PERU UFO Flotilla Make a note LIMA - UFOs were filmed over the conurbation on May 21, 2007, and impossible on national television. Facts Tie up...It is the first time that whatever thing go bust to this is registered in our majestic. Zip support in Lima are stunned due to unexplained sightings in the sky. Staff chronicler Francisco Landauro (outlet) Dozens of "Limenos" were not here in excess of than stunned by what their eyes observed over our sky. Envisage #1 states, "In attendance are in excess of than 20 flying saucers, colleague, over there! Play against over there! (Pointing) This is dressed in honest now and each person is decent walking." Envisage #2, "No, I don't concede. I don't would like in the flying saucers but, it looks hunger it." Francisco Landauro states, " This unexplained and out of the blue magnificence, registered in Lima two kick ago, was captured by a feel of ATV Facts. For in excess of than 30 account, a mishmash of washed-out points were observed that were forming shapes in the sky." Peruvian Air Nation Leader Julio Chamorro, "This comes to be a very interesting topic, while, it continues to be an unusual aerial phenomenon because it is not exact and we do not retain a technical?appropriate, express explanation to say what it is.?" Staff chronicler Francisco Landauro states, "The manage of the Peruvian Air Nation, Julio Chamorro, was cautious in assuring [this as] voluntary extraterrestrials, but he did give video of this extremely phenomenon recorded in 1994 and 1995 over fused Mexican cities." Peruvian Air Nation Leader Julio Chamorro says, "It needs to be exact, it needs to be easy what this is about. It directly possibly will be, in the face of this has never happened, that this would jeopardize aerial operations in wide-ranging." Francisco Landauro states, "These sightings possibly will, in fact, be studied by an office [group] that deals also aerospace systems, as they do exist in countries hunger Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. Credit to, Peruvian TV and Rita Kanarek. See video beneath. Pet friends: I In sunday 20 of May of 2007, between the noon and the 2 p.m. happened an unusual happening in skies of Lima, Peru. Concerning 20 to 30 washed-out spheres they were visualized, from differents points from the city, in special from the center of Lima. It was recorded by an cram of cameramans of Cone-shaped tool 9, TV Rank of Lima, that decent transmitted in their night chronicler in thursday 24 of May.In spite of, in the sample of June, I took indulgence from a unique specially video. II An audio-visual commodities affair, awarded also international prizes, was that day entry a syrupy videoclip, to few blocks of the Management Palace in the downtown of Lima. In all honesty in a filmation, when its working digital camcorder was pointing al sky, it possibly will recorded the extremely phenomenon that or it was wedged by the cameras of Cone-shaped tool 9. In spite of, prestige to their amplified routine self (best quality moistness and rush lens of best quality enroll), as remote the Supervisor as the Police man Producer of this affair, possibly will be wary that in postscript to these unusual spheres, had noticeably to remote best quality hoard, "whatever thing but". III Anything recorded this camera, all over towards the 1 p.m., they were, according to opening estimations, between 2.000 to 3.000 washed-out spheres in the sky of Lima. Of to be for that reason, fantastic one of the best quality awesome sightings ufo, at world-wide tedious, according to antecedents availables. IV In the past It were analyzed the images by mainframe, accelerating the scenes or darkening them, we possibly will take in that these spheres motivated at intervals, or in group or myself, quickly they remained pig-headed succeeding to retort to move. For or two weeks we retain been origins the respective investigation of order, for which we are signal the opening opinions of teams of professionals of manifest Peruvians institutions pertaining to the aerospace freedom (CONIDA, SENAMHI, DIRMA-FAP), to folks who opulently we are kind. We retain gathered testimonies of witnesses, experienced of helium sphere introduction, obtained scenes in video of the spaces of sighting etc. V Talented data you want remenber: 1) the happening was want fidget (video of Cone-shaped tool 9: 30 account, video of audio-visual company: 8 account, verification of witnesses: surrounding two hours). 2) In attendance were three groups of objects: the first group of 20 to 30 washed-out spheres was all over to 4.000 meters (13.000 feet)of plane approx; the specially group between 2.000 to 3.000 washed-out spheres was to 8.000 meters ( 26.000 feet) of plane approx. and a on its own yellow district, to 4.000 meters of plane. VI Until the position, is subsequently all the voluntary hypotheses: rain of meteorites, sounding balloons, childish helium globes, space vestige suave etc. We want on the mania be clear: none of the raised hypotheses sound explains the phenomenon of the 20 of May. Our shepherd is, we concede unsettled, but we fail pertinent: we want stock, inner the weapon store of work of the system of statistical research, the concept of duplication of assured type of arbitration of nonhuman privileged intelligences. And from that epistemologic mix, to lay a new way search of the truth. The Supervision continues.See skies... watch skies watch skies... Dr. Anthony ChoySunday, May 20 2007 [UFOINFO prestige Anthony Choy for the article.] El Dr. Anthony Choy Investigador Ovni y fundador de la OIFAA de la Fuerza A'erea del Per'u, nos muestra los resultados preliminares de la investigaci'on sobre el schoolbook avistamiento masivo de OVNIS grabados en Lima Per'u, el pasado 20 de mayo de 2007 por un waterway de televisi'on (ATV). La siguiente investigaci'on muestra un segundo video in'edito que fue captado con una c'amara profesional en el Centro de Lima el 20 de mayo de 2007, donde se visualiza gracias a la calidad de la c'amara entre 2,000 a 3,000 objetos voladores no identificados, este video tambi'en incluye los testimonios de los testigos presentes...El segundo video de este avistamiento masivo fue captado en el centro de Lima a la 1:00 pm el 20 de mayo de 2007, el espect'aculo seg'un los testigos duro entre 2 a 2 horas y media. La investigaci'on preliminar descarta que este fen'omeno sea producto de aeronaves conocidas, como helic'opteros, aviones; alg'un vuelo 'o lanzamientos de sondas meteorol'ogicas 'o estratosfericas, globos de fiestas, lluvia de meteoritos, chatarra espacial... la investigaci'on a'un contin'ua... (ver video arriba).A continuaci'on videos similares tomados en otras ciudades:Navy DE OVNIS EN MEJICO MAYO 2007 Navy DE OVNIS EN ZURICH (SUIZA) MAYO 2007 Una vez m'as, como en el caso del avistamiento de Londres, una posible fleet en horario nocturno a trav'es de varias grabaciones de testigos diferentes, un poco m'as avanzada en la noche y con un detalle nuevo y diferente. La prensa suiza tambi'en di'o cuenta de este avistamiento.ENTREVISTA EN EL Pipe 6 DE TELEVISI'oN DE LIMA PER'u AL INVESTIGADOR UFO DR. ANTHONY CHOY.EN DONDE REVELA LA PRIMERA INVESTIGACI'oN OFICIAL OVNI REALIZADA EN EL PER'u POR LA FUERZA AEREA PERUANA.
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