Friday, 12 February 2010

{26} UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING LISTDate: 14th November 1995 - Members = 180In this mail:-Hypnotic Regression of UFO Abductees.UFO in southern England.UFO've been framed - Glenn Films Huge 'Spaceship'Are members of UK.UFO.ML all plonkers?House of Commons UFO Secrecy demonstration."From: David Nicolaou To: "''" Subject: Hypnotic Regression of UFO AbducteesDate sent: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 Hi, I haven't mailed you before because I have really had nothingto mail you about but I am currently involved in something you andyour readers may be interested in.A collegue of mine, David Bolton is a clinical hypnotherapist andfor a number of years performed hypnotic regression on alleged UFOabductees on behalf of BUFORA. Dave is currently advertising for newsubjects and has had some considerable response. I am sitting in as awitness for him and also will be doing a little research from thefindings of the study. Would you be at all interested in recieving the transcripts of theregressions' (with the consent of the subject of course) of the moregenuine members of the study. They may be of interest to the group.All the best - email if you are interested - keep up the hard work.Kind regardsDavid.UK.UFO.ML says: I have mailed Dave and asked him if he would be good enough to forward the transcripts to us. Note: Mail now received from Dave as per below.Hi, hows it going......Yes - no problem about the transcript, we have to schedule thesessions first though. As soon as I have them I will send them to youeither encoded as word files or otherwise"From: (Piers Sherwood)Date: 6 Nov 1995 15:18:42 GMTSubject: UFO in southern EnglandLast night I saw what appeared to be our old friend, the black-hovering-triangle-with-bright-lights.I was driving north on the M3 motorway around 5 miles north of Winchesterat 8pm. It was a dark clear evening, the moon was up and almost full.I noticed some lights in the sky which appeared unusual: a very brightwhite one with a small red one below and to the right, and a smallblinking white light above and to the left. I initially thought it was anaircraft but soon realised that the lights were either stationary ormoving very slowly at a height of around 2000 feet.My passenger who has better eyesight than me said that the lights wereapparently attached to the underside of a dark triangular craft with thebright light in the middle. He estimated it to be around 50 to 100 feetin length. I stopped the car and we both got out to watch for severalminutes as the lights slowly disappeared behind a low hill to the south -we couldn't tell if they were descending or just moving away from us.We both live under the flight path to London Heathrow airport and arefamiliar with aircraft navigation and landing lights. The main light inour sighting was much brighter than these and appeared to be shining downand slightly forward rather like a searchlight.If anyone else in the UK saw this I would like to hear from you...Piers Sherwoodemail: barnes-sherwo"From: Daily Star newspaper.Dated: Saturday, November 11th 1995.UFO've been framed - Glenn Films Huge 'Spaceship'Gobsmacked Glenn Webster made a real-life X-Files catching a UFO on video.The fast moving "axe head" shape was seen by scores of people - but only Glenn managed to snap it.It moved swiftly from side to side before changing into a spinning top shape and zooming off. Police received several reports of the UFO and one man claimed a bright light followed his car.Camcorder enthusiast Glenn, 32, a painter and decorator from Norwich, was so stunned he tripped and fell over while filming from his bedroom window.But his video - just like something from the X-Files TV show - clearly shows the shape zig zagging before flying off in the direction of Geat Yarmouth.MovedGlenn said: "I was stunned when I saw it and reached for my camcorder. When I zoomed in I could not believe it. I moved forward and tripped over my hi-fi. I've always been a bit sceptical about these things, but this was amazing." Glenn's filming on November 3rd coincided with numerous UFO reports over Norfolk.Computer engineer Nick Colman said: "I was driving when a bright light appeared in my rear view mirror. It moved around the car before shooting up in the sky."UFO expert Ian Simmons, 35, has watched the video and ruled out all the normal explanations. He said: "It could well be extra-terrestrial."Have you had a close encounter with an extra-terrestrial? Have you snapped a UFO? Add your alien experiences to our X-files. Write to: Daily Star, 245 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 9UX."From: chris Date sent: Sat, 11 Nov 95 22:00:42 -800To: ufo'sI think you people are all plonkers.UK.UFO.ML says: I have mailed Chris the below reply.Hi Chris,Thanks for giving me a good laugh. I certainly needed it today. Isuppose everyone is entitled to their opinion. I've posted it to theUK.UFO.ML group anyway for discussion. Who knows you may be right and the whole group might just let you know that they think you are right.Best wishes.Dave."News Update October 1995'Out of the tabloids and into the broadsheets'!ORTK (Operation Right To Know) Britain's October 10th 1995 House ofCommons UFO Secrecy demonstration scored a hit with the media. As faras I have been able to ascertain the tabloid press left us completelyalone, but at least three broadsheets (Times, Independent andGuardian) covered the event, and generally reported on the eventsensibly. Must be a first when the UFO subjects attracts theattention of the broadsheets and not the tabloids!The after effects of the demonstration continue as I write (October16th) with the Guardian undertaking research for a large feature. TheSunday Times contacted me, post the event, and printed a columnheaded "MOD files reveal new UFO cases" on page three of the editionSunday October 15th. Though the column does not mention ORTK, it waswritten and printed as a direct consequence of the October 10thdemonstration. The event, (and it's aftermath) has most definitelygiven the campaign for freedom of UFO information a kick start in theUK.Radio coverage of the event, on the day, was extensive across thewhole of the UK, both BBC and Independent, regional and national.Karen Douglas once again worked very hard from home, undertaking 8radio interviews. As well as live and recorded interviews, the eventwas covered as a radio news item on both daytime and evening newsprograms. We also had live Television coverage on SKY and recorded TVslots on SKY, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire TV news broadcasts. There maywell have been other TV coverage.It appears that the regional press also picked up on thedemonstration and covered it quite extensively across the UK. It wasalso included on CEEFAX News.Approximately 35 demonstrators took part at the House of Commons.Three of us entered the Commons and I handed over a letter fordelivery to the Prime Minister, John Major. The atmosphere during thedemonstration was terrific, with everybody having a very good time.Media attendance at the Commons was high - 40 Press Releases went ina matter of seconds! ORTK members and supporters gave out all theprinted handouts (over 1000) to members of the public, and like theprevious two London events, cars slowed or stopped to receive a copy.The police kept away (they had been informed of the demonstration)and did not bother us at all. Everyone present thought the event hadbeen very worthwhile.So what now? After 3 London demonstrations (May 23rd 1994, March 20thand October 10th 1995) ORTK Britain has great plans for the future.We will keep you posted.John Holman, October 16th 1995For help and a list of files, send the following message:To:
Message Text
SEND help1SEND filelist"Dave.UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING the groups World Wide Web pages at: site at:


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