Saturday 21 January 2012

Usaf Lt Col Recalls Ufo Encounter Socyberty
socyberty - Ret. USAF Lt. Colonel Wendelle Stevens recalls seeing UFO's in the Artic sphere back in 1947. Wendelle C. Stevens was inherent January 18, 1923 and served in the Military Air Force, in 1942. He was stationed at Wright Area as wing of a vast technical analysis program of captured Nazi air technical documents. Overdue the war completed Stevens was thus assigned to Alaska complete that time the Coupled States began cosmic celebration and mapping missions of Alaska and the north frosty regions. Among 1947 to 1949, he supervised a sound classified arrange of technical specialists who installed dashing data collecting equipment aboard the SAC B-29's.

Unrestricted as Chronicle Ptarmigan, a hi-tech research project, photographing and mapping the Artic land and sea area in muscular detail. Overdue the war furthermore Germany and the concerns of Russia, the US Military acceptable to cut up all EMF emissions in the Remote, to count, removal on film any and all peculiar phenomena, and scrape a count of any electrical nervousness or engine systems from non-compulsory aircraft, looking for any go up influences caused by unidentified flying objects.

Their pains were not in useless and a load productive. Stevens recurrently usual reports from flight crews about what pilots back than were talent "bogies" or UFO's. Stevens was being paid manifold reports on multiple sightings all the time. One report unfailing noteworthy seeing a UFO asylum seeker under water, sprouting, and than flew made known at a high rate of race. He knew meager amount on Place could do that, no distinct craft furthermore 1940's technology could power equate that. To back up any claims all B-29's flying these investigation missions had a variety of cameras on them and they took manifold amounts of film footage. But Colonel Stevens states that all B-29's captured footage of UFO's were knotted and shipped out to Washington, DC. Everywhere Pentagon Decision function would handle the film, and after that, no one always hears what add-on about it.

Stevens was very intrigued by all the evidence being improve by Chronicle Ptarmigan. But whatever thing was sent to Washington, DC. in a skin of secrecy and aloof enormously under raps. Stevens began his own UFO investigation so stable in the military. He started collecting photographs and witness accounts of liquidate encounters. Having the status of he retired from the US Air Force, Stevens continued furthermore his own research and accumulation of UFO reports. From his own UFO investigation over the get-up-and-go he has in black and white and co-authored over 30 books on the partnership. His individual accumulation of add-on than 4,000 UFO photographs is superlative. Stevens is well concerning his 80's now and stable has the greedy yearning to simply encounter the truth about what UFO's without a doubt are.

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