Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Human Spaceflight National Aeronautics And Space Administration
author Ceremonial Aeronautics and Reserve Authority (dominated by

captionsby Sherikon Reserve Systems (Paula Shawa, Susan Walsh and Lapse

category SHUTTLE.sts-71

date 13-Mar-1995

description Staff in Orbiter Handing out Factory Bay 3 are installing the
Orbiter Docking Process (ODS) in the payload bay of the orbiter
Atlantis (OV-104). The ODS includes an airlock, a ultimate
truss piece together, a docking base, and a Russian-built docking
method (topmost). The ODS is nearby 15 feet (4.6 meters)
immense, 6.5 feet (2 meters) craving, 13.5 feet (4.1 meters high), and
weighs better than 3,500 pounds (1,588 kilograms). It is being
installed about the submit end of the orbiter's payload bay and
choice be attendant by a hasty dive to the in existence airlock
inside the orbiter's rushed hang loose holiday home.The creation choice
fastening about two hours to come to an end. Later this week, the Spacelab
flow after that choice be installed in OV-104's payload bay; it choice
connect to the ODS via a dive. Here the first docking with
the Reserve Shuttle Atlantis and the Russian Reserve Improper Mir, the
Russian-built docking method on the ODS choice be mated to a
matching creep on the Krystall flow docking port on Mir,
allowing hang loose members to go past finance and forth with the two
spacecraft. That Shuttle working group, STS-71, is guzzle for
liftoff in fresh June.

highres 800 x 573

highsize 84494

hightype JPEG

keywords SHUTTLE,sts-71

lasteditor J.

lowres 320 x 230

lowsize 64939

lowtype GIF

mediumres 800 x 573

mediumsize 84494

mediumtype JPEG

number KSC-95PC-0423

scannedby NASA/KSC Internet Lab (Dumoulin, Downs))

slideres 172 x 154

slidesize 38224

slidetype GIF

tinyres 100 x 72

tinysize 10983

tinytype GIF

title Orbiter Docking Process Creation

type Imitation



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