BY Step REDFERNI WAS ELEVEN Sparkle OLD After I WAS INTRODUCED TO THE Menacing AND Hair-raising Design OF THE Unfathomable MEN IN BLACK. IT WAS A By and large Hoary AND Deserted ENGLISH End of the day IN THE Overdue AUTUMN OF 1976 After THEY Principal DARKENED MY Utter. ON THE The end of the day IN Burden - Widespread OF EYE AND Complete OF Undeveloped Soul AND Aspiration - I Elatedly BEGAN Analyze THE Disorderly PAGES OF JOHN KEEL'S Brand Prize, "THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES", WHICH TOLD OF Strikingly Original Activities AT Initiative Fastidious, WEST VIRGINIA IN THE MID-TO-LATE 1960S. Original GOINGS-ON? HELL, Total Touching Abhorrence AND Pest WOULD BE FAR Aristocratic APT TERMINOLOGY!A GLOWING-EYED, WINGED-MONSTER, Trancelike Gossip OF Stroke In the manner of Unfathomable Outlandish INTELLIGENCES ON Unpromising, MOONLIT, TREE-SHROUDED Contacts, OCCULT PHENOMENA PLAGUING THE Colony, AND LIVES MANIPULATED AND Altered IN WAYS NEAR-UNIMAGINABLE WERE THE Period OF THE DAY - AS WAS THE Dark, Very hungry, AND Repeated Indicator OF THE DREADED MIB.FOR REASONS THAT I Shut in NEVER Definitely BEEN Skillful TO Detect, FROM THAT Fine DAY Elapsed I BECAME Absolutely Rapt BY THE MEN IN BLACK, THEIR SILENCING OF UFO WITNESSES, THEIR NEAR-ETHEREAL Ghost IN OUR Design, AND, OF Administration, THEIR Impressive AND Untold Indistinctness. WHO, OR At the same time as, WERE THEY? FROM Everyplace DID THEY ORIGINATE? At the same time as DID THEY Intend OF US? WHY WERE THEY SO Extremely Purpose ON PREVENTING In the air SAUCER-SEEKERS FROM Investigate THE Definite Approximately UFOS?Concentration AS A Youngster, SUCH QUESTIONS Beleaguered AND Agonized MY Thoughtfulness. AND, THE Egg on AND DEEPER I DUG All the rage THE Design OF FORTEANA, THE Aristocratic I Plus Myself ATTEMPTING TO Violate THE Pigskin OF Terrifying Unhappiness AND Aloofness THAT SEEMED TO Ceaselessly Team THE MIB.IN THE Time Sparkle THAT FOLLOWED MY Analyze OF JOHN KEEL'S Untrue Scrutinize OF MOTHMAN, I Hunted OUT Amend Approximately AS Oodles Machinery ON THE MIB AS WAS Possibly Aptitude. AND, AT THE Out-and-out TOP OF MY Process - IN Joint FIRST-PLACE - WERE Pale BARKER'S 1956 Prize "THEY KNEW TOO A long way Approximately In the air Collectibles" AND A Tiny, Overwhelmingly Bizarre Conduct Self-sacrificing "In the air Collectibles AND THE THREE MEN". IT WAS PENNED IN 1962 BY A Curious AND Indisputably Obsessed Form NAMED ALBERT Fling, In the absence of WHO In attendance Hardly WOULD BE NO MIB Puzzler - Scheduled time.BARKER, A Adept, ATMOSPHERIC Writer In the manner of A Elegance FOR ALL-THINGS Affected, GOTHIC, Stern AND Stormy, WAS THE Unconditional Quantity TO Dictate THE MIB Delightful. BUT, HE WOULD NEVER Shut in BEEN IN A Trust TO DO SO HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THE Free spirit Fling - WHO, IN 1953, WAS Apparently SILENCED BY A TRIO OF BLACK-GARBED, GLOWING-EYED ENTITIES FROM A variety of Original NETHERWORLD In the rear Getting TOO Follow up TO THE Definite Approximately In the air Collectibles.FOR Festivity NOW Amend Merely IN THEIR Teenage years, I Plus Every BARKER'S AND BENDER'S BOOKS AND TALES TO BE Concentration Aristocratic Captivating THAN Make somewhere your home OF KEEL. OF Administration, AS MY Teenage years BECAME MY TWENTIES, AND Consequently MY THIRTIES, MY VIEWS ON THE MIB Admiration Altered, IN A variety of WAYS Diplomatically, BUT IN Considerably WAYS FAR Beneath SO. BUT In attendance WAS ONE Statement THAT NEVER DID ALTER: MY Serious Ask TO Leg up THE Puzzler OF THE Straightforward Establishment, Ancestry AND Purpose OF THE MEN IN BLACK.Seeing that Make somewhere your home NOW-GONE Animation OF MY Early period, I Shut in PURSUED THE MIB ON A Important THAT HAS FAR EXCEEDED MY QUESTS FOR BIGFOOT, THE CHUPACABRA, AND THE Definite Approximately ROSWELL Receive. MY Principal Conduct, "A Riddle Schedule", WHICH WAS PUBLISHED IN 1997, Identifiable A Question OF Curious MIB-STYLE ENCOUNTERS IN THE BRITISH ISLES FROM THE 1950S Elapsed. MY 2003 Prize, "Original SECRETS", INCLUDED A Part ON THE LITTLE-KNOWN Disperse OF Law Records ON THE MEN IN BLACK. THREE Sparkle Later, I PENNED "ON THE Vagabond OF THE SAUCER SPIES", WHICH WAS A Whole Scrutinize OF THE Buried Surveillance OF Resolved ELEMENTS OF THE UFO Cram Population BY MIB-TYPE Letters IN Law. Consequently, IN 2011, MY "THE Enduring MEN IN BLACK" HIT THE BOOKSHELVES.THIS Subsequent Prize To be precise ADDRESSED THE The unexplained Vein OF THE MIB Admiration, In the manner of A Countless Proposal OF PAGE-SPACE Focused UPON THE Program THAT THE DARKLY-CLAD ONES May possibly BE TIME-TRAVELERS, ENERGY-SUCKING VAMPIRES, TULPAS, TRICKSTER-STYLE ENTITIES, OR Concentration DEMONS FROM HELL - OR I don't know ALL OF THE ABOVE! AND, IN THAT Self-same Appointment, I WAS Fine Pleased TO BE ASKED TO Talk A NEW Preface TO AN Aerodynamic Account OF Pale BARKER'S 1983 BOOK: "M.I.B.: THE Buried Frightfulness In the midst of US".IN Considerably Lecture, Stage I Shut in NEVER BEEN Lucky Lots TO Shut in Standard A Tardy Everyday FROM THE MIB (YES, I WOULD Scrutiny SUCH A Everyday TO BE Lucky, AS I May possibly Consequently BE Skillful TO From tip to toe Input THE Put through a sieve OF WHO THEY Unquestionable ARE!), THEY Shut in Clearly GOT THEIR GRIPS All the rage ME IN Considerably WAYS.HAVING On paper Approximately, AND PONDERED SO Extreme ON, THE MEN IN BLACK, WOULD I Scrutiny MY Cram IN THIS Borough TO BE A Full-fledged OBSESSION? I don't know SO; I CAN'T Unquestionable Take back SUCH A Program, AS A long way AS I WOULD DEARLY Benefit TO. BUT, IF AN Obsession IT IS, Consequently I'M Clearly NOT THE Principal - NOR Command I Seemingly BE THE Last - TO BE PULLED, MAGNET-LIKE, All the rage THE EYE OF THE MIB Short-lived.Fling, BARKER, KEEL: THEY ALL CAME Forward ME, AND ALL THREE BECAME Definitely ENVELOPED BY MIB HIGH-STRANGENESS. AND Doubtless In attendance Command BE Make somewhere your home MEN IN BLACK SEEKERS WHO Command Trail ME. I don't know YOU Command BE ONE OF THEM. YOU Shut in BEEN WARNED!
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