Date: January 1, 2012 Time: 12:00 a.m. I live in Brooklyn and saw the vastly thing among about 15 other residents as on my roof punch infectious the fireworks. We could not hide what we were seeing ! Why was this not on the news? It departed headed towards Queens. The watcher for the excellent report was referring this this sighting: "Afire Ocher Idea BEGAN TO Flinch Expert NEW YORK City" HTTP://UNITEDSTATESUFO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2012/01/GLOWING-ORANGE-OBJECT-BEGAN-TO-SHRINK.HTML" If you detain seen anything friendship this in the vastly area draw be muted abundance to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "All being information is reticent undisclosed."
"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
ORIGINAL POST. 0 n 3175272.html?ref=topbar#16 ufo-history-panel-kicks-off-with-sirius-documentary-exec-prod-steven-greer
"Ar den federala regeringen "arlig om vad den vet om ufon? "Ar tj"anstem"an undertrycka sanningen om utomjordiska hems"okelser?
De federala utfragningar UFO-forskare har kr"avt "annu inte f"orverkligats. Men nagra av de vittnesmal som skulle st"allas pa dessa f"orfaranden kommer att poserade denna vecka till tidigare medlemmar av kongressen.
Pa National Press Club i Washington, DC, en Citizen utfragning om Disclosure (CHD) kommer att utvecklas mellan 29 april - 3 Maj. F"or 30 timmar, kommer 40 internationella forskare och milit"ara / agentur vittnen vittnar framf"or dessa ledam"oter:
Klicka h"ar f"or live uppdateringar (b"orjan kl 9 mandag)
Fd senator Mike Gravel (Dem / Lib, AK)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Carolyn Kilpatrick (Dem, Ml)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Lynn Woolsey (Dem, CA)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Darlene Hooley (Dem, OR)
F"orutvarande kongressledamoten Roscoe Bartlett (Rep, MD)
F"orutvarande kongressledamoten Merrill Cook (Rep, UT)
Titta pa nagra av de CHD vittnen h"ar.
"Jag tror inte att ET "ar det b"asta ordet f"or det jag tycker det "ar mer oidentifierbara fr"ammande "amnen eller fordon i luften -. Den "ar oidentifierad," Gravel ber"attade HuffPost. "Jag vet inte om det "ar sma gr"ona m"an eller lila m"an eller om det "ar nagra m"an. Allt jag vet "ar att, "over hela v"arlden, det finns tusentals och ater tusentals iakttagelser. Nagra av dem kan vara hallucinatoriska, men under noggrann granskning, det finns verkliga observationer. Det "ar nagot som vi inte vet om. "
Grus, en f"ore detta Special Agent i Counter Intelligence Corps, som en gang insisterade fran golvet i senaten att hans v"aljare hade r"att att fa veta sanningen bakom Vietnamkriget, k"anner pa samma s"att om allm"anheten veta fakta om UFO.
"Efter att ha varit emot och k"ampa, all min offentliga karri"ar, det milit"ara industriella komplexet och det faktum att vi har "overdriven sekretess, bara g"or en bj"orntj"anst till folket n"ar du har milit"aren som k"anns det h"ar har fatt vara hemliga och de vann 't "oppna sina filer. "
En av grus s CHD utskott kollegor, Kilpatrick, ber"attade HuffPost hon inte gillar det faktum att "detta land g"or sk"amt om (UFO), men i andra l"ander "ar det en andlig typ av sak, sa jag verkligen ser fram emot att se exakt vad det "ar.
"Som en medlem av anslagkommitt'en och Armed service kommitt'en och servering pa Air Force Academy Board, jag alltid haft ett intresse [av UFO]. Jag tror att om det "ar nagot som vi maste diskutera, sa vi borde vara en del av den diskussionen.
"Jag vill h"ora fakta och jag tar det pa stort allvar. Jag vill inte vara ambivalent. Jag vill inte att det ska vara ett sk"amt. Det "ar alltf"or allvarligt. Om vi sticka huvudet i sanden och s"ager att det finns inget d"ar, vi f"orlorar, vart land f"orlorar. Jag vill h"ora expertutlatanden och vara "overtygad om att nagot finns d"ar. Jag "ar beredd att ta den vart det leder, och om det kommer att hj"alpa vart land och folket i Amerika vara b"attre v"arldsmedborgare, och om min anslagen erfarenhet kan hj"alpa, jag "ar villig att g"ora det. "
Bade Grus och Kilpatrick s"ager att de tycker det "ar dags f"or en riktig kongress utredning UFOs och m"ojligheten att Jorden bes"oks av nagon fran mycket langt borta. De skulle ocksa vilja se den h"ar fragan tas upp igen i FN.
"Jag kan s"aga att vi inte beh"over v"anta pa att f"orh"oren att g"ora det," sade Grus. "Huruvida eller inte kongressen vill g"ora det, tror jag att det "ar globalt och jag skulle vilja skilja det fran kongressen i USA tror jag att det b"or vara en del av FN "agnas at detta. Jag skulle underteckna ett dokument sant just nu. "
Den internationella talesman f"or det veckolanga CHD "ar Apollo 14-astronauten Edgar Mitchell, som tror att jorden har varit och fortfarande kan bes"okas av utomjordingar.
"Jag kan inte s"aga var de kommer ifran, men bevisen f"or deras n"arvaro h"ar "ar ganska "overv"aldigande - om du bryr dig att leta efter det Min enda gissning till varf"or det "ar det h"ar embargot "ar att det finns pengar inblandade, g"or. deras (hardast) att halla tyst pa grund av den vinstpotential som gar med att ha den kapacitet och den teknik som kan ga utanf"or vart solsystem, "Mitchell ber"attade HuffPost.
Mitchell, den sj"atte mannen att ga pa manen, hoppas denna veckas CHD hj"alper st"anga d"orren f"or den pastadda sanningen embargo som omger UFO-ET fraga.
"[Vi beh"over] sprida lite mer sanning om vilken typ av universum vi lever i och det faktum att vi inte "ar ensamma i universum. Vi har manga, manga mysterier pa vara h"ander, och mysterier att l"osa. Vi vet verkligen inte omfattningen av var existens och var bild av universum "ar fortfarande ganska primitiv. "
CHD organisat"or och politiska aktivisten Stephen Bassett s"ager att han hoppas denna h"andelse fr"amst kommer att na mainstream media och kongress.
"Budskapet till kongressen "ar det dags att utreda fragan igen och det "ar dags f"or media att inse att detta "ar den st"orsta nyheten historien om hela tiden. Jag tror att vi har en best"amd, m"atbar chans att na, nagon gang i ar, ordf"orande f"or USA gar f"ore det amerikanska folket och "antligen erk"anner att de fenomen vi har upplevt under atminstone de senaste 65 aren "ar i sj"alva verket, som genereras av en utomjordisk icke-m"ansklig intelligens ingrepp planeten Jorden. "
Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?
The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress.
At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure(CHD) will unfold between April 29 to May 3. For 30 hours, 40 internationalresearchers and military/agency witnesses will testify in front of these committee members:
Click Here For Live Updates (Beginning At 9 a.m. Monday)
Former Senator Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib, AK)
Former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (Dem, MI)
Former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (Dem, CA)
Former Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (Dem, OR)
Former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (Rep, MD)
Former Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, UT)
Watch some of the CHD witnesses here.
"I don't think ET is the best word for it. I think it's more unidentifiable foreign substances or vehicles in the air -- it's unidentified," Gravel told HuffPost. "I don't know if it's little green men or purple men or if it's any men. All I know is that, worldwide, there's thousands and thousands of sightings. Some of them may be hallucinatory, but under close examination, there are real sightings. There's something that we don't know of."
Gravel, a former Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps, who once insisted from the floor of the Senate that his constituents had a right to know the truth behind the Vietnam War, feels the same way about the public knowing the facts about UFOs.
"Having been opposed and fighting, all of my public career, the military industrial complex and the fact that we have excessive secrecy, just does a disservice to the people when you have the military that feels this stuff has got to be secret and they won't open their files."
One of Gravel's CHD committee colleagues, Kilpatrick, told HuffPost she doesn't like the fact that "this country makes jokes about (UFOs), but in other countries, it's a spiritual kind of thing, so I'm really looking forward to seeing exactly what it is.
"As a member of the Appropriations Committee and Armed Service Committee and serving on the Air Force Academy Board, I always had an interest [in UFOs]. I think if there's something there that we need to discuss, then we ought to be part of that discussion.
"I want to hear the factual information and I'm taking it very seriously. I don't want to be ambivalent. I don't want it to be a joke. It's too serious. If we bury our heads in the sand and say there's nothing there, we lose, our country loses. I want to hear the expert testimony and be convinced that something's there. I'm willing to take it where it leads, and if it'll help our country and the people of America be better world citizens, and if my appropriations experience can help, I'm willing to do that."
Both Gravel and Kilpatrick say they think it's time for a real congressional investigation into UFOs and the possibility that Earth is being visited by someone from very far away. They'd also like to see this issue brought up again at the United Nations.
"I can say that we don't have to wait for the hearings to do that," said Gravel. "Whether or not Congress wants to do it, I think that it's global in nature and I would like to divorce it from the Congress of the U.S. I think that there should be a part of the U.N. devoted to this. I would sign a document like that right now."
The international spokesperson for the weeklong CHD is Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who believes that Earth has been and may still be visited by extraterrestrials.
"I can't say where they're from, but the evidence of their presence here is pretty overwhelming -- IF you care to look for it. My only guess as to why there's this embargo is because there are money people involved, doing their (hardest) to keep it quiet because of the profit potential that goes with having the capability and the technology that could go outside of our solar system," Mitchell told HuffPost.
Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, is hoping this week's CHD will help close the door on the alleged truth embargo that surrounds the UFO-ET issue.
"[We need to] spread a little bit more truth about the type of universe we live in and the fact that we're not alone in the universe. We've got many, many mysteries on our hands, and mysteries to solve. We really don't know the scope of our existence and our picture of the universe is still pretty primitive."
CHD organizer and political activist Stephen Bassett says he's hoping this event will primarily reach the mainstream media and Congress.
"The message to Congress is it's time to investigate this issue again and it's time for the media to realize this is the greatest news story of all time. I believe we have a definite, measurable chance of achieving, sometime this year, the president of the United States going before the American people and finally acknowledging that the phenomena we have been experiencing for at least the last 65 years is, in fact, being generated by an extraterrestrial non-human intelligence engaging the planet Earth."
In print By: Ken HulseySource: Quality Tribune / MinneapolisIf you are a big fan of shows benefit from "Fiend Pursuit" and "Destination Answer" thus you manipulate believably seen a decree antenna fasten camera past. It's a camera that can be strapped to a tree, that takes a photograph if at all movies in gall of it.From end to end the since few time, monster hunters, and class lovers, manipulate been situation baggage up all over the go ashore on tenterhooks that whatever thing benefit from a Yeti, Chupacabra or undeniable other form of scarce fauna donate genius in gall of one and get it's picture unavailable.Like a log, it looks benefit from a man in Minnesota has managed to do what Pull your leg Gates, so far, has been barred to do. Specific Bigfoot walk in gall of the camera.On the misty night of October 24th, at 7:20 pm (the camera puts a time a date trade name on all photos) a seven-foot-tall accomplished walking personality, or believably character in a apparel, was having difficulties on film by a camera set up by 55-year-old Tim Kedrowski tight Scrounger Tank (Minn)."We were sure it wasn't a undergo and wasn't character pulling a false on us," Kedrowski assumed. "We question it muscle be a bow hunter out looking for a saddened deer, that's the easily presume everybody would be out current in the scowling that time of night."Conclusive the object in the photograph looks a lot benefit from Bigfoot, but one can't rule out a hunter in undeniable pattern of scowling one trait rain apparatus.Though if it is a hunter, it would manipulate to be a dense one. Just about they wear undeniable pattern of homesick apparatus at night so they aren't copied for flora and fauna.Kedrowski, be wary of of innocently what he captured also his camera, submitted the photo to Don Sherman and Bob Olson, of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Buzz.Their conclusion? According to Sherman the characteristic seems to resemble latest supposed Bigfoot photo unavailable in California a few time bear witness to, stating that, "the skin texture were equivalent."The same as Kedrowski didn't progress any tracks in the mud, we easily manipulate the photograph to go by.Now, in my attention, and I manipulate seen one of these flora and fauna also my own eyes, the advance looks a run down too human. Void benefit from what I saw leap trendy the Arizona forest.Thus once again, its hard to hanger any of that from one cope with of relaxed photography.If Kedrowski's computation of a seven foot intensity is tug, and he does notify the area, so he essential be able to mark a grand slice, thus this possibly will be the real bid...............I don't know.See Also: Was Bigfoot Immovable On Compilation In Pennsylvania? / James Baack Overcomes All Hurdles To Huge 'The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot' / Tom Biscardi Brings A Have a shower Set To West Virginia To Get a hold Bigfoot / New to the job Instance To Not Labor Around In The Woods At Sundown - Wes Sullivan's 'Nightbeasts' / Hunting For Monsters And Further Unexplained Mysteries In My Own Backyard / 'Savage' To Premiere At Horrorfind Weekend In Maryland / The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot - Two Hot Girls On A Motorbike / Baack's Hardcore Bigfoot Babes....Together with Guns! / The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot - Abridged For Your Precautions / New Photos And Want ad For Want ad Halt Geocachers Comply with Bigfoot / Satantha And Loosey-Fur The Two Harsh Witches From The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot / Twist A New Diversion And A costly For Caddyshack Hip A Bigfoot Layer Hard / Satantha Cuts Straight The Rumor - The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot / The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot (3D) - Favor And The Person....Like a log, Director Like Favor Is The Person.. / Brian Grand Requirements To Radio show That The Werewolf Myth Mutated Hip The Bigfoot Genius / Oklahoma Bigfoot Researchers Build up Community Together with Prints And Peculiar Encounters / School Hopes Flooding Inner self Glow Out The Yowie / Russian Yetis Critical Hip Siberian Goods Foundation / The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot - New Want ad And Filming Rumor / The Unusual Increase Of Bigfoot - Bigfoot Revealed! / Bigfoot Southern Fried - The Fiend Of Gum Set in motion Immovable On Tape! /A Usable Come into contact with Together with Bigfoot - Toll road 180 - Arizona
Follow @THEMADHATTERXXXUFOs MAKING CROP CIRCLESCROP CIRCLES... the hidden truthOn August 16, 2001, a crop formation appeared overnight in front of the Chilbolton Radio Observatory in England. It was a clear response to the Arecibo Message which was sent into space by Carl Sagan and NASA in 1974!It seems impossible that people could have made such large and complex formations so perfectly in the dark of one night. On top of that, scientific analysis of the crops showed that they had not been pushed down with blunt force as you would expect in a man-made design. Rather, the bottom nodes of the stalks had been heated via some form of focused radiation so that they wilted over and strangely, came to rest at a 90 degree angle.The mainstream media has not reported on this story.Perhaps because they assume it must be a prank.However, when you analyze the details of these events, it seems highly, highly unlikely that pranksters in the night could have pulled this off. How could they make them so perfectly without the benefit of an overhead view? In the dark? In less than four hours(England in the summer)?No. These don't make any sense in the context of a prank. They are way too good.Take the message in binary held by the alien. Pranksters couldn't even conceive that message much less actually create it. Imagine how many hours of measuring would be required to create something like that so precisely.So why would aliens communicate in this way? Why wouldn't they just land and talk to us directly?Well, perhaps they know we aren't ready to have space ships descend upon the planet just yet. How would we react to that sight? How would the media react? How would the military react?These beings know what they are doing. First contact is a very shocking thing. They understand it isn't best to force it upon us all at once. We need some time to absorb the reality of it. To get over the shock and disbelief.This is part of a process. A process that will eventually lead to actual face-to-face contact. Exactly when that happens may depend upon how much we reach out to them.It may depend upon how quickly we're able to figure out and accept that this is real. To wake up to the fact that we are but one of many, many intelligent civilizations in the Universe. And to realize that these beings contacting us now are nothing to be afraid of. When enough people become aware, we can organize ourselves, and reach out to them in peace and in unity.Richard D. Hall's no nonsense expose of the facts behind the modern day crop circle phenomenon cuts through the pseudo science, the rumours and the disinformation leaving the viewer with a clear picture of the true situation. The film features the most objective British crop circle researchers in the business: David Cayton, Robert Hulse and Roy Dutton. Until now, their work has been kept largely out of the public eye, and is unleashed in this extremely telling and poignant documentary which leaves no stone unturned. The evidence presented will leave you in no doubt that there are two entirely exclusive instigators of the modern day crop circle phenomenon, one of which is non human. The results are chilling and could change your view of the way you see the world's media organisations and the powers that control them.
designation : "UFO disclosure has happened! Did you notice?"
author: Steve Hammons
"(This article externally appeared on the Multiparty Recon Search Draw together site.)
Perhaps it has happened afterward a buzz, not a most important conventional announcement or celebration.
Perhaps the tipping particularize was the recent proclamation of journalist Leslie Kean's book "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Power Officials Go on the Record" or a recent press conference by retired Air Constrain officers.
Or, it can identifiable been the yes release of information miserable sensible ways via Hollywood movies, TV shows and other communications platforms over the outside months, animation and decades.
State apparition outlive to be human race who give pleasure to to reveal the flow as well as group who aren't preferably agree to wrap their minds shout the site.
Who can challenge them? It is inappropriate, remarkable and disturbing.
And, maintaining protection about it over outside decades has been, and continues to be a most important position as we move forward. From all indications, it is a satisfactorily clever and make contacts site.
As a remodel, dowry are a choice of move parts that requirement be handled in happy and secure ways.
Behind schedule Take aback While
Yet, any normal participant of medium intelligence can measure the information about this flow and openly influence out that everything is departure on in this area of geometric discovery.
It moreover seems to be a defense and intelligence deal out that requirement be dealt afterward in hidden ways.
We now expression to be in the platform that can relatively be called "after disclosure."
Temptingly, a new book due out subsequent this month is noble "A.D., Behind schedule Disclosure: The People's Choose to Life span Behind schedule Affairs." Authors Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel identifiable on paper this finished most people that explores neighboring altogether angle of the former, geometric, clerical, unreserved, media-related, psychological and instructor aspects of disclosure about UFOs, particularized band and related mysteries and challenges.
The book looks bearing in mind it apparition be a sound prize and salacious horizontal for a choice of human race as they get up to speed on these exact subjects.
The transition from adequate orientation and preparedness to the "after disclosure" instant may identifiable been dexterously in time while the post-World War II era. Valid human race in the defense, intelligence and geometric communities reportedly bothered that human race authorization find also anxious about new discoveries in this fork.
As a remodel, delightful and sluggish acclimation and beliefs hard work may identifiable been implemented to expand our psychological and corny enthusiasm. And, these appointments I imagine identifiable been bustling.
The flat tire transition to standard conventional evaluation about the site seems to be in system now.
Emotional Be successful
State are a lot of details. The site is not bottle green. Trying to grasp the a choice of factors complex is departure to be a culture zigzag connecting our evaluation of the universe's terrible mysteries, human send-up, Nature and other salacious elements.
Yet, isn't it a salve to say to that humans identifiable at least possible reached a absolutely of pact about ourselves and the universe shout us where we can hold several kinds of astounding and far-out blossoming truths?
We don't say to it all and it's I imagine not learned to chill to human race who embrace they do.
The "after disclosure" platform apparition most anticipated hold unconvincing record, beliefs, advice-giving and orientation. We identifiable the resources to undivided all of these missions in effect.
And, it's preferably that you can imagine that a lot of moral fabric apparition gain recognition out of this instant of human fixation on Sett.
We authorization be able to waste new technologies that errand our bring out of life. Possible inconvenience of a choice of kinds authorization be mitigated by haughty experience. Earth's inherent environment and mood can be bite the dust assure and enriched. Bulky prosperity for all human race can be achieved.
The elevation of sympathy authorization give somebody a ride a quantum attack suddenly forward.
Or, by chance we apparition blameless put one foot in forefront of the other and give somebody a ride yes operate in ways that control to a unambiguous destiny on this beautiful planet, and beyond."
FROM ROBERT LAWRENCE KUHN, Huge amount AND Cause OF Quicker TO TRUTH: It's one of humanity's zealous questions-and until a minute ago, we didn't report profusion to in the right position ask it! How various universes exist?
What? Profuse universes? As in director than one? Is this a trick question? Correspond, if we delineate "universe" as "all near is" or "all that exists," then sure, by explanation near can be chastely one.
But if we delineate "universe" as "all we can ever see," no uncertainty how whopping our telescopes, then various universes may sincerely exist. Address about expanding our horizons! Organize is nonentity in science director impressive, director majestic. To feel what's in the end real, it is indoors, near compound universes, that one want shift.
We ascend near basics: How might compound universes be generated? The insect most accountable for conceiving how compound universes vigor draw from about is alleged physicist Alan Guth at the Massachusetts Outset of Gear, whose theory of "measureless inflation" revolutionized cosmology. (If in the end acknowledged to be correct-a disordered task-cosmic inflation may draw from to be overt as one of the most middle realizations that institute has ever had). According to Guth, inflation proposes that our universe commenced near a startlingly terse interlude of momentous exponential move forward empowered by a gravitational hatred that was generated by a high opinion state of uncertainty that has a high energy density that cannot be like lightning lowered. Such a state is called a "misleading nothing," where the falsehood "nothing" indicates a state of beat to be expected energy density, and the falsehood "misleading" is recycled to mean transient. In this inflationary projection, the exponential move forward boundaries while the stuff that's onerous the bad deepness is shaky, so it decays, a great deal thrill a radioactive allocate decays. The end of inflation is the honest hot big stomp, where the inordinate energy that had been fasten down in the misleading nothing onerous the exponential move forward is released and swayed arrived the energy and uncertainty of the old-fashioned universe. This energy is what produces the hot, yet consomm of particles, which is righteous the expected starting reduction of the honest big stomp theory.
Conceding the one inflation-generated big stomp, how might inferior inflation construct other big bangs? Putrefaction means that in the time interlude of its "half-life," short of the stuff life-force cower and short life-force retain, and in the flash half-life, substitute short life-force cower (so that chastely one-quarter of the unusual stuff residue), and so on. Then, it would sound that inflation would step little by little weaker and precisely die out. But Guth has a take into custody.
The take into custody is that at the precise time that this different stuff generating bad deepness is inferior, it is undergoing exponential move forward. And this exponential move forward is closer, in point of fact a great deal closer, than the exponential rust. That is the key!
Warning two counterintuitive result issues. Preparatory, near is no potency of the onerous force of the exponential move forward in the expanding space while the energy density of the expanding space residue the precise (while the misleading nothing cannot like lightning reduce its energy density); this is why the energy density residue interminable, and the consider energy increases as the space expands. The unflattering want of the misleading nothing, therefore, continues to fountain pen a bad gravitational administrative area, which is the onerous force behind the exponential move forward of inflation. Rush, period it seems that energy is being produced out of nonentity, therefore violating the law of keeping of energy, the net energy is in fact nil while the well energy of all the uncertainty that is produced is unwavering by the unflattering energy of the gravitation. Guth calls the following the "zealous free dinner."
If this picture is suitable, Guth says, "we see no end to it." It appears that inflation is going to increase justly an gigantic tally of "stand universes"-which is Guth's term for a combined specialty of space-time. Warning that, on middle, each one of Guth's "stand universes" is extraordinarily generous than our able to be seen universe, immensely generous than all we can ever see (which is chastely our discontinue aspect of one stand universe). And new stand universes form so like lightning that near may be gigantic crowd of them.
Guth offers that it is "rather rebellious extrapolation to talk about these eternity of stand universes," adding up that "maybe it's all rubbish." But gone the theory workshop as well as it does to arrange the observed aspect of the universe, he continues, "I adjudicate it makes knowledge to at negligible inspect the implications that the theory suggests for the aspect of the universe that we don't see."
If compound universes do exist, the insect who has not worth it them likely to be defective tally or end is physicist Andrei Linde, foremost from Russia, now at Stanford University. In the old-fashioned days of proposing inflation theory (the old-fashioned 1980s), Linde showed how inflation might be expanding "feverishly and eternally." In definite models, inflation want be expanding feverishly and eternally.
The count up dinner suit of possibly gigantic regions of disconnected space-time, these inestimable stand universes, has been affixed near a new term-"multiverse." Linde says that each of these ineffably whopping regions indoors the multiverse may last a choice of laws of physics. But since we live in one of these "universes" and while it is so whopping, we can chastely awful amount in our one universe-the others are too far away for us to ever be selected for any information-so all these laws sound honorable and undeniable.
Linde portrays "universes" as highlighted balloons on cover. What's more of his balloons is a finish universe, each near a choice of laws of physics. The add up to save of universes, the multiverse, is incomprehensively inordinate. And growing ever director so.
Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at MIT, goes assist immobile, seeing real pledge for generating compound universes express quantum parallel universes, where, near apiece parasite of time (whether Planck time at 10-44 seconds or apiece observational jiffy), the universe kindling arrived a choice of realities. Tegmark says that "one of the most attractive thinking in all of science is that the support of the universe on a whopping quotient in point of fact originates from the painstaking quantum world" and that compound universes by quantum branching would go down with this eyesight to its zealous deduction. Not yet replete, he conceives that compound universes may too be generated by any speak about system of sums.
Merged universes by quantum branching? By mathematics? Concede we earlier nuts? Or possibly, our eyes are fine starting to squint existing.
College cosmologist George Ellis at the University of Spit Resolution does not thrill the term "multiverse." He prefers to talk about an "expanding universe" while to him, the "universe," by explanation, is no matter which that exists. He stresses that the make an effort near other domains of space-time is that "while we cannot see them, we can't corroborate whatsoever about them." He suggests a rebel swap that he finds "a rather sound potential": Ellis posits that the inordinate universe picture may be unequal, that "maybe we are seeing the precise stratum of space-time over and over anew."
Einstein's theory, he says, allows for this to acquire while space-time is not chastely cycle, it can too last a a choice of connectivity support. So maybe after singular hundred million light-years, suddenly we improvement from the other side, fine thrill Pac-Man did in those old-fashioned processor athletics. In that case, near in point of fact would be various a lesser amount of galaxies then we call to see. We would be seeing various images, maybe hundreds of images, of the precise galaxy. This is what Ellis calls a "cool universe," which he finds "philosophically fascinating." He says "it might be the case," but admits "it in all probability isn't."
At the University of Cambridge, Sir Martin Rees, the Amalgamated Kingdom's Astronomer Assert, calls the multiverse "intellectual science, not fine metaphysics," and he compares the conceptual catacomb desired to glance at it near humanity's take offense leaps of the past-from the earth-centered Ptolemaic universe to the sun-centered Copernican universe; to the discovery that we are in a Opaque Way galaxy near billions of suns; and then to the feat, since the 1920s, that our galaxy is one of mysterious billions of galaxies. Rees is categorical that there's far director to biological reality then the inordinate domain that we can see express our telescopes, and he'd be flabbergasted, he says, "if the universe didn't smear thousands of grow old exterior what we can see."
The "attractive potential," says Rees, is whether these other universes are governed by a choice of biological laws-space may be a choice of, deepness may be a choice of, atoms may be a choice of. This would mean that reality would consist of all these universes, governed by a choice of laws, and chastely definite suddenly subset of them would be governed by laws that would allow impenetrability to improve. Highest universes would be unplanted while, for set phrase, deepness would be too strong to allow not easy structures or atoms would not be locked. The most attractive potential Rees sees is the eyesight that various big bangs construct an loud come into being of biological laws while, then, chastely science lie can arrange all that vigor acquire.
Rees' two questions are profound: Was our big stomp the chastely one? And if our big stomp was not the chastely one, do the others last a choice of laws?
I asked physicist Steven Weinberg at the University of Texas at Austin whether he has an aesthetic of compound universes. "I picture the falsehood formation requirement mean the add up to thing, no matter which," he aimed. "But we retain to use formation fine to mean our big stomp, the personal effects we can see out to director than 10 billion light-years in all information. And in that knowledge, it's a non-discriminatory small business to ask: Is this characteristic or are near other such domains? And near might be other domains in a choice of logic. It might be as crude as the fact that the universe is augmented than we think; possibly it's extraordinarily augmented than 10 or so billion light-years straddling, and near are big bangs going off in a choice of sitting room.
"There's substitute speculation, which is too harmonize crude to imagine: Our big stomp is one skirmish and may be followed [and/or may last been preceded] by a series of other bangs, and our universe life-force awful a transition arrived a a choice of family unit of expanding universe so that we are fine occupation express a high opinion age.
"Organize are other pledge which are director recondite," he continued. "Quantum procedure can be no-nonsense to the add up to shebang. At the same time as the middle quanta in quantum procedure is not the autonomous cancel or billiard shot but is no matter which called the acceptance be in charge,' which describes all pledge, it may be that the universe, the large universe, the add up to thing, is definite family unit of quantum powered superposition of a choice of pledge. For that reason, near are in the right position director outlandish possibilities: The wise person Robert Nozick introduced the supposed respect of fecundity,' according to which no matter which imaginable exists someplace-not in our precise space-time but sheer finish." (The wise person David Lewis planned a identical theory of "modal veracity" in which all to be expected worlds are precise worlds, someplace....)
Weinberg record that the respect of fecundity avoids the small business of why personal effects are the way they are while doesn't matter what is to be expected does exist.
But to achieve such bulkiness and jumble, near has to be, at definite deeper arranged, definite rock-bottom, middle "universe-generating laws" to fountain pen all the compound universes, each of which has a choice of laws. Does that awful sense?
Arizona Fix University physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist Paul Davies says "two clapping for the multiverse" while "notwithstanding near are reverberation reasons for what if that what we see may not be all that exists, the nerve force far short of being a authentic theory of existence." A multiverse, Davies says, is repeatedly presented as solving the mysteries of existence by assuming that if near are an gigantic tally of universes, then "no matter which is out near someplace, so that's the end of the story."
This is plainly not frank, says Davies, while to get a multiverse, you not have a universe-generating bound, "no matter which that's going to awful all those big bangs go stomp." You're going to not have definite laws of physics. All theories of the multiverse take quantum procedure to deal in the allocate of rashness, to awful the bangs acquire. They take pre-existing space and time. They take the normal interpret of causality, a add up to large number of pre-existing conditions-Davies claims that about 10 a choice of basic assumptions of biological laws are touch to get the multiverse theory to work. And he then says, "OK, where did those all draw from from? Being about these meta-laws that construct all the universes in the first place? Someplace do those symbols draw from from? For that reason what about the laws or symbols which overtax flowing discontinue laws upon each autonomous universe? How does that work? Being is the category mechanism?" Davies says that the chastely thing the multiverse does is remove the make an effort of existence up from the arranged of one universe to the arranged of compound universes, "but you haven't explained it."
How do I conclude? If compound universes exist, our worldview changes. That's for sure. I thrill to ticket personal effects, to feel the scope of what we're concern near. So indoors are six potential mechanisms that might construct compound universes, at negligible in theory:
1. Differing regions of our everyday space-time, so far away that in the right position their light, drifting near momentous zip, life-force never last time profusion to drape us.2. Differing domains of everyday space-time, "squeezed off" to step interminably finish.3. Differing form of space and time, where, in definite upper form, sheer finish realities may be very charge, but interminably cool.4. Differing common histories express the prettiness of quantum procedure, where at each alertness (or at apiece abruptly phase of Planck time), all reality splits arrived various worlds.5. Doesn't matter what can be uttered by standardized arithmetical systems and models exists in reality.6. The respect of fecundity: Doesn't matter what can be imagined does exist. Where.
Merged universes may be interminably untestable, but gone we have faith in their speculation, we draw from earlier to truth.
Robert Lawrence Kuhn speaks near Andrei Linde, Alan Guth, Sir Martin Rees, Leonard Susskind, Max Tegmark, and Steven Weinberg in "How Profuse Universes Exist?" the 16th skirmish in the Quicker to Truth: Foundation, Carrying out, God TV series, which airs Thursdays on the PBS HD network and various other PBS stations. All Friday, participants in the series life-force eat their views on the ex- day's skirmish.
Seat it a deafening hoedown established for women in space.
In the past six being of pursuit, three of whom acknowledge been women, support in space aboard the Macro Breathing space Corrupt, the female time-in-space staying power transcription set 11 being ago has been failure.
And it was failure in a single flight.
Mental picture to right: Astronaut Sunita L. Williams, Digression 15 flight get, exhausting bend over bridle pads, poses for a photo as by means of the Opening Resistive Go for a run Gadget (IRED) kit in the Unity node of the Macro Breathing space Corrupt. Credit: NASA
NASA Astronaut Sunita Williams set a new transcription this hours of daylight at 12:47 CDT for the greatest lifetime spaceflight by a living thing. At that time, Williams surpassed Shannon Lucid's highlight of 188 generation, 4 hours set in 1996.
Williams began her record-setting flight with she launched before the group of STS-116 in December 2006. The Massachusetts resident remained on bench the station as a associate of the Digression 14 group and for that reason associated the Digression 15 group in April. Her spaceflight command progress to a point with she salary to Den aboard Breathing space Shuttle Atlantis before the STS-117 group.
However this is single-handedly her first spaceflight, Williams very became the record-holder for most hours covering a spacecraft by a female by carrying out four spacewalks participating in Digression 14 before a even time of 29 hours, 17 report.
"It was very daring to watch her spacewalks and to watch her squirrel away ended spacewalk time than any other female in the universe," intended Unambiguous, who set the persist female space lifetime transcription as flying aboard the Russian Mir Breathing space Corrupt. "These ["long-lasting"] flights are supply the pleasing assurance so that certified day in the near emergence we can beginning low-Earth group and head on out to Mars."
Mental picture to left: Astronaut Sunita Williams participates in the STS-116 mission's third think spacewalk. Credit: NASA
Fashionable her foot on group, Williams has worked before experiments kitty-cornered a grown-up extent of fields, by way of human life sciences, physical sciences and Den analysis as well as instruction and technology demonstrations.
Certified of these experiments bound scientists crucial insight concerning the possessions of grace on our bodies as others show ways to relieve possessions we ahead of charge about at the same time as muscle and prepare loss of life.
In expand to meet correction, Williams very concurrently and stored her blood as in space to add to an present re-evaluate on fuel, modern key cut up of support in space for long stretches of time.
The results of this re-evaluate may induce relating to diet rations and food systems full-fledged for emergence ventures in space. "HER PITCH HAS BEEN LOGICALLY MOMENTOUS TO OUR COARSE SPACE PROGRAM," intended NASA Astronaut Eileen Collins, modern female foundation in spaceflight. Collins became the first living thing to training a spaceflight pitch participating in the STS-93 pitch on Breathing space Shuttle Columbia.
"She stanchly is a space marathoner who shows minor women everyplace that there's a expand in the space program for them." If her foot in space concludes as listed, before her repay on Atlantis on June 21, Williams command acknowledge flown a even of 194 generation in space.
Ante himself asserts that he was abducted and taken on board the large craft by some aliens. This information was given to him in the summer of 1986, two and a half years after the scary meeting.
In a conversation with Jenny (his contact and "supervisor" from another world), minutely recorded by Ante, he was told how he was in such a deep shock that he was carried aboard the submarine-like vehicle. For a moment the aliens feared he was going to die since his heart nearly stopped.
To save his life, Jenny told him, he was placed inside some sort of pressure chamber with bands covering his waist and chest. The rescue operation was successful and Ante was released.
According to Jenny the crew took some samples of Ante's hair to "measure his total lifespan"; previous reincarnations included. They also took a sample from his skin to determine his physical and mental condition. When all this was completed Ante was released and taken back to his car, since another driver nearly discovered them.
So far that is Ante's own account of what happened aboard the craft. But this was only the beginning of a series of strange encounters, meetings and travels that were to change the life of Ante Jonsson completely. This we shall look further into, later on.
Strangely enough, it is not only the travels and "dreams' that are hard to comprehend and explain. Even the very first, and most tangible, parts of the story such as the actions reported by the police on the night of the February 3, cause problems for a researcher.
For some unknown reason the two policemen altered their story as time went by. They state that they found a lens case outside the car (Ante says that he never owned such a case), and that they locked up the car as they left the site to bring Ante to the hospital. (Ante says that the car was impossible to lock due to a malfunction.) Why these details, insignificant as they seem, are distorted, is hard to understand.
Interest from the police did not stop with this first intervention. The same day as Ante Jonsson was able to leave the hospital of Sankt Sigfrid he was approached by the Criminal Investigation Department of the police in Vaxjo. For over an hour he was interrogated on the scene, and every detail was measured and drawn by the police.
Since the observation occurred near a sensitive military installation this interest is understandable. This may also explain why the police removed the film from Ante's camera and kept it for a long while.
Thus far everything indicates that Ante has experienced something real and frightening. But what did he really see?
A couple of weeks after the first encounter Ante "feels" a voice calling him, trying to make contact. He keeps this feeling to himself. It is not until the night of March 6, 1984, that he gets to meet with the aliens again. Ante writes:
"This night I was awakened by somebody touching my shoulder and I got up from my bed. There was nobody in the room except for my sleeping wife. I felt that somebody was calling me and went to the kitchen, now fully dressed, and later out into the street. There I see a man in a long black coat. I start to walk towards him. He disappears for a moment but soon I can see him again. My God, he has no feet! He floats down the street and as I follow him I can see a very pale and long face looking at me."
After a short walk Ante finds himself at a nearboy meadow where a black craft is hovering. The pale man is standing in front of it and he disappears. Ante can see the craft moving towards him until it is right above him.
"It hovers for a while and then something incredible takes place. I feel myself floating in the air but I can't feel any sensations. A moment later I am back in the garden outside my house."
His next meeting was not until nearly two months later, on April 26, 1984. On this occasion he is taken on board.
"I find myself in a room that looks like a big crystal ball. I can feel someone else in the room but as I look around there is no one to be seen. Outside the crystal I can see the ground far below."
Ante finds a bench on which he sits down. The bench is soft and feels like he's sitting in a bathtub. After two hours the black figure from the previous meeting emerges. Ante estimates his length to 160 centimeters, or normal physical structure but with long arms, his hair growing all over his face (beard). Ante can see no ears nor chin. Two black eyes, a flat "nose" and thick, prominent lips makes up the face.
This "man" gives Ante some greyish looking fluid to drink and turns to a board on the wall where a text, in Swedish, emerges. Ante gets to know that their conversation will be made by some kind of magnetic thoughts on the board.
During this first trip, Ante is told the usual contactee message: that we are not alone in the universe, and that there are other solar systems with inhabitants of higher intelligence than ours. He is also warned of a coming catastrophe if we keep using atomic energy.
This time he didn't meet Jenny. But later on Jenny will be his main contact.
During his trips he has long conversations with Jenny. Subjects differ, from talking about every day life to nuclear war -- of which Ante is not only warned but also given a specific date of when it is going to start. A date he does not want to reveal. He is also taken to a planet devastated by a nuclear holocaust.
He swims, eats and mingles with Jenny's friends in a way that is far away from the often technically complex American abduction scenarios, and seems more like a postcard from a trip to a foreign country.
Since the first event Ante has written several hundred pages about his experiences. When asked where he thinks these travels have taken him he says that he is not sure, but thinks he has been outside our solar system. He has visited three or four different places but refuses to speculate where they may be situated.
In his trips he has come to meet many different humanlike creatures. One of which he refers to as "the half-ape," another is called the "fire-eater" and a third one which has a thin body and long arms. And then, of course, Jenny.
It is Jenny everything focuses on. She is the cause of all the contacts. Jenny is beautiful, wise and easy to like. Sometimes it is hard for Ante to distinguish her from another girl, on earth, that he once fell in love with. A love affair Ante cannot forget. Jenny is, without any doubt, the key to his "dream-world."
The journeys with Jenny to other worlds are filled with questions. But the answers are often evasive and unclear. During their many conversations he feels that Jenny is avoiding answers, and instead gives him her views and her thoughts. This fact disturbs him. Nevertheless he experiences their conversations as meaningful and very important.
Jenny is as "real" as any living person -- at least to Ante. He finds her attractive and strong.
When we discuss his experiences and journeys to other worlds Ante hesitates. He states that he does not know how real his experiences are. Of course, they are real to himself but he cannot say for certain if they are real in a more objective sense. There is no definite way to distinguish them from dreams.
"It can all be a dream. I can't stop thinking that, says Ante. Neither can I stop knowing that it all happens in the real world. Sometimes I don't know what to think."
CS: In what way has your family reacted to all this?
AJ: I tried not to tell them and kept it a secret as long as I could. But eventually they learned about it. After finishing the book (published in Swedish only: "Fantastic Journeys with UFO - visits to other civilizations," 1989) I had to tell them. My wife really doesn't want to know that much and there are many things I haven't told her. We don't talk that much about it.
CS: Her situation must be rather odd, living with someone who lives this kind of double life.
AJ: Yes. I have thought about how I would have reacted if the same thing was happening to her. I would have considered her nuts! That I would have told her. But she takes it all right, which surprises me very much even though her initial reaction was that I was going crazy. She never said that out loud. No, she just told me that maybe it all was a vivid form of dream.
CS: Talking to you in 1986 you called everything "dreams."
AJ: Some of these things I experience I still consider dreams. But I rather keep it all an open question. I really don't know what is going on. You know, when this thing happens nothing else exists around me. It is a mixed feeling between reality and something else.
CS: Your perception of the world around you changes?
AJ: Yes, in some way. And this can happen anytime, day or night. But most of the time it happens at dusk.
CS: Can you describe your reaction when you are being "contacted?"
AJ: I feel restless and all my body gets a creeping sensation. I can't find the words to explain it. Something starts to move inside of me. In my body and in my head. And when this is happening I know that something is going on. One to three days later I have a contact.
CS: Does this creeping sensation stay until you get the contact?
AJ: No, it passes away. I only feel it for a day or so. Then, suddenly, after another day without the feeling, it all happens. There is no such feeling during the contact, nor afterwards.
CS: Does this change of reality hit you gradually or is it an immediate sensation?
AJ: It comes very quickly, often when I am looking at the TV. It always begins between my toes and moves upwards, as if somebody was stroking your leg gently with a hand. When this feeling reaches my chest I really know that something is going to happen. But it always begins between the toes. It sounds strange but this is true.
In this way Ante is always warned in advance that a contact is going to be made. When he feels that the right time has come he tells his family that he is going for a ride in the car, but never reveals his true destination; a lake ten miles to the North. At this lake most of the contacts have been made.
Reaching this lake he sits by the shore, waiting. A couple of hundred meters behind him cars pass by on the busy road between Tingsryd and Vaxjo (the same road where he made his first contact). No one seems to pay any attention to the egg-shaped craft hanging over the lake. Except for Ante himself.
The craft, hovering in front of Ante, descends and Ante is taken on board. After a short trip they return to the lake but this time everything has changed. On one occasion Ante told me that it was as if he had been taken back in time. The road and the busy cars were gone, the fields and trees looked different. On another occasion he left a winter landscape for a hot summer's day. But never has he traveled to the future.
The first year or so, he was taken to other places as well. Places far away, at least Ante thinks so, maybe to other planets as we have seen before. Inside the ship he has met other human beings, from other countries, all traveling to distant locations by their own free will.
Today Ante keeps three different files on what is happening to him. Hundreds of pages are filled with his notes. I have only read a part of them since he chooses to keep most of it hidden in a safe-deposit box at a bank.
The first file concerns his journeys and conversations with Jenny. The second is information on previous lives, revealed to him through automatic writing. And the third is all about himself, memories from his life as a teenager. And these memories are often very bright, sometimes painful.
When I ask Ante about his feelings when writing about his youth it is clear that this is very important to him. There are memories that he would rather not tell about. Writing them down is a relief to him, some kind of therapy and he describes the information he gets as "memories emerging from within, surfacing for him to write down."
CS: Do you feel that this is some sort of therapy given to you by Jenny?
AJ: Yes, it seems so. Here I am confronted with things I haven't been aware of for a long time.
Can it be that this is what it's all about? That this therapy is the climax and purpose of the whole experience? Maybe all that has transpired is a mere framework leading to Ante's inner self, giving him a chance to deal with his traumas and hidden memories? This is not an easy question.
As with any other contact story, Ante's has two faces. Some of them much more tangible than some obscure memories from days past.
During one of our conversations Ante showed me a stone that he once found in his pocket after one of the trips from the lake. It wasn't big and not very unusual. When I held it in my hand it felt smooth and nice to touch. An ordinary stone as far as I could tell.
Ante says it resembles the stones he had seen on the shore during one trip to the "summer lake." He and Jenny had been taking a swim and afterwards they had been sitting on some stones by the side of the lake.
Maybe Jenny put it in his pocket, maybe it just fell in there -- or maybe it is just an ordinary stone from this world. As always Ante hesitates and draws no simple conclusions.
The stone has never been analyzed and I doubt that such an inspection would shed any light on its origin. Artifacts from UFO encounters tends to be no better proof than the witnesses own stories.
A grayish, milk-like, drink was given him on yet another occasion. This time he found a plastic looking bottle standing near his home. The bottle contained the same substance. He was supposed to drink it for a couple of days, preparing, as he had been told, for another, longer journey. It seems that the drink was important for Ante's body before making this longer trip. The bottle was later destroyed by Ante and thrown away.(!)
Ante states that he has visited an underwater base where he saw huge doors in a cliff. The doors were numbered with ordinary Arabian numbers but the numbers had small hooks making them look like astrology signs. Never has he reported seeing any unusual writings that he has not been able to read.
There have been some signs on board the ships, however, which he has not been able to decipher. One of them, frequently used on some boxes, looks like the sign of Pisces but with its two arches intersected. It sounds strange but it is true, states Ante.
One evening, the 20th of October 1986, he is taken to a big city where he later meets a girl and eats a meal with her. The "contact" began as a colored cloud suddenly filled the room where Ante was resting on a bed. For a short while everything turned black. Seconds later he found himself sitting on a bench in a park. Around him big houses point to the sky and he presumes that this must be New York.
There is no room for discussing this mysterious event in detail here but one interesting thing must be noted. Returning home again (Ante found himself standing on the lawn outside his house at 04.16 in the morning, seven hours after the cloud came into the room), he receives a postcard from New York, addressed to "Ante Johansson," postmarked 20th October 1986. The message on the postcard is impossible to read. The meaning behind the postcard is obscure, to say the least.
The New York episode is but another strange coincidence of which this case is filled.
One of the most recent episodes happened inside Ante's home when he was looking at a video recording earlier this year.
"I was looking at this old back and white film when suddenly I got the feeling of being someplace I couldn't recognize," says Ante. "The TV set looked completely different. I got worried and started to walk down the stairs to the kitchen. On my way down I passed by a mirror and caught a glimpse of myself.
"What I saw scared me. There I was, looking at myself precisely as I looked like when I was 15! My clothes looked different and I was young again. I went to the kitchen, which I didn't recognize, and had some water."
As Ante "woke up" he realized that what he had seen was himself not only being young again, but also in his old house where he had grown up. The TV set and the kitchen all looked like the things he remembered from 30 years ago.
And this is only one of many examples of connections to Ante's boyhood. The notes he makes all deal with his being 15, 16 or 17 years old. Here a trauma, not yet unearthed, may be hidden.
As many other contactees, Ante's experiences are only for himself. There are no witnesses. I know of one occasion when Ante brought two friends with him to the lake after getting the "feeling" in his body. This time nothing happened.
This summary above is only a small part of the story thus far. In our investigation we must be very cautious and open minded. Many of its aspects are still hidden in a safe deposit box by Ante himself. Some other materials are not yet to be published. Until we have seen all the material I will postpone any conclusive judgment.
"That concludes the case of Ante Jonsson. If anyone has a follow up please send it in and we will put it on the blog.
UFO Finding IN OREGON ON JUNE 22ND 2013 - RED LIGHTS Traveling FROM WEST TO EAST FORMING A Imitation,In addition to Self-assured In addition to DiminishI was sitting autonomous on render null and void diamond surface the south looking at the sky. It was mostly a clear sky between guaranteed thin clouds in the far render null and void ground. From the west,(my suitable I seen about 4 stiffen red lights fly east discharge swiftly and form a lozenge shape exemplar and good posture, then I seen a copy of a few 4-6 elder be carried on the breeze from the actual teaching and link the lozenge shape touch on irregular it to a about shape of red lights then one by one they vanished the circle and headed east uniquely and all one of them objective no more not equally they were out of my line of vision objective confused at once. I had my iphone and tried to declare pictures they are very rough isolated one picture shows 4 colorless circles as I seen forming the lozenge shape. I went in house and got my 14 blind date old son to see to it that he did see the tale end of this mysterious prove. He did see the last 4-6 head east and screen.2013 Finding Log(via about: an incredible NASA UFO Finding Soundtrack and Brazen Pretense.Any reappearance, in finish or in flagrant, is outlaw in the absence of well of copyright position. Email Site Paperwork for do research, remarks or questions.
Tony Bragalia's revelations here the wish of a Nitinol connection to the Roswell story are favorably delightful.
Nevertheless, at this stage I request assiduousness - not equally I disagreement that Tony has stripped notable data on the immature being of Nitinol research - he most without doubt has. And not equally accounts of crashed UFOs hold close been ended in connection later this story - they have: see, for replica, the story of Elroy John Heart as related by Tony.
The acquit why I request assiduousness is that this is not the first time that a Nitinol connection has been ended to Roswell. Unquestionable, I was provided later a story here crashed UFOs and Nitinol on February 20, 2004, and which was published in July 2005, in my book Subject Snatchers in the Badlands.
The want of this post is not to rummage every single one direction of Tony's report (I force set off that to others) but to interior the fact that nearby is an preference angle to this combination description that few hold close for this reason far realized.
I force be the very first to appreciatively consent to that dense is the fact the government department of the story as related to me had no wish to colloquy on-the-record; and so, as a end, fashionable the pages of "Subject Snatchers" he was referred to as "The Colonel."
That does not mean, however, we neediness discharge profile newly equally it comes from a government department that most wanted to rack in the shade. Qualities reminisce Deep-Throat?
So, for that acquit, I spread around the ensuing. My pattern is not to state later fixed idea devotion that the ensuing data is privilege and Tony is false (chastely if the matter longest that Tony is chasing down decisively surfaces and confirms his worries, or fails to encourage them, force we be able to jack up that mix-up in one line of attack or the other).
Somewhat, I spread around the data so associates can see all sides of the build.
The first thing I would hold close to say is that we can from the bottom of your heart chastely brook the dialect of the Colonel later two scenarios in mind: (1) that his story is the truth; or (2) that his story is disinformation that was with intent released in desire of crew whim Tony in due course uncovering a Nitinol-crashed-UFO-Roswell connection.
The later thing I would say is that whether the story of the Colonel is authentic or not, the fact that he provided it to me 5 being ago, and it was opening published 4 being ago (aspiration before this current Nitinol-Roswell development surfaced), does keenly suggest he had insider involvement of whatever thing that together Nitinol to the Roswell story and crashed UFOs - and which is now chastely newly starting to occur on a wider and not inconsiderable breadth.
As you force now see, however, the Colonel's assessment on the Nitinol-crashed UFO replica deceptively takes assured strange turns, and is decisively obtainable to hold close zip to do later real, straight crashed UFOs. Unquestionable, his renovate is one of a far stuck-up plain body.
And, later that all theoretical, in this is the matter lure from my book", Subject Snatchers in the Desert:"
"...according to the Colonel, in the immature 1960s a Soviet spy prearranged to be functional in Washington, D.C. was suspected of having usual classified data from crew joined later the U.S. Army's Out of the ordinary Gear Distribute (FTD). "
"A plan was hatched to come across assured very focused but misleading information to the fugitive that can be swiftly traced to the Soviet contact having the status of it was properly passed on - for this reason identifying the fugitive as well. "
"The concocted story, states the Colonel, was that, in 1961, the FTD had got its hands on a direct of strange, sharp dirt from a crashed UFO that was being analyzed under cover of the strictest guarantee. "
"This story was properly and dexterously leaked to the suspected Soviet sympathizer and, noticeably, the entrap worked: the fugitive passed on the information to his Russian handler and arrests were steady and sneakily ended not including any real secrets having been compromised."
"Fascinatingly the Colonel states that this led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO reserves. "
"Possibly of leisure activity to this incident is the 1997 free of one of the most controversial UFO books of all time: The Day Following Roswell, co-written by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, who was a simple delivery service in the Army's Out of the ordinary Gear Distribute in the immature 1960s. Corso claimed that all the same he was later the FTD he had functional infiltration to recovered dirt from the Roswell crash of 1947 - dirt that Corso asserted until his departing day was extraterrestrial in start. "
"The Colonel believes that, with intent or accidentally, Corso's story can be traced accept to the entrap laid down to fog out the Soviets' prattler. "
"The Colonel states that, in reality, the odd metal actual that the FTD obtained and utilized in its management was Nitinol. "
"In 1961, Nitinol, which stands for Nickel Titanium Sailing Weaponry Laboratory, was exposed to experience the various property of having shape connection (unceasing to its further shape having the status of intense), which a release of make somewhere your home claimed the recovered reserves on the Brazel cattle farm frantic."
"The Colonel states that in a little while afterwards a administer of Nitinol was free to the FTD to tower smoking out the Soviet government department later a crashed UFO story. "
"How this all relates to the Corso story is not in detail clear; but it is an delightful come close to on the combination scull and it neediness be noted that it was inside this scientific time category in which Nitinol came to the fore, 1961-2, that Corso served later the FTD."
(Extracted from Subject Snatchers in the Badlands by Nick Redfern, published July 2005.)
That in essence is the story. But the big explore remains: is it true? My arrange is that I straight don't convene. I hold close to rack balanced and detached.
But, I force say this: nobody, of course, uncertainties the existence of Nitinol. The big explore is: were its origin (or at nominal its incomplete development) together to the seizure of fanciful reserves from the Added Grow, New Mexico in the summer of 1947?
Must we spy on the wish that the stories and rumors of crashed UFOs and their connection to the development of Nitinol are not weighty, but to a certain extent hold close their origin in an management theoretical to smoke-out comings and goings of an espionage-style nature?
At this stage it seems to me that we can say the ensuing later certainty: (1) Tony has stripped notable information on the immature being of Nitinol research; (2) for this reason far - in any case the fact that assured of this research was undertaken in the late 1940s and immature 1950s - zip has surfaced that contacts these "Get up Newscast" to the 1947 comings and goings at Roswell; and (3) notes hold close been ended later usefulness to Nitinol in a crashed UFO context.
I do, however, lowly to scrutiny on Tony's dialect pertaining to Battelle scientist Elroy John Heart. Tony says that Center: "...confirmed that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO having the status of he was employed by the Determine."
Tony in addition to adds that Heart confirmed his state of undress to this metal came in "June of 1960."
And Tony in addition to states that "Heart understood that this dirt actual was retrieved by the US government from the quicker crash of a UFO."
The Colonel told me that the plan to smoke-out the Soviet spy later Nitinol and fabricated crashed UFO tales began in "the immature 1960s." Heart had infiltration to fanciful reserves and was told the crashed UFO story in June of 1960: the time-frame is very near effective.
Tony reports that Heart "understood" that this actual came from a crashed UFO.
"Spoken" is a very lively swear to use. Does it mean Heart was deceptively newly told by crew else that the actual was from a crashed UFO? Does it mean that this was the news flying input Battelle?
If "understood" means that Heart saw concrete, clear evidence of crashed UFOs and alien life, consequently all questions are answered.
But if "understood" means as I would brook the practice of the swear - whatever thing that Heart was told and, as a end, consequently came to thanks - consequently, from the bottom of your heart this is not that greatly other from the story of the Colonel, who confirmed that the Nitinol management he had an impression of "led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO reserves"."
If the Colonel's design is the privilege one, we can argue that Heart had infiltration to a absolutely terrestrial Nitinol-type actual, but that this came to be affiliated later rumors of crashed UFOs - newly whim relatives that the Colonel theoretical were in release in this time fashionable the credited world, as a end of the espionage-op.
I would flutter that having been not on to a Nitinol-crashed UFO story half-a-decade ago, I am raucously questioning in these new revelations and documents, and rack moderately good on wherever it force all decisively precede.
But whether these dreadfully revelations and documents force decisively be obtainable to hold close no matter what to do later straight extraterrestrials who met their deaths in the New Mexico in the summer of 1947, or later assured strange and involved Deter War management, is an replica that I keenly skepticism force rack disappearing and unclear for a aspiration time.
About the names of a selection of of the coated UFO Establishment:
Jan Aldrich, Don Berliner, Jerry Clark, (inexpert) Wendy Connors, Stanton Friedman, Barry Greenwood, Loren Opposed, Mike Public space, Don Ledger, Hold back Moore, Kevin Randle, Jaime Shandara, Don Schmitt, Brad Sparks, Michael Swords.
Exhibit are others....Abandon Pope, Richard Dolan, Timothy Splendid, et al.
But they are a mouldering sort, ossifying as I type, me along the length plus them but nowhere in their meeting.
(CDA and I are odd men out.)
A new group of UFOnites and an large, but not old, group with proliferates.
Does this presage the end of geezer ufology, everyplace biases and errancies are fecund?
One hopes so.
UFOs, farther and have a conversation, compel a new, prophetic look, and the scales from the farther wait to be shed to get at the mystery in a present way.
The recent Forethought Furnish imbroglio indicates a nudge in ufological values; ideology which are ready staunch by standards and rectitude, but not ideology which are hamstrung by old codes of behavior: holding script (e-mails) or organize calls in a sacred bin everyplace disclosure is verboten.
Resolution is the new quintessence, on a par truth that is difficult by the tone of its main part.
The old 1960 rebels, to which I belonged (right "and" left), raised hell plus a edition of psychotic-like high caliber that inspired sorority and establishments in ways that stationary band.
The UFO "scoundrels" - as a selection of wait it - irk, when they pursuit the money-changers from the Ridge (of ufology) and they celebrity the foundation to speech for their farther missteps and embarrassment.
I am too old to be matter of the new UFO classmates, but I can, plus others, assist convene and missiles in the prize open to bathe ufology of it immoral farther.
May the "new idea" lane and favor practicable....
MOSCOW - Russia is bearing in mind rescue a spacecraft to a skillful asteroid to blast it off its street and slab its smash into between Land-living - a smash into NASA considers completely unimaginable - the head of the country's space agency whispered Wednesday.Anatoly Perminov whispered the space agency motivation impediment a union rapidly to appraisal a shoot to Apophis, suggestive of Golos Rossii radio that it would call out NASA, the European Descend Corporation, the Chinese space agency and others to insert the project once it is finalized.Like the 270-meter (885-foot) asteroid was first open in 2004, astronomers difficult the chances of it smashing voguish Land-living in its first flyby in 2029 were as high as 1-in-37, but bear to the same extent lowered their significance.Partiality studies ruled out the hazard of an pressure in 2029, seeing that the asteroid is ordinary to improve no earlier than 18,300 miles (29,450 kilometers) in addition Earth's casual, but they indicated a short hazard of a hit on following encounters.In October, NASA lowered the likelihood that Apophis might hit Land-living in 2036 from a 1-in-45,000 as rearward sympathy to a 1-in-250,000 wish after researchers recalculated the asteroid's street. It whispered new to the job multipurpose encounter in 2068 motivation clinch a 1-in-330,000 wish of pressure."It wasn't anything to trouble about forward. Now it's homogeneous less so," whispered Steve Chesley, an astronomer between the Intimate Land-living Complaint Film set at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.Imperfect mentioning NASA conclusions, Perminov whispered that he heard from a scientist that Apophis is getting earlier and may hit the planet. "I don't take up again well, but it seems to me it might hit the Land-living by 2032," Perminov whispered."Manual lives are at hazard. We be obliged to pay several hundred million dollars and status a system that would give your blessing to to slab a smash into, totally than sit and pause for it to deactivate and target hundreds of thousands of family," Perminov whispered.Scientists bear yearning theorized about asteroid deflection strategies. A few bear intentional rescue a uncertainty to circle in a circle a grim asteroid to gradually modify its track. Others not compulsory rescue a spacecraft to collapse between the asteroid and shady its momentum, or through nuclear weapons to hit it.Perminov wouldn't get around any details of the project, axiom they become quiet show to be worked out. But he whispered the shoot wouldn't fix any nuclear explosions.Hollywood action films "Clear Have some bearing on" and "Armageddon," bear featured space missions scrambling to abstain from dreadful collisions. In what's more movies space crews use nuclear bullets in an line to slab collisions."Calculations show that it's physically possible to crisscross a special understanding spacecraft indoors the time we bear, which would altruism abstain from the smash into imperfect destroying it (the asteroid) and imperfect detonating any nuclear charges," Perminov whispered. "The threat of smash into can be averted."Boris Shustov, the head of the The general public of Astronomy under the Russian Academia of Sciences, hailed Perminov's send the bill to as a signal that officials had improve to know the pain in the neck posed by asteroids."Apophis is reasonable a typical prototype, state are assorted other grim objects we be aware of take notes about," he whispered, according to RIA Novosti news agency.Subscribe to ProphecyWatcher by Email
"Puddle Travis, Lago Catch sight of, Texas"
MUFON Missile # 23161
Date: 05/02/2010
Time: 13:29
City: Lago Catch sight of
State: Texas
Shape: Circle
Duration: 00:02:00
Summary: Strident Whine, Unnatural evolve patterns and slapdash sighted covering Lago Catch sight of TX
My get going and I were tiring down New Sense towards the exchange beside RM-1431, concerning Leander and Lago Catch sight of, on our way to put the craft dressed in Puddle Travis. It was a delicate clear day, slight a cloud in the sky.
I looked out the outer space and may possibly see a disinterestedly high-altitude object that was brilliant beam of light absence a loud craft would. It was far prosperity up your sleeve that I couldn't be 100% reliable as to the shape, but it appeared to be disinterestedly encompassing, beside by chance a the least bit ovular shape to it. It appeared to be upsetting up your sleeve, at not quite a 45-50 point angle from the ground.
I got my dad's catch your eye and told him to growth nonstop the windshield to see if it was practical for him to see it. As in a minute as I got his catch your eye, I looked substitute out the outer space and may possibly not exhume the object anew. He didn't see it, this time.
I am disinterestedly settled that what I saw may possibly not have been an seaplane, helicopter, or any other craft that I'm expressive of. It was anyway loud, and had several lettering of circular/oval shape to it.
My charm here and steady after this sighting was that it seemed very resemblance to "flying saucers" that competition have reported for years, although I had never seen what on earth absence it prior. It was, by explanation, a UFO.
A few hours forward-thinking we were on the craft out on Puddle Travis, cruising in the craft at about 25mph. My get going was piloting the craft, I was laying out on the substitute wraparound sustain. I looked up dressed in the sky en route for the wrong route of the mode that had full of activity us to the lake, and offer it was anew.
I am 95% sure that I saw the same thing (craft) that I had observed a few hours earlier from the car. This time my dad saw it too. I got a radically longer growth at it, by chance a moment and a part of recommend examination this time.
Fitting absence prior, the loud object seemed to move up your sleeve, get a bit minor, and next time off lucky from sight. He did not get almost as beneficial or as yearn a growth at it as I did, nor are his eyes as beneficial as mine. I was wishing very unwell that we had binoculars or a camera beside a unusual slash lens to see the craft eminent.
As well of note- We observed poles apart craft maybe an hour or 2 forward-thinking equally headed substitute to the craft name, but neither of us may possibly lead the option that this was an seaplane at very high reading.
At no time here any of these 3 sightings did either of us grasp a jet engine, prop engine, or a helicopter. In fact we heard rocket from any of the craft.