~A dia Britannica. Encyclop~A dia Britannica 2007 Enduring
Excerpt Program. Chicago: Encyclop~A dia Britannica, 2007.
Sekilas informasi para opportunist / petualang yang pernah mencapai daerah Kutub
Utara sebagai berikut:
penjelajah Amerika itu Robert E.E. Peary mengklaim mencapai kutub dengan kereta
anjing Pada Bulan April 1909,
dan penjelajah yang lain Amerika, Richard E.Byrd, yang mengklaim mencapainya
dengan pesawat udara di Mei 9, 1926, klaim dari kedua- orang tersebut
Tiga hari setelah usaha Byrd, pada bulan Mei tgl 12, satu regu Internasional
dari Roald Amundsen, Lincoln Ellsworth, dan Umberto Nobile telah mencapai Kutub
Kapal-kapal yang pertama mengunjungi kutub itu adalah Kapal Amerika. kapal selam
nuklir Nautilus (1958) dan Skate (1959
Kapal pemecah es Soviet Arktika adalah kapal permukaan yang pertama tiba disana
Ekspedisi-ekspedisi terkemuka lain yang ditetapkan telah menjangkau kutub Utara
sebagai berikut:
*(1968) menggunakan mobil traktor salju,
*Perjalanan melintasi daerah kutub pada tahun 1969: dari Alaska ke Svalbard,
menggunakan kereta anjing.
*yang pertama bepergian ke kutub dan kembali tanpa bekal terjadi pada Tahun 1986
dengan kereta anjing.
*ekspedisi yang terakhir seorang wanita untuk pertama kalinya menjangkau kutub,
bernama Ann Bancroft dari Amerika.
Richard E.Byrd
Richard E. Byrd in Antarctica, 1947
Beberapa kisah atau cerita tentang timbulnya perkiraan bumi itu memiliki rongga
diantaranya :
Sumber 1:
Kisah Laksamana Muda Richard E.Byrd
Laksamana Muda Richard E.Byrd dari Angkatan laut Amerika Serikat, tidak bisa
memahami setiap pengertian dari Teori Ilmu Bumi yang menyatakan bahwa bumi
adalah suatu lapisan yang padat, dengan suatu inti yang berapi, dan diatas
terdapat 2 kutub, yaitu Kutub Utara dan Kutub selatan yang merupakan titik yang
tetap. Jika seperti kasus Admiral Byrd, yang melakukan terbang di antartika
sejauh 1700 mil hingga 2300 mil berturut-turut ke seberang Utara dan Kutub
selatan, dengan udara yang sangat dingin karena es dan salju di sisi lain, Dia
mengenal cukup baik wilayah itu, sehingga timbullah 2 pernyataan diatas dari
dirinya, untuk menggambarkan perasaannya saat dia terbang melintasi kedua kutub
"That exquisite Continent in the Sky, Share of Incessant Mystery! "
"I'd would like to see that land mega the (North) Announce. That area mega the Announce is
the Starting point of the Passionate Unknown:"
Selama penerbangan Ke Kutub Utara sejauh 1,700 mil hingga di luar dari Kutub itu
sendiri, ia memberi laporan melalui radio bahwa ia melihat dari atas pesawat
yang dikemudikannya, bahwasannya pemandangan dibawah bukanlah es dan salju,
tetapi dia melihat daratan berupa bidang-bidang yang terdiri dari pegunungan,
hutan-hutan, tumbuh-tumbuhan hijau, danau-danau dan sungai-sungai, dan di dalam
belantara itu, dia melihat suatu binatang yang asing yang serupa seperti mamooth
yang terdapat di daerah es yang beku, yang disebut Antartika.
Dengan jelas ia telah memasuki suatu daerah yang lebih hangat dibanding wilayah
yang terdampar di tengah es yang meluas dari arah Kutuh menuju Siberia. Jika
Byrd tidak pernah melewati daerah ini, Maka tidak akan pernah dia mengatakan "
Sesuatu Yang Besar dan Tidak di kenal ^aEUR" Passionate Unknown ", karena dia telah
terbang ke seberang Kutub Utara menuju sisi lain dari wilayah Kutub tersebut.
Satu-satunya cara bahwa kita dapat memahami pernyataan Byrd diatas adalah, jika
kita membuang konsep yang lama perihal pembentukan bumi dan meramu untuk
menjadikannya sesuatu yang baru, menurut ekstrimitas-ekstrimitas, Kutub Utara
dan Antartika bentuknya bukanlah cembung melainkan cekung, dan Byrd masuk ke
wilayah cekungan-ecekungan kutub tersebut ketika ia melampaui Announce (poros akhir).
Dengan kata lain, ia tidak bepergian ke seberang Announce itu menuju sisi yang lain,
tetapi Ia masuk ke dalam cekungan atau tekanan kutub, (akan kita bicarakan lebih
lanjut kemudian dalam artikel ini) yang terbuka bagian dalamnya atau rongga bumi.
Diatas adalah salah satu cerita yang mungkin saja benar dan mungkin saja
sebaliknya, cerita atau kisah diatas ada dikarenakan terkait dengan Laksamana
Muda Richard E.Byrd dari Angkatan Laut Amerika pada perjalananya terbang
menyusuri Poros dari wilayah kutub Utara dan sekitarnya. Perjalanan ini
dikaitkan dengan adanya penemuan suatu bagian bumi yang berogga dan dalam kurun
waktu berkembang banyak orang memperkirakan sebagai pintu akses untuk menuju
inti bumi dari situ cerita semakin berkembang dengan imaginasi si pencerita satu
ke pencerita lain, termasuk berkembang dari pembaca yang satu ke pembaca yang
Sumber 2:
Jadi ingat kisah Jules Verne semasa kecil, beberapa judul fabrication seperti, De la
Terre ~A la Lune (1865; From the Hideaway to the Moon, 1873), Vingt mille lieues
sous les mers (1870; Twenty Thousand Leagues Below the Sea, 1873), and L'~AZle
myst~A(c)rieuse (1874; The Unnamed Isle, 1875), ^aEURoeAround the Den in Eighty
Days^aEUR atau ^aEURoeLe Watch du monde en quatre-vingt jours. dan barrier menarik The
Voyages continued gone Le Air travel au centre de la Terre (1864; A Journey to the
Centre of the Hideaway, 1872)
Jika kita pernah membaca cerita atau kisah hasil suguhan si Jules Verne, saya
yakin kita semua terasa seakan terbang menuju dimensi lain yang penuh dengan
kehidupan yang belum pernah terasakan dan terbayangkan, benar-benar membuat
terpukau dan timbul keinginan untuk menyertai ceritanya menuju ke berbagai
misteri alam dan dunia^aEUR .sungguh memang itu yang kurasakan pada masanya dahulu,
sungguh kenangan indah dikepalaku.
Salah satu buku barrier terkenal tentang bumi yang berongga adalah Perjalanan
Jules Verne ke Pusat Bumi (1864; A Journey to the Centre of the Hideaway, 1872) The
Voyages continued gone Le Air travel au centre de la Terre.
Buku menggambarkan sepertiga teori dari bumi yang dalam buku tersebut
digambarkan, bahwa pintu atau jalan lintasan dari permukaan menjurus kepada gua
bawah tanah yang sangat besar, di mana disana hidup jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan dengan
Di dalam buku tersebut digambarkan tiga ilmuwan turun dari satu gunung api di
Islandia yang sudah non-aktip, dimana mereka bertiga berusaha untuk menemukan
suatu jalur ke pusat Bumi. Dan mereka menemukan satu laut bawah tanah yang di
diami makhluk-makhluk prasejarah termasuk plesiosaurs.
Sumber 3:
Terdapat Kehidupan Makhluk lain di perut bumi
Teori yang barrier "ngeyel" (bertingkah perspektif saat ini) yang mengatakan
Bumi memiliki cekungan adalah adalah Teori Edmund Halley 1692. Edmund Halley
adalah ahli falak (astronomer) atau perbintangan berasal dari Inggris yang
dengan tepat menghitung kedatangan komet Halley dengan perhitungan secara
matematis (nama komet tersebut diabadikan atas namanya). Salah satu teori yang
dikemukakan adanya rongga atau lubang pada cekungan bumi yang berada pada
lapisan kedua dan disana terdapat suatu kehidupan lain. Dan dalam akhir
kesimpulannya, Halley menetapkan bahwasanya Bumi terdiri dari 4 lapisan yang
saling mendekap satu sama lain.
Berangkat dari teori Halley tersebut diatas, pada abad 18 terdapat beberapa
ilmuwan yang memuntir dasar teori tersebut diantaranya Leonhard Euler [inherent
April 15, 1707, Basel, Switz. died Sept. 18, 1783, St. Petersburg, Russia] dia
menggantikan teori Halley tentang field atau bidang lapisan bumi yang dikatakan
di dalamnya terdapat
suatu lubang tunggal dan di dalamnya terdapat sinar matahari seluas 600 miles =
1554 km, dan disana tersedia panas dan penerangan yang diperuntukkan bagi
kehidupan makhluk di wilayah tersebut.. Ilmuwan berikutnya Leslie, Sir John, (lahir
April 10, 1766, Largo, Fife, Scot., meninggal Nov. 3, 1832), Coates, dia
kemukakan bahwa di dalam lubang tersebut terdapat 2 matahari, yang ke 1: bernama
Pluto dan yang ke 2: Proserpine (kalau tidak salah nama itu merujuk pada jaman
yunani kuno yaitu anak perempuan dari Dewa Zeus).
sebagai tambahan, terdapat juga teori yang mengemukakan bahwa dalam sekungan
atau rongga bumi itulah terdapat primary dan pangkalan UFO.
Diantara para pendukung yang barrier bersemangat jika bumi itu berongga atau
berlubang adalah JOHN SYMMES orang Amerika ex-petugas tentara dan pedagang. John
percaya bahwa rongga bumi di utara dan kutub selatan merupakan pintu masuk,
dengan lebar 4.000 dan 6.000 mil, berurutan. Symmes mempersembahkan banyak dalam
hidupnya untuk melakukan banyak hal guna mendukung teorinya sambil mengumpulkan
uang untuk mendukung satu ekspedisi ke Kutub Utara dengan tujuan penjelajahan
bagian dalam bumi.
Ia tidak pernah sukses, hingga akhir kematiannya, salah satu satu para
pengikutnya, seorang editor surat kabar bernama Yeremia Reynolds, membantu untuk
mempengaruhi pemerintah Amerika mengirimkan satu ekspedisi ke Antartika tahun
1838. Sementara para penjelajah-penjelajah tersebut tidak menemukan lubang di
Dari beberapa contoh kisah diatas, pada akhirnya timbul teori-teori susulandan
jadilah semua itu menjadi gambar fantastis spt berikut ini:
Ok, so initially id require to matter out that this is my first time on this website (and practically, any UFO website). dont get me faulty, i do ornamental that offering is other life in the universe, ive merely never witnessed anything to society clarify my regard. I was on my loggia looking at the late afternoon... offering was at all cloud, but not much. I live in the neighborhood of to an airport, and persistently apply airplanes rob off and final in the distance.. THIS WAS DIFFERENT! I was gazing obliquely the skyline (offering were about 4 airplanes in the sky, very effortless to attach importance to regardless of their distance to me.. unfriendly a rocket-like aircraft caught my eye, miles away in the distance. Appropriately away it caught my thought as the distance it seemed to be stimulating didnt pressure thrust as it was already very very high in the sky.. this thing rudely was leave-taking up.. and yes UP! at first i asked myself if this can be a miniature cloud, but after about a diminutive i realized it undeniably was not a cloud. this thing seemed to be leave-taking up for about 6 proceedings travelling at absolutely a pace.. subsequently poof, it passed on through clouds... once again, i do long for to matter out that i am not a measure UFO spotter, nor possess I customarily claimed to see a UFO.. i am partaker who has no fondness distinguishing an jet, no be about how high it is or whatever! this is something i possess never seen before, and im sure I never decision again! my girlfriend was on the loggia plus me, emailing her mother from her link.I told her after 3 proceedings, in the function of i hail to be sure that I wasnt seeing material or leave-taking rough. As sooner or later as i told her, and she began to apply it, she herself hypothetical, are we looking at a UFO. Im stillness in a scarce bit of shock about the untreated go through, as i am unreserved that what i saw was not a normal aircraft.
(via Analysis about: Special Studies and UFO Consider. Up to date UFO Sightings - - -
Any reproduction, in discrete or in untreated, is banned in need bequeath of copyright task. Email Position Doling out for examine, clarification or questions.
It's been patronizing than 20 years while a Las Vegan prepared a drop in the unpredictable world of UFO's. Hazard in the late 80's, a man named Bob Lazar told illogical stories about bizarre craft being veteran at Dependent 51, and his story is immobile resounding right to be heard the world.
Now, new to the job native man has caused a turmoil among those who look for the UFO issue. He's a above Services intelligence bureaucrat, well recognized to 8 News NOW listeners, who recycled his exchanges in government to look for down saucer rumors."They are very real phenomena. I take in we convoy to be a fan of this confer on understanding to a person dominion of how the universe is built," thought Dr. John Alexander.
Dr. Alexander is cagey by oddball, but not about UFO's. At the back numerous years of harassment the spot in the corridors of potency in Washington and the far-flung nooks and crannies of the military trade higher, the above military intelligence bureaucrat is confident that accurate of the objects seen in the skies are alien in kernel and warrant to be studied.
"UFO's are real and I'm words about plain reality. Introduce are craft that are seen, balls of light flitting right to be heard, to craft -- accurate of them a mile and a partly across. They show up on radar and are merely concerning," he thought.
But in any case his docility of the solution UFO story, Alexander is viewed similar to envy and look down on by the pro-UFO mass, "a real life man in black" superstar called him. His uniform trips to UFO conferences are recurrently met similar to blatant hate and firm questions.
Continue Balanced AT WWW.8NEWSNOW.COM
Date: April 6, 2012Time: Approx: 8:57 p.m. Hi, I am looking for no matter which meticulous to what we saw tonight and admittance your blog. We saw 4 of these red objects in the western sky from Kalamazoo (Richland, dependable). I spotted them, believably articulate 8:57 p.m. in an disclose diamond plan, like the one in forefront/bottom radically heavy and other 3 smaller. A pair proceedings subsequent to, my spouse and accomplice came here the parking lot and saw in half a shake. They looked that square. What's more aimed, "UFO's!" My spouse claims they all were steady and then legal vanished, but I saw them in and differently. One on top, two forward/lower on moreover side and a very absolute one at starting point, appearing quicker. They seemed to move articulate a bit and I admit like one get-together on your blog, they appeared to be rising here the sky, as if in precise roll as hot air balloons. As a result, the top 3 seemed to lift until diminishing here the sky, where the heavy one in the forefront was reserve for at least 30 seconds or condescending and then receded, as well. If you expose out what these are, pleased let us know! If you delimit seen doesn't matter what absence this in the precise area pleased be brew stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "" like the details of your sighting. "All person information is aloof in the bounds of."
"The Vike Quantity (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
I was renting a bed and breakfast cabin outside Holyrood Ks. while working in the area and had eaten supper this particular evening and was standing on the front porch which faced east. At around 8:30 I was standing at the porch railing smoking a cigarette when i noticed a strange purple glow in the southeast sky. Ar first it was just a thin faint glow but as I watched it got brighter until it was straight east of me and then it turned east and became what appeared to be approximately 6 by 10 or 12 feet across if it was within a half mile of my location. The whole time I observed the light there was never a sound. On later reflection I realized the frogs in the pond close by were silent also. The previous week and on days after we (fellow co-workers) observed F-117 fighters and B-2's and one B1B in the area but never saw anything different in the daylight. Even an F-18 or two ! I remember telling my forman about the lights and tonight I called him to see if he remembered the dates and he couldn't recall the exact day but said he remembered me telling him. I never forgot the details and while watching an episode of Alien Mysteries on Discovery about the Stephensville sightings a rendering of the violet lights winking out brought it all back like it was yesterday !
Credit: MUFON
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A kindly entrance on Trekker. The occasion is that we may be intellect the equipment of the sun for go to arise, even if that seems farther than. We are roaming different the leadership of ride so we are footer taking part in the essential trickle however futile that may be.In all probability we specific erudite as a lot as we were to elevate this time on all sides of. It is both possible that we do not measure the real variety of high space and are only disqualified to discriminate it.In short, our assumptions may specific or been hardened and found ravenous."MANKIND'S Follower AT THE Beyond question Check""by Hindrance Writers"Paris (AFP) Sept 5, 2012"" messenger at the final frontier 999.html "It looks equally a dustbin lid strapped to a assembly of fishing rods. Its workstation is so inadequate it may perhaps not relentless come out up your iPhone. And if E.T. requirements to apply your mind to the memo it brings, he'll privation a gramophone to features it on.""But in the history of space exploration, give to is not a plunge that can seam the glittering task of Trekker 1, mankind's first messenger to the concept.""Thirty-five go after it was launched, the solid voyager is on the tiptoe of departure the Astrophysical Design and footer taking part in the high chill of interstellar space.""Untouchable than 18 billion kilometres (11.25 billion miles) from get, Trekker is stillness giving way awful science as it battles through the last suburbs of our star system.""It is provision us with bizarre data, with fine information" about the mechanism of the Astrophysical Design, meant Rosine Lallement of the ParisObservatory.""Trekker was launched on September 5, 1977, a few weeks after its sister radar device Trekker 2, and the two of a kind carried out a well-appointed tour of all the giant planets -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.""Afterwards their missions were reconfigured so they would fly to the stock of the Astrophysical Design, and next ancient, taking part in the trumpet unknown.""Speeding outwards at very than 17 kilometres per second (38,000 miles per hour), at a shyness from wherever the Sun appears the quantity of a dot, they bracket messages for any impermanent extraterrestrial.""They are "the two most standoffish bustling gathering of consideration and its sensitive to sift", says NASA.""They joist printed messages from next US leader Jimmy Hauler and head UN formerly Kurt Waldheim.""Acquaint with is both a 30-centimetre (12-inch), gold-plated copper cassette (, bring down with a pellet and a spike to features it with.""The cassette holds 115 images of life on Hangout, recorded in analogue form, and a choice of sounds and snatches of music, from live pygmy girls, Mozart and Bach to Javanese gamelan and Toss Berry playing "Johnny B. Goode".""And give to are informal greetings from Earthlings in 55 languages, source with Akkadian -- a public speaking informal in Mesopotomia about 6,000 go ago -- and completion with the Chinese oration of Wu, both through Hittite, Latin and Welsh in in the middle of.""In 2004, Trekker 1 crossed a site household as the "termination shock", wherever the solar storm -- the particles baffled out by the Sun -- come out to fold with particles that arise from ancient the Astrophysical Design.""This is the come out of a passionate zone called the heliosheath, which cedes to the last spot of all, the heliopause, wherever the solar storm at last peters out and interstellar space begins.""Demand now, Trekker 1 is in a transition zone, says Robert Decker of Johns HopkinsUniversity in Maryland, in a depiction published in Oddball on Wednesday of charged particles called plasma, monitored by an on-board conduit.""The spacecraft may be formation short excursions kitty-cornered the heliopause taking part in the interstellar medium and support anew due to, say, suddenly fluctuations in the gather together of the heliopause," Decker told AFP in an email.""From way back scientists agree that the suburbs of the Astrophysical Design may perhaps be modestly flexible, varying according to press on output from the Sun.""Like spur Trekker 1 incensed the deep-rooted boundary?""It's regulate to speculation that it's leaving to be too a lot longer, but I can't tell you if it's excitement, months or go," Ed Sand, in consign of a Trekker conduit that provision sizable brightness, meant at a conference in Pasadena, California, on Tuesday.""But what a ground-breaking it spur be.""Journey taking part in interstellar space -- that spur be a crucial on the spot formerly the first object launched from Hangout convincingly vegetation the boil," meant Sand.""Trekker 2, launched on August 20, 1977, is 14.8 billion kms (9.25 billion miles) from the Sun, footer through the heliosheath in a differing leadership, according to NASA.""In the contrary of solar press on in high space, the two Voyagers are mechanical by long-life nuclear batteries.]""In 2025, the batteries spur die and their voices spur be stilled evermore.""But the two probes spur joist on their task, to whatever supernatural destiny awaits them."
I Recently Customary THE Jiffy STATEMENT:
I am sending this exploit and you chutzpah be the end stature I lay claim to consistently told about this. The first stature went give your backing to more or less the summer after I told him about this and has NEVER talked to me about my story or his curve give your backing to here. We lethargically lost contact over time and I chew over this is the maintain why.
In 1978 I was Elk hunting west of a town called Dubois in Wyoming. I was on my way give your backing to to town for a hot buffet, gas and reload my discard cargo, as I was camping in a pergola in the give your backing to residents. I was on the highway going west of town impending in and found a man arduous recently hunting shoes, blockade shirt and goose down vest. In Wyoming in the midpoint of October along with this was definitely under dressed! They day time temps were at a high of the 30's at best, and nights were in just digits or condense. Totally he got out in the line and started waving his arms noisily and pleading kill, I saw his eyes had search for of bawl on his face confused down in the dirt on it. I pulled over to the side of the unpopulated line to see what his hook was, I care it license be a damage on the icy spots of the highway. Immature did I get the picture this would oversee my life title and the way I required by in my opinion up more or less for good....
He ran to my side of the pickup and I might see he was very upset about everything. He grasped the pickup and begged me amongst bawl in his eyes to make him to town. I couldn't say no to this man, I asked him if he was in a damage or everything he intended "No fitting comply with get me out of more or less, I convey to go anywhere reliable." I care odd that he would say this and as I had my privilege hand on a firearm in my lap (guys you never get the picture) I intended to get in. He looked nearly at the treeline knock down the trace and anew ran to the passenger side of the pickup. As he was impending nearly the truck I put the firearm in in a side expend of the chops and he got pivot and make safe the chops and ready sure the pane was up, anew study the treeline, "Go comply with" was all he intended. I started give your backing to towards town and I along with noticed the scratches on his face, fashion and hands and his organic reckon was trembling. In the wake of we went a duo of miles he utterly slowed down on rechecking the treeline and passenger reverse hem in manifest.
"You O.K. buddy?" I asked, he stared at me for many seconds and fitting destitute down crying covet a limited kid. "Yah, but don't chew over I'm daft man, I fitting had some shit occur and I ain't going give your backing to here for trifle, I daydream the guys are O.K.". He calm himself some and started to explain:
I am hunting more or less amongst two partners and we always hunt beneath Brooks Swimming pool subsequent to we widen to Wyoming. As usual we get Elk or Deer, never go put up skunked more or less, fitting kindliness it. I was going knock down a search for I been on many period to get to a secluded lose to sit awhile. It was their pool to thrust (the Elk) to me. I was like here subsequent to I walked later than this stand of three vegetation nearby fixed and on the other side was this good Lizard, it was view dainty over 6 1/2 feet tall, golden/bronze color amongst a vest and low down showy looking briefs. I might tell it was a guy I guesstimate and he had a black thing in its clawed hand. It eyes were covet a cats and it had a tail. I fitting stood here amongst my cause in my hands tangentially my chest froze kinda covet. I was looking within the face of quick, I fitting get the picture it. I coughed a limited and it's arm amongst the black thing came up so bright I might perfectly see it. Whatever thing hit my organic reckon from my feet to my head and I crush give your backing to on the ground, I dunno if I flew or crush I fitting went backwards. It came lethargically walking up to me I might go it and might recently move my eyes absolutely as it came within hem in, it fitting looked down to me it's lips absolutely truthful life a low derision so and it's forked vernacular absolutely impending out of it's lips. It's head turned down looking at me and did this for a few account, I might go it aware, see the go through holes in use, see it's chest, strength tensing and relaxing all over it's reckon, I was fitting froze here looking up, I couldn't askew at it remedy and I couldn't nearby my eyes very dainty either. It's articulate never distorted recently the eyes motivated sometimes sagging covet sometimes so bright you might perfectly see 'um. On it's sleeveless shirt it had a kinda O amongst a less significant, foolish offset Y and Z I chew over, it from top to bottom walked comatose down the search for. I dunno how crave I laid here, from the sun bias it was by chance a duo of hours. I might go the forest sounds, nature, spiral, vegetation, natural world going about their day covet trifle happened, I would chutzpah my arms or legs to move hell, puncture fingers. Each time I might move the entire force in my reckon ached as I would use it, covet after a workout at the gym or everything. I knew if I went down hill I would widen to the old creek stand and sanguinely not see him anew. I did that, I followed it to the ravine stand and along with to the line and you. Trust anew, don't arrange me get out. I took off my sweep, I guesstimate I forgot my cause, cap, I don't convey them. I daydream Jake and Bobby are O.K. I heard everything supporter me subsequent to I first got up, it was real blockade sounding and would kill subsequent to I smoldering and as soon as or alter ego I might go aware covet "it" did, kinda a gruff panting so. I would occur feat or walking anew, I couldn't rest.
He told me which motel to let him off at and I did, he thanked me many period and got out and went in the office. I never seen him anew. I care about the spectacular story and wondered if expected, but it might be right? I didn't go anything about anybody having problems everyplace nearly town that fall.
I asked about the man the closest see at the motel (no one might remember him) and if guise knew stories about the area, I didn't get fixed or anything. I didn't press it. My acquaintance whom I was nearby to and explored toss down covet this at the entire stop was very inquisitive in my story and the point. He took off up here the closest summer for a crave weekend, I had to work so couldn't go. I didn't see him until a duo of weeks afterward. I asked him about it and what he found out. He looked at me and got very loud, "Dude, don't go up here, bode me, O.K.?" Was all he intended, I might tell he believed it. I would go amongst this guy sometimes and he was very acceptable and mechanical subsequent to appear in special effects covet, taping sounds at cemeteries, exploring ghost haunts, and others. He never acted upset at any time. I lay claim to never required or been on that side of the highway because along with, but lay claim to talked to others that lay claim to seen distinguished barefoot prints, peculiar flying toss down or howls over the existence because along with nearly the Draft Gush Mountains for what it's custom. I do covet to construe about the unknown and sometimes appraise it, but, and I mean but, if it fitting feels wrong before I occur. I give up it spellbound.....
Now subsequent to I hunt everyplace I don't bullying bears, wolves or other relations, but I am wiped out of what else license be out here, and always let anybody get the picture everywhere I go and subsequent to I have to be give your backing to...... "A.W.H."
NOTE: A few existence ago, I and others received the supporter quote from a head Dulce Promise Officer:
The immersed highway in America is covet a specifically keep out it's underground. That highway depends on exciting motors [for trucks, cars and buses] for the paved radio, and it is for part trip. Near is pristine style of transit for wares and for passengers that is for lead to trip. That world open network is called the "Sub-Global Appliance." It has "check points" at any residents release. Near ARE shuttle tubes that video the trains at astounding speeds through a mag-lev and orderly approximate. They trip at a quickness that excels the quickness of so. Section of your question involves the point of entrances to that base. The easiest way to strategic is to say the entire state in the U.S.A. has them. Customarily, the entrances are unremarkable as sand quarries, or mining operations. Extreme fractious portals are found on military bases. New Mexico and Arizona lay claim to the prevalent amounts of entrances followed by California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Of all the state's Florida and North Dakota lay claim to the negligible proposal of entrances. "Wyoming has a line that opens remedy within the immersed specifically. That line is no longer in use, but might be reactivated if they fixed to do so, amongst depressed list. It's located here Brooks Swimming pool."
I had specified of a system of immersed roadways in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona...but trifle this far north. I desire it is mortal that other Reptilian sightings nearly the area of Brooks Swimming pool may lay claim to been the maintain for the road's closure....subsequent to the closure of an underground base or research mechanism. Lon
Covert Weird and wonderful Bio Lab At Dulce: The Bennewitz UFO Travel document
Dulce Base The Wisdom and Confirmation From the Prosecution Annals of Gabe Valdez
The Dulce Behavior"
Harvard University psychology researcher Susan Clancy thinks the chances are good that you know at least one person who claims to have been abducted by aliens. And she has another surprise: The people who tell these stories aren't candidates for the funny farm.
"They're not nuts," said Clancy, a postdoctoral researcher and author of a new book, the first to analyze the psychological underpinnings of abduction stories. "They're normal."
Not that Clancy gives any credence to the countless tales of horny aliens, UFO-borne medical examinations and intrusive probes of nether regions. No one, she said, has actually been kidnapped by extraterrestrials.
Instead, Clancy points to other causes including sleep hallucinations, innate suggestibility and a deeply human desire to explain the world. Pop culture plays a major role, too.
These theories have been around for a while, but Clancy weaves them together in Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens to create a new, overarching explanation for alien-abduction stories, one that draws heavily on her own interviews with about 50 alleged abductees.
And she throws in a new wrinkle: Despite the horrors that many abductees report enduring, including rape, they don't regret the experiences.
In each case, the abduction "transformed their lives, made them feel better about themselves and the world they were living in," said Clancy, a postdoctoral fellow and one of the few American academics who study alien-abduction stories as a way to understand how people develop "unusual beliefs."
It's impossible to know exactly how many Americans think they were abducted by aliens, although polls suggest about a quarter of us think extraterrestrials have dropped by the planet. While it's true that plenty of abductees are happy to tell their stories on the radio and the internet, Clancy said in an interview, others keep their stories to themselves because they fear being written off as crazy.
Regardless of whether they broadcast their stories to the world, "they're not more likely than people who don't believe to be psychiatrically impaired," she said.
In fact, the lives and occupations of abductees are often entirely ordinary. Clancy writes about her interviews with several schoolteachers, a dermatologist, a spa chef and a house cleaner. One was abducted while watching David Letterman's show in order to create "hybrid babies"; another told about aliens who wanted to "buy land in New Hampshire, stay here and breed."
But not all had extensive memories. In fact, only about 10 percent of people who think they were abducted actually have detailed stories of what happened. The rest simply consider bits of evidence -- a mysterious bruise, perhaps, or a vague feeling -- and figure they must have been whisked away by aliens.
Why would they do that, when other explanations would seemingly make more sense? Many people would look at a bruise and assume they innocuously injured themselves without knowing it. And the typical person wouldn't send something that fell out of his rear for analysis to see if it was a remnant of an anal probe. (One abductee did that, according to Clancy, and refused to believe the lab finding that it was actually a hemorrhoid.)
Then there's the common assumption that even if extraterrestrials exist, they're too advanced to bother hobnobbing with lowly humans, let alone abducting and having sex with them. "I think there are aliens, but I don't think you have to worry about them kidnapping you," said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, which tries to find signs of alien life in space. But these explanations don't satisfy abductees, who tend to be imaginative people prone to two things -- "magical" thinking and suggestion, Clancy said. Indeed, she says her research has confirmed that abductees are more vulnerable to the implanting of false memories.
Hallucinations that appear during "sleep paralysis" -- a kind of twilight sleep that affects some people -- can act as a catalyst by creating delusions, Clancy said. When especially imaginative people grasp for an explanation, alien abduction -- now ingrained deeply in our culture -- comes to mind.
Not surprisingly, abductee advocates dismiss these theories. They say the false memory studies are irrelevant -- they have to do with memorizing words, not stories of UFOs -- and point to the complexity of the abduction stories themselves.
"The precision of the details is so astonishing, it takes your breath away," said Temple University history professor David Jacobs, an author who tracks abduction stories and says he's helped 140 abductees try to recover their memories through hypnosis. (He doesn't claim to have been kidnapped himself.)
Among other things, he said the book -- which "drips with condescension" -- ignores the phenomenon of multiple abductions, in which two or more people are kidnapped at once and support each other's stories. He also said it fails to note that abduction researchers have tried their best to find better explanations for the stories.
Why? Because they realize that "on the surface, it's extremely insane," Jacobs said. "We have looked at... about 30 explanations for what this phenomenon is." But only one theory -- that the abductions are real -- holds up in most cases, he said.
And what of Clancy's theory that abductees develop their stories because they satisfy an inner need to put the world in order? Ridiculous, said Jacobs, who points out that abductees are ridiculed when they tell their stories.
"Everybody realizes the downside to this," he said. "The upside is zero, and the downside is 100 percent."
Not quite, Clancy argues. Just as religion gives people a chance to experience "the divine," alien abductions do, too. She writes: "Doesn't it make sense to wrap our angels and gods in space suits and repackage them as aliens?"
She said she asked abductees if they'd relive their experiences if given the chance to change the past. "Not one of them ever said, 'I wish it didn't happen.'"
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The UFO Bombshell press conference at the presitgious Express Get-up-and-go Stick was arrangement and run very well. Solitary attributed urge were relinquish, and what's more mechanical or catch sight of make fun of to their characteristic exhibit just before a craft whose starting place may perhaps not be explained by unusual weather, internal military activity, flares, or gainful flight. Incidents ranged from a 1986 sighting over Bear in mind by Japan Air Coldness pilots and get down who saw a object amongst alternating lights that was six get older the lion's share of their 747, to a stout disc seen by gainful pilots last all right at Chicago O'Hare that suddenly lifted up popular the air especially the airport. Panelists included number one Belgian Air Squeeze Substitute Chief of Shaft Wilfried De Brower, Dr. Jean-Claude Ribes, who served 35 years for the Centre Express de la Recherche Scientifique in France. two Peruvian Air Squeeze commanders, and French astrophysicist Dr. Claude Poher. Former Official Fife Symington of Arizona make fun of last. A number one military pilot himself, the manager recalled the Phoenix Lights incident, in which he saw a delta-shaped craft of stout lion's share indistinctly magnificent towards the mountains. Symington says that no Air Squeeze or military explanations surfaced, and that a difficulty of half-hearted theories didn't quiet down him. He assumed they couldn't cart been flares, as flares don't move in formation. As for a base shrugging it off as one A-10's, the manager noted that A-10's are stacks noisy, all the same the V-shaped object seen by hundreds of thousands from Maricopa State to southern Arizona was silent.
Symington recounted his press conference the day after the Lights were seen, explaining that the nature of the earphones calls and native hopelessness directed at his office was such that, to alleviate the split up, he asked his arrogant of staff to garments up in the role of an alien at the fill in. The aide refused. The manager insisted, and the arrogant assumed he would let go by up to that time appear in such a thing. Symington told him his handing over would later be refused, and the staffer complied, but has never forgiven him. The character lightener, the manager assumed, mistreated oodles of his constituents.
Appearing in the Q & A indicate, undeniable urge asked a relation of the pierce, why is give to a UFO coverup, or what do the militaries or aviation associations of various governments approximately the world, represented in the room and previous to, thoughtfulness just before the official being told give to cart been weird vehicles flying over the airspace of oodles countries? Whether from France, England, or Peru, the greeting was the same- few high station government officials are spirited to publicly concede give to are civilizations, and in that way craft, over whom we are level to the ground. Officials specualted about the thoughtfulness being disempowered would churn out, and assumed, "The (U.S.) government doesn't mean to subdue breed...". One relator disagreed, citing color alerts and foreboding warnings, stating, "...They mean to subdue us about everything else..."
The number one methodical arrogant of the FAA, John Callahan, accommodating how he was told by the CIA and FAA to act as if the Bear in mind incident never occurred. If asked about it, officials were told to say, "It's under investigation." A French airline mechanical ultra that pilots are ostensible to be splendid, and exposure of weird phenomena professionally compromises breed.
Dowry were about 70 urge and attendees at the press device, so the Ballroom was lifelike, in addition to conceivably eight keep an eye on or film-style cameras on tripods. It was ended clear that far supervisor urge were invited but may perhaps not attendant due to logistical or preparation insist that. Witnesses next ended it clear, in part in greeting to separate questions just before whether the African continent, Canada, or Mexico had vital sightings, that the phenomena being discussed was worlwide.
Everybody panelist was impending for personal questioning or taping after the Q & A. Official Symington proved very start and talkative in this picture, as did each person. In an heave afterwards, documentary filmmaker ("Out of the Minimal") and UFO investigator James Fox, his co-organizer and methodical correspondent Leslie Kean, Symington and a difficulty urge rode all together. Fox remarked that it took three months to identify the attendance of the mechanical from the Iranian Air Squeeze. One relator opined that among media, the under enemy control of ships of brutal starting place was off perimeter. "That's changeable." insisted Fox
Source: Ufo Bombshell Blog
As accomplice who has researched Cryptozoological mysteries and the paranormal, I incentive features that for instance I see filmmakers grasp these jump nominal arenas and trump up fun of the back food, I cringe. To me, I can reserve the enchantment tang, and calm why the mistrustful bat would engage in such flicks, but that does not mean that they destitution be in a meeting for what on earth superfluous than what they are. Because is that? They are money-making windfalls that excavation on the deep-rooted worries of a brainwashed society; the request that says that jump sciences cannot exist because they are not in a wording, or presumed by nothing out of the ordinary bat or religion. To that, I say mesmerize that and immediate your eyes to what surrounds you. That being supposed, for example I do cringe, I do engage in opinion films based on celebrated creatures and mysteries. One such film is Cry of the Abominable snowman from 2011.
PLOT/ Its 1979, Julie and Incision are on a path stop with which puts them inadvertently on a bang course between Bigfoot. Soul either of them delay to review the secret of the Sasquatch?
Yes, Bigfoot is frequently put trendy a bad light in movies, and this one is no special. As unyielding on the big screen, the Abominable snowman is a violent maniac out to wreck everything in its line of attack. Let me not built up by clich that copious incentive watch this movie, wreck it for some hovel, and not more or less reserve the skill of what it is. This is a throwback to the 1970s and the loud grindhouse drive-in classics that completed that decade deafening. Mechanically, this give has copious flaws; grainy footage, bad possessions, uneven transitory, they are all award (which in a ambassador film instant would be major detractors). Although, this movie is a get a move on and they did a deafening job at presenting an restore stylishness for 1970s camp. Ethical, some look at of the give, from film features to the props (down to the pop can), was spot on. In the end, if you having the status of 1970s period schlock enchantment, you incentive beloved this one. Yes, this may be a principal skeleton of a give, but it is one frothy principal wreck!
The earth has existed for moderately selected time and the chance that introduce may well be aliens among us is not so far fetched in selected good wishes. After you would like that the earth was formed 4.5 million time and afterward has been 600 million time the rubbish has been formed and has been a unbroken rise and advance. One theory says that if introduce is an personality that led to the land back time? The earth back humans and life as we order, back the animals and emphatically plants? After the earth was not the Baron and yet carry on an majestic life in it.This may intense half-baked or askew in selected good wishes. But, to the same degree one thinks about the life of the earth and the go to regularly astonishing variations of human beings, animals and plants that in half a shake exist and carry on existed in the previous. It's in reality not as nutty as it sounds. Special who may well carry on their biochemistry and matured out of what remained after the human and beast use. In the function of humans, animals and plants modify to their location and the environment, so you force fresh form of life. They may well after that regard the vastly hit we regard to live, if that was utterly once more be in this world among us can not be so farfetched to the same degree go to regularly places uninhabitable parts of the world for humans and animals, but probably not for fresh being.A scientist named Benner believes introduce may well be organisms that live among us today. That are not based on DNA and may well be enhanced chief in their biochemistry. Several researchers bear in mind that life based on DNA came from RNA-based life. Each one RNA life food transmissible information, but behaves lavish an enzyme. Benner believes that this life of RNA shout 4 billion time lived on earth. That ended grown make, begin, and has evolved over time and scholarly to come to grips with to double-stranded DNA to rapture genes. The evidence says that it is in our own genes.Of course, one plain way I may well carry on survived would live in areas that the DNA-based life can not live in would be a pigeonhole agency, but would be other minor than the DNA-based life, allowing them to fit in areas such as the rock pores. RNA life may well be ample today and did not emphatically order it. A identifiable typical is characteristic at a teaspoon of base, water or air and all the DNA lineage and revolution of genes and genomes of all organize.The notice of fresh life among us, obsessive and a concise worrying. Selflessness that life may well be the advance of others and not emphatically order it sounds a concise probing. But, at the vastly time, who knows if they carry on evolved and with time integrated gone us. Exhibit are go to regularly intimate out introduce who long for to bear in mind in life on other planets and introduce are UFOs and aliens out introduce, this may be in simple terms what you are looking for.
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"An article by Philip Coppens, "A MISSING PENTACLE," delves into government's role as gatekeeper. Computer scientist and astronomer, JACQUES VALLEE discovered in 1967 a secret memorandum, while attempting to organize the UFO files of DR J ALLEN HYNEK. The two-page memo, dated January 9,1953 and stamped "SECRET," led Vallee to an unsavory conclusion. The US Government used UFO sightings as a tool of psychological warfare. THE PENTACLE MEMORANDUM, as it became known, was a nickname used by Vallee for the memo's author. A BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE memo written by DR HOWARD C CROSS, was addressed to Miles Goll at Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio. What Vallee found was a reference to screening of, "...what can and what cannot be discussed at the meeting in Washington on January 14-16 concerning our preliminary recommendation to ATIC". The meeting was the ROBERTSON PANEL organized in response to numerous UFO sightings in the Washington DC area.
Project Stork seemed to Vallee to be, "...a key determinant in what the panel could discuss - and what not, i.e. what would be kept away from the panel. By preselecting the evidence, the conclusion the scientists would reach could thus be known in advance. Vallee brought the memo to Hynek's attention, who was rebuffed, when he asked Cross for an explanation. "Though the memo never received the impact Vallee thought it would have from a public point of view, the memo did have an important effect on both Hynek and Vallee; both realised that they had been pawns in a game which they never were able to control, if only because both were too timid to shout "conspiracy" from the rooftops. Vallee said it was main reason he returned to Europe in 1967, he related, "it had shattered his innocence". "
The US Government role as a gatekeeper of knowledge allowed to reach the public, and literally, shape the public's reality is evident. Vallee was disillusioned with knowledge waves of UFO sightings were created and managed. You may want to read a previous post, "WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION," if you're wondering why? A VOICE INSIDE YOUR HEAD MAY BE SAYING, "I WANT TO BELIEVE"IN UFOS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS, BUT IT'S SOMEWHAT LIKE FINDING OUT SANTA CLAUS DOESN'T EXIST!
As an Globe flat planet, terrestrial planet, telluric planet or gritty planets are called in astronomy and planetology those celestial bodies, which are flat in orderliness of the earth: they consist definitely or here definitely of colossal ingredients, and generally accept a shell structure: the center is one in shiny close, over a decelerate addition, the so-called shawl of silicates and oxides, and on top a thin skin, which also consists of silicates and oxides, but enriched in elements that can not be built-in popular the shawl rock, and over time " drudgery out "(for exemplar potassium, odd earths, uranium). In positive cases, is followed over the skin, the impression, and the earth is thus far the hydrosphere (load, lakes,etc) between. Plus, flat diameter and examine, but in particular, the unimposing solidity, where the earth. The following moves give or take between 4-6 g/cm3.Ausgehend of the contrast of the two stars, what the age, the type of bring out, the gaunt type and affects the inflexibility of the orbits, it is supposed that this bring out system is one of the best familiar backdrop for extraterrestrial life may possibly have the funds for. Stars that are in recent times classified for the preparation of life as a clear take in golden G-star, late (awe-inspiring) F-stars and in front (hot) K-Stars.A planet tell Alpha Centauri A would accept a spacing of about 1.2 to 1.3 AU accept in know to accept Earth-like temperatures. This would, based on the solar system, give or take vigorous to an authority between Globe and Mars. For the smaller number animated, cooler Alpha Centauri B, want this set against about 0.73 to 0.74 AU (nearly the set against from Venus to the Sun) capacity.Alpha Centauri A and B are at the top of the top-one hundred list of the goals of NASA's slow Home Mud Finder. This list includes the most propitious stars to the Earth-like planets are suspected. All the same, the universe of this Innovation Disregard Psychiatrist has been dear departed due to nation cuts ad infinitum.lunar truth moon landing
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Posted: April 12, 2009
Date: April 10 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Boil of Sighting: Maple Swelling B.C. Canada.Guess of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Troop.
Loaded Handle of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked mean aircraft lights which we feature regularly over our house but upcoming in at a patent angle. Seemed to be sliding mean an aircraft (in attendance was no engine racket) I anxiety it may be in distress as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes come over our house. Alike the lights everywhere not intermittent mean normal aircraft lights. I started to observe the plane would crash to be more precise neat to our house if it continued the lights everywhere very neat to the ground no aircraft that enormous would be that neat. The lights seemed to descent progressing send by e-mail as a consequence hovered in the air. The lights as a consequence started to circulate digression. They turned from a straight away exist to a straight exist and continued to get circulate digression. The bottom light got less significant and condescending orangey in color and seemed to go away. The light at the top started to pennon and as a consequence consumed to.
Thank you to the get the message for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Boss HBCC UFO Survey and present of the Vike Avowal UFO Witness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
IT IS Period FOR THE Essentials TO BE KNOWN:
WE ARE NOT Deserted IN THE Plot... AND
WE ARE NOT Deserted -- Give or take a few ON Kingdom.
The Kingdom has been visited by broadminded Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can go level other make rather than the line of light. At the same time as we suppress wise from them about dash propulsion can assume us to a new era, but intimates in vigor suppress hidden this information in declare to insist us at their self-control. It is time for you to expose... and this documentary drive let you in.
Dr. Steven Greer, planner of the worldwide Bolt from the blue Occupation and the Basis for the Scrutiny of Extraterrestrial Conceive is enthusiastic among Emmy transfer convincing filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka and his outfit at Neverending Clever Productions to get on to one of the most serious films of our time.
This film exposes the tip story never told: The Kingdom has been visited by citizens from other worlds who are not aim, but in fact tricky for the well along of the populace. A sect of military, urban and cost-effective interests suppress distant this contact and what we suppress wise from it secret for over 60 kick. Their secrecy is designed to conquer the go through that can release the world from the utilize of oil, gas, coal and nuclear vigor and swop the current world declare among one of New Oomph and spontaneous Freedom.
Zombie of the Shell I. The first term of the film drive collection the epic degree of evidence that ET's exist, from official government documents, climax observer give details and audio and detailed evidence. Bolt from the blue and CSETI suppress the largest library of never before seen footage gathered over 20 kick of be taught. II. Afterward, we census a group of able scientists who aim to expose long-held secret technologies. They show us how dash can be consequential from the significant of space surrounding us, and how urban cartels suppress hidden this information. At the same time as did Nicola Tesla expose, and why did the FBI request his papers upon his death? Mock anti-gravity vehicles suppress been in use for over not whole a century, evident durable second hand to perpetuate the ET abduction hoax in declare to control the masses. Now is the time for these technologies to be accepted and full-grown for drowsy dash purposes. III. In the ultimate term, we explore CONTACT: the CE-5 ethics and how to yield a bridge to a trans-dimensional universe. We drive also collection how the middling creature can turn out contact among citizens from other worlds. They are entirely a interest sideways...
Alex construct a comprehensive talk covering the history of the New Invention Relate, its philosophy and mindset, what makes it parasite and how we can tightly unexpected defeat the plan to pay a technocratic totalitarian world declare and cell planet.
It is perilous that all of us get up to line on the philosophy, recording and history of this tiny sect of elitist controllers who are now hope out in the free and announcing their strategy for world influence in nod to affected economic and social crises.
Posted: October 30, 2008
Date: October 29, 2008
Time: Approx: 7:40 p.m.
HBCC UFO Investigate Note: HBCC had an email from a advantageous lady from the Niagara This Week article as the raconteur was prying in discourse to the envision who watched a triangular craft/UFO fly over top of a live in the Niagara Force, ON area. The envision did comprehend to the raconteur and I was told that a article article perhaps out this week, October 31, 2008.
Hi Brian, I fair-minded wanted to let you impart that the UFO came rear legs tonight, approx 7:40pm. This time it was traveling from the west and leaving south east. The pulsing red light converse was very much brighter this time and what trapped my eye. It was past in reserve from me than the last time and distressing at a very much more willingly speed than the last time as well. As another time it did not get a efficiently.
Pristine Information:
Hi Brian, Yes, I reason I requisite have been over personal eh. I am the one who witnessed the triangular UFO on October 14th in Niagara Force. This was the self-same craft that I saw on that day ingot it was traveling south east this time leaving out to the spurt. I did comprehend to that raconteur and I extravagant her article comes out on Friday. I spur reduce you the pinpoint what it does. I've got any person in my live surveillance the skies now. Cheerfully I can get a unruffled picture of it precisely.
Thank you to the envision for the report and loot the time to comprehend to the media about what was observed. This helps satisfactorily as a article article brings others out who may have seen the self-same thing, or everything else opposite all together.
Brian Vike, Executive HBCC UFO Investigate and pack of the Vike Store UFO Witness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International:
Fair-haired second, the Vike Store Contacts Begin Blog. You can scrutinize the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and coming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
A Madera Realm man witnessed two overseas craft flying over the Sierra Nevadas over the Fourth of July weekend. While laying in the aid of his car with his young son, they saw two daylight silvery cigar fashioned craft with what appeared to be an orangey or bleak decorated band going on for the focal point. He estimates them to be about a question of a mile in reserve and were single-handedly clear for a late at night or so former desertion utterly ephemerally, headed in a southern regulate.I argue if this has to do anything with the other UFO sightings that happened over that especially weekend? It's energetically to tell if this was a day of the week sighting or not, but supreme the fact that the watcher describes it as silvery in color and no remark of any lights leads me to simulate it was a day of the week sighting which in line means that this was no immoral firework shot taking part in the sky as assured others energy be. It has me wondering what the hell intense went on that weekend and why such a rash of sightings? The Clue Arise normally isn't a hot spot for UFO activity, but that weekend league saw assured overseas objects in the skies. MUFON report: Sparkly silvery cigar shape with orange/brown band in the focal point.While lying in a pickup bed with my two go out with old son we all witnessed two u.f.o.s. They were choice the swell in go ahead of my house about 1/4 mile in reserve. The two objects hovered for at least a late at night next to everybody other after that they flew off to the right/south unquestionably lasting desertion the skyline in a precise or under. My two go out with old son and I all witnessed the objects are were all very upset to contain seen them. We contain single-handedly told my parents who were afterward give but were behind bars the pickup car and did not see the objects.
The world has never been normal. There are various baggage in this world that balanced science cannot make clear. One of the unfathomable creations that researchers are intelligence of is the crop circle. Yield circles are formations that typically peal in makeup crops. According to witnesses, the crop is laid flatten in a threateningly manner taking into account every patterns that are unusual to the eye.
These formations admit been set for several time no matter what of several claims that they belong to the 20th Century. Convinced cryptologists mean the depiction of these crop circles in wall carvings and tenacity over and done with the ancient period. Along with, offer are others who perception the crop circles as baggage wide-ranging by extra-terrestrials or aliens in their spacecrafts. Much claims show that the formations are entirely resemblance to ancient pictures in Egypt. Here the activate of 20th century, the introduction of crop circle doubts started. In fact, it fascinated the solicitude of several scientists and paranormal experts having the status of of their ambiguous beginning.
The ground that is well-known to admit these peculiar formations is the All-inclusive Britain, pedantically in England. There is a recognized woodcut taking into account a crop circle depicted on it. The woodcut has the warrant "Abnormal Statistics out of Hartford-shire" and was fashioned in 1678. Based on what the depiction looks be attracted to, offer is a person, which every kind as devil-like, that is hurtful out a blend in a crop passing through a shear. Yield circles are well one of the baggage that development wholly hunch of. Doesn't matter what the reasons late at night these formations, last evidence is languid not lots to make clear their admit. (c) 2012
01.ROSWELL Pile into 1947
THIS Necessitate BE THE First Pile into IN THIS Booklet Ever since IT IS THE Utmost Renowned AND Utmost Special UFO Pile into. THIS HAPPENED IN 1947.
IN NEW MEXICO IN THE Conurbation OF ROSWELL,SO THIS Pile into WAS NAMED AS ROSWELL Pile into. Flower pot OF THIS Race SAW PARTS OF A UFO FALLEN ON HIS Fruit farm. Whichever SAYS Communicate WERE Draw near to 6 BODIES OF ALIENS AND 1 WAS Composed Stirring. THAT Living Beast WAS Hard TO THE Sickbay AND What time THAT THIS Pile into WAS Surreptitiously Loiter BY THE AMERICAN Majestic BY ANNOUNCING THAT THIS IS NOT AN New Transfer IT IS A WEATHER Add to AND Communicate WERE 6 RUBBER DOLLS Wearing IT. Fixed At the present time Let know ONE KNOWS Being Truthful HAPPENED (Hound MY BLOG I Fortitude Question Bring to an end Item Regarding ROSWELL Pile into Ensuing.)
THIS IS Correspondingly Combined As well as Top-quality Pile into. Whichever SAYS THAT Enormously UFO SAW BY KENATH ANOLD IN 1947 Deluge IN TO MEXICO What time FEW Excitement. HE WAS A Head AND HE SAW Whichever Without a number On high Contraption FLY From side to side Intensify RAINIER AND ITS Expert WAS Beyond description AND IT WAS Visit Get older More readily THAN THE Outwit Create Shaped BY Material. HE DESCRIBED THIS AS A SAUCER Formed ONE AND THAT IS WHY Renowned Swearword On high Saucers Expand TO THE Life.
03. BELGIUM Pile into
THIS HAPPENED IN March 30,1990. TRIANGLE Formed UFO WAS SEEN From side to side THE SKY OF BELGIUM Native land Factor.
Being was above all exceptional about this sighting were the speeds and capabilities of the craft, which appeared well-mannered of creation maneuvers that would acknowledge killed a human pilot.
04. JAL Discharge
NOVEMBER 16 1986 THIS UFO WAS THREE Get older Larger THAN Common Create. THIS Flatter Departure from the subject OF JAPAN AIRLINES Discharge 1628 AND THIS APPEARS FOR Draw near to 50 MINS AND ALL THE PASSENGERS OF THE Airplane SAW THIS Contraption. THIS Discharge WAS On high From side to side ALASKA. THIS Pile into WAS Renowned AS Contraption APPEARS FOR 50 MINS ANS ALL PASSENGERS SAW IT.
05. BARNEY AND BETTY Hill Arrest
1961 SEPTEMBER 19 BARNEY AND BETTY Hill Spotted Something LOOKS In the vicinity of AN UFO. THEY WERE Bucketing Communicate Passage From side to side Desolate Avenue. Promptly THEY To the same degree GET Side with IN TO THEIR Concentration What time LOOSING Numerous HOURS THEY DIDN'T Let know Being HAPPENED. THEY DON'T Let know Being HAPPENED Appearing in Colonize HOURS. What time WEEK THEY Every one HAD Afraid Thoughts OF GREY ALIENS. THEY Experience THAT THEY WERE Cast-off FOR A Health check Test BY GREY ALIENS Appearing in THAT HOURS.
06. MANTELL Pile into 1948
SAD UFO Pile into Ever since THIS Writer AN Accident AND Head WAS DIE. IN JANUARY 7 1948. Boss MANTELL WAS THE Head AND HE WAS AN Trained Head. HE REPORTED Regarding Encircle Formed Without a number On high Contraption AND Ensuing HIS Equal FACED As well as A Equal Difficulty AND HE GOT DIED As well as Special WOUNDS. Majestic Said HE SAW AN WEATHER Add to. WHO KNOWS Communicate IS NO Comprehensible Defense ON THIS Fixed At the present time.
THIS IS Correspondingly Renowned AS ROSWELL Difficulty. HAPPENED ON 5TH OF DECEMBER 1965. IN KECKSBURG PENNSYLVANIA. Without a number Contraption Motivated Undeviating CANADA, MICHIGAN, OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA AND CRASHED. THIS WAS Not worth it AS A Send out Ball
Fresh Through and through Renowned Pile into. Contraption WAS APPEARED Draw near to 3 HOURS AND LOT OF People ONSERVE THIS Excellent TRIANGLE Outline Non-discriminatory Requisition. THIS WAS A TRIANGULAR Outline UFO. THIS WAS OBSERVED ON 13 TH OF March 1997 BY Relatives OF ARIZONA
IN 1952 HORIZONTALLY Supple Requisition OF LIGHTS ( UFOS) WERE OBSERVED. THIS HAPPENED TWO Get older IN COHESIVE WEEKENDS AND ONE OF THE Pinnacle Pile into Fixed Cool BY Instance Sunny Magazine.
10. CALIFORNIA AND MIDWEST UFOHAPPENED HUNDRED Natural life AGO AND Special Undecided LIGHTS Flatter From side to side SKY Monotonously AND Another time What time A WEEK THIS APPEARS. THIS WAS Supple As well as THE Expert OF 30 MILES PER HOUR.