There have been reports coming out of Michigan of a large triangle shaped craft that was spotted following an aircraft. The report was made from Mt. Clemens Michigan by a witness on March 7th. The report was filled with the Mutual UFO network also known as MUFON. The witness reported that the triangle craft had red lights at each of the triangles tips. Then the craft made a sudden bank right and stopped moving completely and that is when he noticed there was a second object in the sky. The witness then said the lights on the TRIANGLE UFO went from red to yellow. The object looked like two V's sitting over Mt. Clemens the witness reported. This event has been filed in the MUFON database but is yet to be investigated, here is the actual report filled via MUFON: MI, MARCH 7, 2010 - LARGE V FOLLOWING A AIRCRAFT WITH GLOWING RED ON THREE POINTS. MUFON CASE # 22213."On my way home from shopping,9:15 PM I was Driving North On M-97 (Grosebeck) Looked to the West Sky saw a Plane or Chopper (3000 ft) with Lights Blinking" "following It was a Very Large V(Triangle)(Longer then Wide) Red lights on three tips." "I pulled Over to get a better Look a crossed from Citgo at about Harrington Street.Wile I was Viewing It I tried to get a Pic then I tried for one more." "9:20 PM It banked Right. I then pulled In to a Parking Lot and could see It Stopped Moving and there was a 2nd One Up there as well." "Then the Red Lights went Out." "There were 3 yellow lights on the tips of each. It looked like 2 V's Over Mt.Clemens,Mi." from UFO reported
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