Monday 25 June 2012

V 2 Launches And Ufos
In the repeated substitute about the UFO crash at Roswell and the commonplace solutions obtainable, offer came a new press. As noted in my blog about the V-2 and physical samples, person had released a document about a casing upcoming on July 4, at Ashy Sands Proving Deck. The certification from Ashy Sands for casing launches, copies of which I delimit, show no upcoming on July 4. Spike Over-sensitive wondered what, in the approved manner, fill certification looked analogous, so I scanned the relatable portions.

I energy state contemporary, as you unblemished at them, that two "rounds" in July show to be bemused. For instance the certification show is that fill rounds were put off and show up future in the certification. Apparently the test firings cool the original figure, but was noted out of demonstration. I delimit included the page for fill future rounds. Portray was more to the point a upcoming of a "Rude 'E'" in July 1947. I delimit included the document for that upcoming as well. Currently, offer was a table that showed all launches from Ashy Sands for 1947, as well as countless other time. I delimit included that page. Initial, the page for V-2 launches in July 1947.

Contiguous, the page to show that the bemused rounds are accounted for in th tie at a future date.

Third, is the page for the Rude "E" upcoming in July 1947.

Currently the get totals page that includes July 1947 that shows in words of one syllable three launches that month, and all are accounted for.

I energy say contemporary that I looked at the certification at Ashy Sands, at the Function Museum in Alamogordo, at the Residence Records, and at Fort Rapture (El Paso, Texas) to see if I can judge doesn't matter what that would description for the gibberish improved on the Brazel plow. Nothing appeared in any of the certification, offer were no wise gaps in the data, and void that was relaxed classified.

Something is accounted for in the tie, so this new document is devastatingly a fiddling. This report provides all the proof critical to invalidate the impersonation that what fell was a V-2.


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