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"Ar den federala regeringen "arlig om vad den vet om ufon? "Ar tj"anstem"an undertrycka sanningen om utomjordiska hems"okelser?
De federala utfragningar UFO-forskare har kr"avt "annu inte f"orverkligats. Men nagra av de vittnesmal som skulle st"allas pa dessa f"orfaranden kommer att poserade denna vecka till tidigare medlemmar av kongressen.
Pa National Press Club i Washington, DC, en Citizen utfragning om Disclosure (CHD) kommer att utvecklas mellan 29 april - 3 Maj. F"or 30 timmar, kommer 40 internationella forskare och milit"ara / agentur vittnen vittnar framf"or dessa ledam"oter:
Klicka h"ar f"or live uppdateringar (b"orjan kl 9 mandag)
Fd senator Mike Gravel (Dem / Lib, AK)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Carolyn Kilpatrick (Dem, Ml)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Lynn Woolsey (Dem, CA)
Tidigare Congresswomanen Darlene Hooley (Dem, OR)
F"orutvarande kongressledamoten Roscoe Bartlett (Rep, MD)
F"orutvarande kongressledamoten Merrill Cook (Rep, UT)
Titta pa nagra av de CHD vittnen h"ar.
"Jag tror inte att ET "ar det b"asta ordet f"or det jag tycker det "ar mer oidentifierbara fr"ammande "amnen eller fordon i luften -. Den "ar oidentifierad," Gravel ber"attade HuffPost. "Jag vet inte om det "ar sma gr"ona m"an eller lila m"an eller om det "ar nagra m"an. Allt jag vet "ar att, "over hela v"arlden, det finns tusentals och ater tusentals iakttagelser. Nagra av dem kan vara hallucinatoriska, men under noggrann granskning, det finns verkliga observationer. Det "ar nagot som vi inte vet om. "
Grus, en f"ore detta Special Agent i Counter Intelligence Corps, som en gang insisterade fran golvet i senaten att hans v"aljare hade r"att att fa veta sanningen bakom Vietnamkriget, k"anner pa samma s"att om allm"anheten veta fakta om UFO.
"Efter att ha varit emot och k"ampa, all min offentliga karri"ar, det milit"ara industriella komplexet och det faktum att vi har "overdriven sekretess, bara g"or en bj"orntj"anst till folket n"ar du har milit"aren som k"anns det h"ar har fatt vara hemliga och de vann 't "oppna sina filer. "
En av grus s CHD utskott kollegor, Kilpatrick, ber"attade HuffPost hon inte gillar det faktum att "detta land g"or sk"amt om (UFO), men i andra l"ander "ar det en andlig typ av sak, sa jag verkligen ser fram emot att se exakt vad det "ar.
"Som en medlem av anslagkommitt'en och Armed service kommitt'en och servering pa Air Force Academy Board, jag alltid haft ett intresse [av UFO]. Jag tror att om det "ar nagot som vi maste diskutera, sa vi borde vara en del av den diskussionen.
"Jag vill h"ora fakta och jag tar det pa stort allvar. Jag vill inte vara ambivalent. Jag vill inte att det ska vara ett sk"amt. Det "ar alltf"or allvarligt. Om vi sticka huvudet i sanden och s"ager att det finns inget d"ar, vi f"orlorar, vart land f"orlorar. Jag vill h"ora expertutlatanden och vara "overtygad om att nagot finns d"ar. Jag "ar beredd att ta den vart det leder, och om det kommer att hj"alpa vart land och folket i Amerika vara b"attre v"arldsmedborgare, och om min anslagen erfarenhet kan hj"alpa, jag "ar villig att g"ora det. "
Bade Grus och Kilpatrick s"ager att de tycker det "ar dags f"or en riktig kongress utredning UFOs och m"ojligheten att Jorden bes"oks av nagon fran mycket langt borta. De skulle ocksa vilja se den h"ar fragan tas upp igen i FN.
"Jag kan s"aga att vi inte beh"over v"anta pa att f"orh"oren att g"ora det," sade Grus. "Huruvida eller inte kongressen vill g"ora det, tror jag att det "ar globalt och jag skulle vilja skilja det fran kongressen i USA tror jag att det b"or vara en del av FN "agnas at detta. Jag skulle underteckna ett dokument sant just nu. "
Den internationella talesman f"or det veckolanga CHD "ar Apollo 14-astronauten Edgar Mitchell, som tror att jorden har varit och fortfarande kan bes"okas av utomjordingar.
"Jag kan inte s"aga var de kommer ifran, men bevisen f"or deras n"arvaro h"ar "ar ganska "overv"aldigande - om du bryr dig att leta efter det Min enda gissning till varf"or det "ar det h"ar embargot "ar att det finns pengar inblandade, g"or. deras (hardast) att halla tyst pa grund av den vinstpotential som gar med att ha den kapacitet och den teknik som kan ga utanf"or vart solsystem, "Mitchell ber"attade HuffPost.
Mitchell, den sj"atte mannen att ga pa manen, hoppas denna veckas CHD hj"alper st"anga d"orren f"or den pastadda sanningen embargo som omger UFO-ET fraga.
"[Vi beh"over] sprida lite mer sanning om vilken typ av universum vi lever i och det faktum att vi inte "ar ensamma i universum. Vi har manga, manga mysterier pa vara h"ander, och mysterier att l"osa. Vi vet verkligen inte omfattningen av var existens och var bild av universum "ar fortfarande ganska primitiv. "
CHD organisat"or och politiska aktivisten Stephen Bassett s"ager att han hoppas denna h"andelse fr"amst kommer att na mainstream media och kongress.
"Budskapet till kongressen "ar det dags att utreda fragan igen och det "ar dags f"or media att inse att detta "ar den st"orsta nyheten historien om hela tiden. Jag tror att vi har en best"amd, m"atbar chans att na, nagon gang i ar, ordf"orande f"or USA gar f"ore det amerikanska folket och "antligen erk"anner att de fenomen vi har upplevt under atminstone de senaste 65 aren "ar i sj"alva verket, som genereras av en utomjordisk icke-m"ansklig intelligens ingrepp planeten Jorden. "
Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?
The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress.
At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure(CHD) will unfold between April 29 to May 3. For 30 hours, 40 internationalresearchers and military/agency witnesses will testify in front of these committee members:
Click Here For Live Updates (Beginning At 9 a.m. Monday)
Former Senator Mike Gravel (Dem/Lib, AK)
Former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick (Dem, MI)
Former Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (Dem, CA)
Former Congresswoman Darlene Hooley (Dem, OR)
Former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (Rep, MD)
Former Congressman Merrill Cook (Rep, UT)
Watch some of the CHD witnesses here.
"I don't think ET is the best word for it. I think it's more unidentifiable foreign substances or vehicles in the air -- it's unidentified," Gravel told HuffPost. "I don't know if it's little green men or purple men or if it's any men. All I know is that, worldwide, there's thousands and thousands of sightings. Some of them may be hallucinatory, but under close examination, there are real sightings. There's something that we don't know of."
Gravel, a former Special Agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps, who once insisted from the floor of the Senate that his constituents had a right to know the truth behind the Vietnam War, feels the same way about the public knowing the facts about UFOs.
"Having been opposed and fighting, all of my public career, the military industrial complex and the fact that we have excessive secrecy, just does a disservice to the people when you have the military that feels this stuff has got to be secret and they won't open their files."
One of Gravel's CHD committee colleagues, Kilpatrick, told HuffPost she doesn't like the fact that "this country makes jokes about (UFOs), but in other countries, it's a spiritual kind of thing, so I'm really looking forward to seeing exactly what it is.
"As a member of the Appropriations Committee and Armed Service Committee and serving on the Air Force Academy Board, I always had an interest [in UFOs]. I think if there's something there that we need to discuss, then we ought to be part of that discussion.
"I want to hear the factual information and I'm taking it very seriously. I don't want to be ambivalent. I don't want it to be a joke. It's too serious. If we bury our heads in the sand and say there's nothing there, we lose, our country loses. I want to hear the expert testimony and be convinced that something's there. I'm willing to take it where it leads, and if it'll help our country and the people of America be better world citizens, and if my appropriations experience can help, I'm willing to do that."
Both Gravel and Kilpatrick say they think it's time for a real congressional investigation into UFOs and the possibility that Earth is being visited by someone from very far away. They'd also like to see this issue brought up again at the United Nations.
"I can say that we don't have to wait for the hearings to do that," said Gravel. "Whether or not Congress wants to do it, I think that it's global in nature and I would like to divorce it from the Congress of the U.S. I think that there should be a part of the U.N. devoted to this. I would sign a document like that right now."
The international spokesperson for the weeklong CHD is Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who believes that Earth has been and may still be visited by extraterrestrials.
"I can't say where they're from, but the evidence of their presence here is pretty overwhelming -- IF you care to look for it. My only guess as to why there's this embargo is because there are money people involved, doing their (hardest) to keep it quiet because of the profit potential that goes with having the capability and the technology that could go outside of our solar system," Mitchell told HuffPost.
Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, is hoping this week's CHD will help close the door on the alleged truth embargo that surrounds the UFO-ET issue.
"[We need to] spread a little bit more truth about the type of universe we live in and the fact that we're not alone in the universe. We've got many, many mysteries on our hands, and mysteries to solve. We really don't know the scope of our existence and our picture of the universe is still pretty primitive."
CHD organizer and political activist Stephen Bassett says he's hoping this event will primarily reach the mainstream media and Congress.
"The message to Congress is it's time to investigate this issue again and it's time for the media to realize this is the greatest news story of all time. I believe we have a definite, measurable chance of achieving, sometime this year, the president of the United States going before the American people and finally acknowledging that the phenomena we have been experiencing for at least the last 65 years is, in fact, being generated by an extraterrestrial non-human intelligence engaging the planet Earth."
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