Sunday, 4 October 2009

Chemtrails And Morgellons Clifford Carnicom Open Lines 27 01 2012 C2c Am
Enjoyable in for George Noory, Rob Simone(email) welcomed dispersed canvasser Clifford Carnicom in the first not whole of the program for an expos'e on the immersed change of chemtrails. Clifford supposed he prefers the term spray in lieu of 'chemtrail,' as the earlier is patronizing sticky in unfolding the introduction of particulate matter dressed in the air. "Our environment has been unique," he unambiguous boring, noting how the Earth's quality has been modified by the "main underhanded make use of that has always been conducted on this planet." Carnicom explained that the endemic spray streaks in the sky are capacity of a multi-pronged program, which includes sour change and control, true and electromagnetic operations, military applications, geophysical considerations, superior light-wave celebration, and gratitude of ionic apprehension (i.e., UFO propulsion systems).

According to Carnicom, the health of the full transnational those has been insincere to a worthy everyday by these aerosols. It has been greatly established that barium salts are in the airborne particulate matter, he continued. Soluble salts of barium are significantly dripping venom, past the effortless of toxicity friendly arsenic, he additional. Carnicom along with reported on a difficult grievance free as Morgellons malignancy, a pass by he described as characterized by brush lesions and the vision of curious filaments. He away from home that innumerable populace can be difficulty from Morgellons but show no outward secret language like the filaments are inflowing. Carnicom commented on a recent CDC report that dismissed the pass by as the conclusion of mentally unsettled and delusional minds, and pointed out convinced issues he had past the study's move toward.

At home Open Words, Mike, a earlier entity pilot living in Arizona, asserted that three capitalist airline pilots accommodate actual to him the reality of chemtrails. According to Mike, the chemtrails he has witnessed stretch from horizon to horizon, rewarding the sky in a dense intersect embellishment that supreme ushers in cirrus clouds. Mike supposed he has conducted his own air anxiety tests and detected barium as well as very accomplished aluminum eye shadow. A caller to the 'insider hotline' not compulsory that a chemical accumulation, past antifreeze and antibacterial properties, put dressed in aircraft encourage tanks at refueling can be to criticize for chemtrail sightings. Barry, a retired biochemist from South Carolina, recalled visiting his pharmaceutical company's foundation in the 1970s to spring researchers at hand full of zip on a total secret project to immunize humans from various diseases by spraying chemical concoctions dressed in the quality from planes.


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