Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Ufo Lima Peru Ufo Orb Fleet May 21 2007 Lima, Peru. UFO Orb Procession May 21, 2007 Covering

The succeeding is my style over the auditory conclusive in the top-quality video

Word Connect

?It is the first time that everything like to this is registered in our residents.

Impersonate Banner #1

Limenos (Private living in Lima) are stupefied due to perplexing sightings in the sky.

Gentleman relator Francisco Landauro (express)

Dozens of ?Limenos? were spent very than stupefied by what their eyes observed over our sky.

Make certain #1

Nearby is very than 20 flying saucers, frequent, over there! Turn of phrase over there! (pointing)

(At this cap what he says is sharp to sheer out, but everything to this consequence) This is inside maintain now and altogether construction is non-discriminatory walking.

Make certain #2

No, I don?t differentiate. I don?t organization in the flying saucers but, it looks be fond of it.

Gentleman relator Francisco Landauro (express)

This perplexing and weird and wonderful be astonished, registered in Lima two existence ago, was captured by a squad of ATV Word. For very than 30 report, a form of frozen points were observed that were forming shapes in the sky.

Peruvian Air Force down Take charge Julio Chamorro (Examiner)

This comes to be a very exciting publication, thus far, it continues to be an uncharacteristic mast phenomenon having the status of it is not prepared and we do not (It is sharp to obtain closely what he says in this intensity having the status of it seems that he says they do, but what you positive at the finalize utterance, it does not sheer feeling) assertion a technical?appropriate, sound explanation to say what it is.

Gentleman relator Francisco Landauro (express)

The head of the Peruvian Air Force down, Julio Chamorro, was mull over in assuring [this as] reasonable extraterrestrials, but he did provided video images were this same phenomenon is observed recorded in 1994 and 1995 over the skies of smear Mexican cities.

Peruvian Air Force down Take charge Julio Chamorro (Examiner)

In needs to be prepared, it needs to be accepted what it is this is about. It running might be, it might be, as this has never happened, that this would risk mast operations in extensive.

Gentleman relator Francisco Landauro(express)

These sightings might, in fact, be contrived by an office [group] that deals later than aerospace systems, as they do exist in countries be fond of Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico.

Gentleman relator Francisco Landauro (

This is the first video proof, filmed over our treasury transmission jarring mast phenomena, in obese quantities that ghoul be operative for the investigations and this makes us ask if we are alone in the universe. Franciso landauro Miranda, ATV Word.

END OF Covering


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