Thursday, 10 February 2011

Who Has The Key Of The Information By Germn S Vzquez
We are living a fabulous time in reference to communications and the access to information of any kind.

It is enough to sit down in front of a PC and with simple movements over a keyboard, we are able to reach an endless range of places that give us information about anything.

By the same token we are able to communicate via e-mail or through other ways with nearly any person or organization in the world. It is just enough to have certain knowledge about how a PC works and how to use that monster that is the Internet.

But we have to be very careful about the sites we choose to consult about any subject. In that big cyber-space there live together serious people and organizations with others who do not qualify to be considered that way and that we can consider as garbage.

We have to be careful, therefore, particularly with some issues like Ufos, for instance, because it is possible the predominance of the last ones.

But, do we have really access to everything that is known?

I have the sensation that there is certain information that is not given to the public until "someone" takes that decision.

Then, who is that "someone"?

In some cases it is possible that they are organizations or governments.

As a matter of fact, in Uruguay, the official organization that deals with the Ufo Phenomenon says that it has about 40 unexplainable cases, but they have not been available to the public, neither to people with specialization in the subject that have requested to know those cases.

If that is what is happening in Uruguay, I suppose that something similar could be happening in other places and about different issues.

But I think that there is something more.

And I am not talking about little things as the one previously referred to. I am talking about more trascendental and important things which if made available to the public could cause some disturbance or other unwanted effects.

It is possible that that kind of things could be known by certain people who finally would be those who take the decision about make them public or not, or to wait for the appropriate moment to do so.

Are they scientists? Authorities? I don't know. Maybe it is a kind of a very selective group of both of them.

Sometimes we are surprised by things that become public and that should have been known before.

I wonder, by instance, what happens with the supposed life on Mars? Is it currently existing or it existed in the past?

It is possible that there is already an answer to those questions but that it also has been determined that it is not the appropriate time yet to make it public. Some day we are going to know it.

We believe that we know a lot about many things, but the truth is that we know very little about some important things which -by the moment- are plunged in a kind of "mystery".

This idea that I present here could seem rather "fantastic" because it could suggest a kind of conspiracy.

If something we have learned from history is that there have been conspiracies in all ages.

Germ'an S. V'azquez


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