Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Paranormal Issues
I just received a rather remarkable phone call from Bob Oechsler, MUFON

investigator from Annapolis, MD, who also has his own nationally broadcast UFO

radio talk show. Bob asked me to upload the following information.

On Tuesday March 14, 1989 at 6:42 am the following message was received

by a UFO investigator in Baltimore

through WA3NAN (Goddard) amateur radio transission from the orbiter

Discovery. "Houston, this is Discovery. We still have the alien space craft,

uhh, under observance.
" The transmission was picked up on a Radio Shack

scanner tuned to 147.45 mhz.

According to Bob, he and his colleagues have found that the transmission

matches up with NASA tapes except that there is a "blank space" in the tape

where the above transmission occurred. (Possibly bleached out?) They are

currently doing voice print analyis in an effort to match the specific voice

with one of the astronauts. They will compare to voices of all of the

astronauts recorded during the Today Show interview. They should know "for

" in about a week.

Bob would very much appreciate it if anyone who may be able to

corroborate this transmission would call him at 301-798-1503. About 15

minutes prior to the transmission there was a broadcast about "a fire on

". There is speculation that this may have been a code to switch

frequencies or to stop feed to the public domain. He would this also like to

hear if anyone can corroborate anything about a "fire."

Origin: mayan-secrets.blogspot.com

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