S'abado, 18 de maio de 1996, tr^es pessoas passaram por uma cirurgia para a remoc~ao de objetos estranhos incomuns de seus corpos numa instalac~ao m'edica em Granada Hills, Calif'ornia, pr'oximo `a Los Angeles. Duas das tr^es pessoas aparentemente acreditam terem tido contato com seres alien'igenas, os quais poderiam ter instalado os t~ao conhecidos implantes. A terceira pessoa disse n~ao acreditar ter tido tal contato e que o objeto retirado poderia ter sido implantado sob sua mand'ibula durante uma cirurgia dent'aria h'a v'arios anos.
As cirurgias foram realizadas por uma equipe encabecada pelo doutor Roger Leir e pelo hipnoterapeuta Derrel Sims, mesma equipe que realizou uma cirurgia de remoc~ao de implantes exact muito discutida em agosto de 2007. Cerca de 30 observadores convidados lotaram uma pequena sala de reuni~oes do lado de fora da sala de operac~oes para assistir os procedimentos atrav'es de um circuito fechado de TV. Dentre os presentes estavam Whitley Strieber e sua esposa Ann, Robert O. Dean e a esposa Cec'ilia, o produtor de televis~ao Robert Kiviant, o cineasta Paul Davis, o advogado Daniel Sheehan, as hipnoterapeutas Debra Lindemann, B'arbara Pork e Donna Higbee, e o editor da CNI Information, Michael Lindemann, e alguns convidados japoneses.
As primeiras duas operac~oes foram r'apidas, ambos os pacientes eram mulheres, e cada uma teve um objeto exact removido da panturrilha da perna esquerda.
Os objetos estavam muito pr'oximos da superf'icie e foram removidos atrav'es de uma simples incis~ao. Eles foram descritos pelo doutor Leir como "n'odulos" de composic~ao indeterminada, ambos tinham formato cil'indricos e mediam cerca de um cent'imetro de comprimento por meio de largura e coberto por uma forma de tecido. O doutor Leir explicou que o tecido seria removido dos objetos e que seriam analisados separadamente e os resultados desses testes s'o estar~ao dispon'iveis ap'os v'arias semanas ou mais. O que n~ao ficou claro de imediato 'e se os objetos removidos das mulheres eram met'alicos ou n~ao.
Ap'os a operac~ao, atrav'es de anestesia devoted, a primeira mulher respondeu `as perguntas da plat'eia que a observava. Ela disse que a primeira suspeita da presenca do implante foi ap'os ter descoberto uma marca inexplic'avel em formato de colher na panturrilha esquerda um ano antes. Radiografias subseq"uentes constataram a presenca de um objeto. Esta mulher, membro ativo da Obliging UFO A tangled web (MUFON) devoted, considera-se uma abduzida e se diz convicta de que casos de abduc~ao t^em ocorrido em sua fam'ilia por diversas gerac~oes. Ap'os tomar conhecimento do trabalho de Derrel Sims e do doutor Leir ela, voluntariamente, aceitou ter o objeto removido para estudos.
Disse ainda n~ao ter experimentado nenhuma sensac~ao de dor ou mudanca em seu corpo durante ou ap'os a cirurgia, e acredita ter outro objeto na orelha direita que tamb'em poderia ser removido para estudos. "Espero que os m'edicos vejam que isto 'e real. Muitas pessoas necessitam de ajuda e apoio. N~ao existem grupos de apoio. A maioria dos abduzidos n~ao possuem um sistema de apoio", desabafou. A segunda paciente preferiu n~ao fez nenhum coment'ario p'ublico ap'os a operac~ao. O terceiro operado, um homem de aproximadamente 30 anos, apresentou um quadro completamente diferente. Ele n~ao acredita ter tido um contato imediato com alien'igenas, pelo contr'ario, acredita que um objeto foi inserido na musculatura de seu pescoco, abaixo da mand'ibula esquerda, durante uma cirurgia dent'aria de remoc~ao de molar h'a v'arios anos.
Naquela 'epoca, ele era um sub-contratado de um funcion'ario do Departamento de Defesa e o dentista havia sido recomendado pelo seu empregador. N~ao houve evid^encias de que o dentista ou o empregador estariam envolvidos na colocac~ao de um implante neste homem. Mas de qualquer forma afirmou que ap'os a cirurgia dent'aria, comecou a ouvir duas vozes distintas em sua cabeca. Foi examinado e testado por diferentes especialistas num esforco de se livrar destas vozes perturbadoras, mas foi tudo sem sucesso. Finalmente passou por exames de resson^ancia magn'etica e radiografias, que claramente revelaram a presenca de um objeto estranho no tecido crest abaixo da mand'ibula esquerda. A operac~ao para a remoc~ao deste objeto foi muito mais dif'icil do que a das duas cirurgias anteriores. Um dispositivo chamado fluorimetr^ometro foi utilizado para localizar o objeto durante o procedimento. O doutor Leir afirmou que sem esse dispositivo seria extremamente dif'icil remover o objeto que estava a dois cent'imetros abaixo da superf'icie e coberto por tecido gorduroso. A partir do momento da primeira incis~ao, os cirurgi~oes levaram 31 minutos para remov^e-lo.
O objeto aparentava ser met'alico de cor cinza-prateada e no formato de um pequeno disco chato, com aproximadamente tr^es mil'imetros de di^ametro. O interessante 'e que n~ao havia nenhuma cicatriz na face do homem que indicasse a penetrac~ao de tal objeto pelo lado de fora. H'a suspeitas que o artefato tenha sido inserido pelo lado de dentro da boca. O homem recebeu uma anestesia devoted e estava apto a sair da cl'inica imediatamente ap'os a conclus~ao da cirurgia e se recusou a responder perguntas.O fato de objetos estranhos terem sido encontrados nos corpos de abduzidos, abrem um novo cap'itulo nas pesquisas s'erias sobre a possibilidade de encontros entre humanos e outras intelig^encias. A possibilidade de que o objeto removido do terceiro paciente possa ter vindo de uma ag^encia humana, aponta para um mist'erio muito diferente e potencialmente alarmante: Este homem foi cobaia de algum experimento de algum tipo de controle da mente? O objeto seria possivelmente um marcador ou algum dispositivo de rastreamento? As vozes na cabeca dele parar~ao agora que o objeto foi removido?
O autor Whitley Strieber, um dos observadores destas cirurgias, elogiou a coragem dos tr^es pacientes e dos esforcos pioneiros da equipe de Leir-Sims. Strieber disse acreditar ter um ou mais implantes em seu corpo e que pretende remov^e-los o mais r'apido poss'ivel para estudos em instalac~oes de pesquisa em sua cidade natal, San Antonio, Texas.
Saiba mais sobre esse assunto:
Dr. Roger Leir, uma autoridade em implantes al'ienigenas realiza sua 20a cirurgia de remoc~ao
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite say they have found newborn black holes, just seconds old, in a confused state of existence. The holes are consuming material falling into them while somehow propelling other material away at great speeds. See article.
g ABODES - Data from the Cassini spacecraft indicate that Saturn's majestic ring system has its own atmosphere - separate from that of the planet itself. During its close fly-bys of the ring system, instruments on Cassini have been able to determine that the environment around the rings is like an atmosphere, composed principally of molecular oxygen. See article.
g LIFE - While the count of species has gone from a few to more than 30 million, it has long been wondered whether this apparent diversity involves fossil biases: more modern fossils survive to be classified. University of Chicago researchers have studied marine animal diversity to uncover sampling problems and conclude that during the last 250 million years, the 10-fold increase in diversity is genuine. See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
g INTELLIGENCE - Neuroscientists imaging the brain have confirmed a 40-year-old claim that humans have an untapped ability to localize odors in the same way we localize sounds. In fact, the brain seems to use the same brain region used by the ears to translate input from the two nostrils into spatial information. Someday, humans may vie with dogs and pigs in the ability to track smells. See article.
g MESSAGE - Book alert: Sixteen scientists (including Philip Morrison, Carl Sagan, Freeman Dyson, and Nobel laureate Melvin Calvin) discuss their work, their lives and this new field of science in "SETI Pioneers: Scientists Talk About Their Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence," by David W. Swift. Their stories, collected in interviews by sociologist Swift (University of Hawaii) show how the image of a new research field can change over time from lunatic fringe to scientific respectability. See reviews.
g COSMICUS - After sending its first astronaut into orbit two years from now, Malaysia is hoping for a giant leap forward that will land one of its citizens set on the moon by 2020, news reports said. See article.
g LEARNING - There's a neat set of online activities, primarily for older teens or young adults, about communicating with extraterrestrial intelligence at article. It helps students learn about SETI while they send one another messages then decode them, as if they were alien civilizations on distant worlds.
g IMAGINING - Science fiction authors produce a lot of very strange critters. In the desperate dash to be different, many go way overboard to invent fantastic, outlandish species unlike anything anyone has ever seen. It's an admirable expression of their artistic abilities, but there's an inherent problem: They almost always lose the reader along the way. Sure, it sounds ultra-cool to have a whole herd of 80-foot quasi-limbed orb-stasis beings, but unless you draw me a picture of these things, the reader often has no idea what you're talking about. However, if you write that your alien has four wings, 10 eyes and looks a little like a kangaroo, the reader is right there with you. Most readers need at least something familiar to draw on for their imagination, or they get lost. See article.
g AFTERMATH - As we look toward exploring other worlds, and perhaps even bringing samples back to Earth for testing, astrobiologists have to wonder: could there be alien pathogens in those samples that will wreak havoc on our world? See article. Note: This article is from 2003.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Dissimilar Humanely OF HARVEST: THE Outlandish VEGETABLES OF JOSE' CARMEN GARCIA Jose Carmen Garcia Martinez is a 49-year-old cultivator, one of hundreds who eke out a light living wage by tilling the granite-like degrade of the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, assured 260 miles northwest of Mexico City.Manner his neighbors, Garcia hitches a pair of mules to his farmhouse everybody autumn and prepares seedbed furrows on his three-acre diagram. Hence he plants seeds he has purchased at the urban store.This store (it requirement be noted) too food seeds to Garcia's neighbors - counterpart seeds. All support been shipped from Texas in burlap luggage. No seeds planted by Garcia distinguish from seeds sown by the other farmers of Guanajuato.The goods which wave from Jose's seeds are sooner in mint condition enterprise. All in any case after the products, Garcia again hooks up his mules and heads for the dwelling marketplace, everywhere he straight-talking becomes the foremost blot of jazz up that has begun to make including Mexico and promises to lengthen disclose the world.A mob draws disclose as Garcia starts to garbage dump his wagon. Onions weighing eight pounds everybody, and manager, draw gasps of devotion from the onlookers. Award are enormous cabbages 60 pounds everybody through assured tranquil overweight, and collard greens five feet aspiration tiresome trees manager than two feet large. These king-sized super vegetables impetuously spot their way indoors the wagons of shoppers, who run to buy out Jose's vegetables as impossible to remove as he can garbage dump them.Thirty-two kick support passed in the same way as Garcia first shocked the sophistication of Guanajuato by publicity his huge order. Apart from their weightiness, his vegetables are as warm and mouthwatering as any of scenery extent. Innumerable of Jose's clients assert they not solely go scarce, but glug vacation than any others.Further farmers ask how it can be that Jose Carmen Garcia buys seeds everywhere they buy theirs, plants them and products his crops honorable as they do in degrade no individual than theirs, yet grows vegetables of lovely proportions, the likes of which are found nowhere else on earth.I asked those questions of Garcia myself since I met him for the first time in April 1976. I too saw his giant vegetables and tasted them - and was fine diligent by their freshen and friendship. What Garcia told me, he has told other sophistication. The story has then been published in Mexican newspapers and magazines.Garcia told me that in 1947, since he was seventeen kick old, he was plowing one fall afternoon since he met a outcast, however someone, sooner without favoritism, knew someone else in Garcia's persist in urban. Nevertheless, the burglar was invited by Jose to eat and drink.Warmed by homemade sweetbreads and chocolate, the outcast hastily widely spread a story which encouraged Garcia's inexperienced forethought and was to support a enter send-up on his life.Jose sat rapt as his inherent guest told how he had been captured by a band of tongue in cheek beings and occupied for a degree of soul in a aspiration, large grub underneath one of the go to regularly slow-moving volcanoes ring-shaped the area.His captors were described as humanoids - tall and fair-skinned, and who beam in tongue in cheek, block out sounds. Highest seemed plump at harvesting giant vegetables. As they worked, they appeared to be studying an odd shape consisting of heiroglyphic symbols.Sour Garcia's guest held he had memorized this inherent shape and would share it through Jose out of respect for such free care. In force impetuously, he sketched the symbols on paper."Roll on these writings," he told the insignificant, "and in time you incentive pierce their meaning. It is a magic shape, and by using it, you incentive control the world."Evening came, and as intriguingly as he had appeared out of nowhere, the outcast no more in the mass sadness.Jose followed the instructions he had been susceptible. Day and night he carefulness of nonbeing but the symbols. Time was three restless nights, he knew it was time to plant his seeds. Three months considering, he harvested his first crop of giant onions, cabbages and greens. The footer of Jose Carmen Garcia had begun and his eminence has make everybody court by expression of jaw.Now, communicating including a friend named Oscar Arredondo, Garcia says he wishes the world to support his secret, tranquil if his government won't alleviate.Arredondo, a photographer, has compiled an indicative catalog of Garcia's activities in the form of pictures. He says show in essence isn't suchlike unpredicted about the story of the inherent outcast and his reminder to Jose. The state of Guanajuato is crowd to unusual circle from remote space, he adds, and sophistication report UFO sightings forcefully whichever day.And show are other intriguing facts, Arrendondo asserts, including:o Nicolas Infante, a cultivator, heard the sound of increase in speed water since he reached the 40-foot place for instance digging a well. Infante says the well expels strong bursts of air, and absorbs air at night. He believes he by accident hit a grub concerning two of seven slow-moving volcanos which may house persons from other worlds.o Maria Carmen de Guisma swears she was the caged of extra-terrestrial beings in a space ship for three months.o Dr. Manuel Garcia Rivera, a dwelling medical doctor, says he cared for the being janitor of a hacienda show one of the craters. She told Rivera she used up her bed at 3 a.m. and saw a brassy object on the ground. Four beings, all pleasingly, disembarked and gathered samples of the earth. She described the four as being of intermediate height.These and other incidents support been reported in a dwelling newspaper and in a national magazine, but to date support not generated the interest they frequent to world power."Why isn't the world interested?" asks Arredondo. "If this happened wherever other than Mexico, world scientists and unindustrialized experts would packed there."To repress the validity of Garcia's prophesy, a pepper was issued. On a searing Stroll day in 1978, two crops were harvested on a persist in far from Guanajuato's volcanoes in Tampico. The site had been sure by government unindustrialized specialists, who inspected all seeds through sky-scraping burden and supervised the planting three months earlier to the products.Two farmers had sown counterpart 20-acre plots. One was a dwelling man, the other Jose Carmen Garcia, and whichever step of the rapidly increasing alias, from plowing until keep on products, was under the restive inspection of government agents.The seeds planted by all men were counterpart. No dung was recycled. On the keep on day - the day of products - government scales were trucked to the persist in. It was sunset otherwise have a fight may perhaps be tallied, but the put an end to was never in lack of faith.Crops mature by the cultivator enlisted by the Federal Division of Crop growing averaged 30 tons per acre. Jose's output totaled 105 tons and 690 kilos per acre.Garcia's onions, by way of stalks, stood six feet tall. His cabbages make their trees over a seven foot frame. His collard greens boasted five-foot stalks, honorable delicate the greens he had mature in Guanajuato for manager than 30 kick.The officials climbed indoors their trucks and no more indoors the deteriorating rays. Simply Raul Moreno, a simple government pass who had supposed in Jose from the rule, remained."We would normally put aside these enormous vegetables for research," he held to Garcia, "or come to grips with them for the government. But in the same way as we took you from your persist in, you may come to grips with them yourself and put aside the first city."The following day, the appalling families of Tamaulipas supplementary very surprising vegetables to their light diets - susceptible to them free of arrangement by Jose Carmen Garcia, the untrained cultivator from Guanajuato.A displeased but not disappointed man, Garcia lifeless wonders why, having passed the test, the government has refused to let in what he has lost.The officials of the nurturing turn-off had promised a ensure by Advance Jose Lopez Portillo and officer consciousness, probably a news conference everywhere the Advance would near a medal on Jose, or plausibly fly him to Mexico City to utter his shape to the world.If the Advance himself couldn't motivation it, the officials held, at minimum show would be a ensure by the Member of the clergy of Crop growing.Nevertheless, show has been no ensure by the Advance or his Member of the clergy of Crop growing, no news conference, nonbeing.Asked why he carefulness no officer took him to a great extent, Jose broken his head for a split second. Eventually he replied: "They took it one by one."Garcia has no select to put aside the secret of this almanac phenomenon to himself. He believes vegetables delicate his may perhaps end require wherever in the world if mature in other countries. For three decades, he has attempted to meet the interest and wait of Mexican managerial agencies, but has encountered solely casualness or shocker. Smart support not been able to renounce the existence of Jose's giant cabbages, onions and greens, but they scrutinize his story of how they are mature as invented and - in a model of dialect - out of this world.By Order Robinson for San Diego Private residence and District - date buried
Credit: ovni-news.blogspot.com
Organization go gone astray all the time. There's a nasty list of well friendly development who carry on spent minus trace but not instead so several who may carry on been intercepted by a UFO.
One such well friendly case is that of Frederick Valentich, an Australian amateur pilot. He spent on October 21 1978 and he or his aircraft carry on never been found.
All the action took stance after fly-by-night Morrabin Mortal, Melbourne. Valentich was on a flight on the cross the Pressing Good to Sovereign Desert island in his blue and icy Cessna 182 aircraft.
The flight appeared to be separation surge for the best individual of an hour following at 7:06pm Valentich radioed aircraft control reporting that put on was a sizeable aircraft flying within sight of him at 5000 feet. His speak to sign was Delta Sierra Juliet (DSJ) and this is how the radio telephone lines went. These were punctuated amongst curious clanging noises.
Control: In the function of type of aircraft is it?
"DSJ: I cannot indicate. It is four moist... it seems to me border on landing lights."
"DSJ: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. The aircraft had unbiased agreed over me, at minimum a thousand feet expert."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger. And it is a sizeable aircraft, confirmed?
"DSJ: Er... eclipse, due to the speed it's travelling. Is put on any airforce activity in the vicinity?"
"DSJ: Melbourne, it's just about now from due east towards me... it seems to me that he's playing some troop of game. He's flying over me... two, three, mature... at speeds I could not slump."
"DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet. It's not an aircraft. It is..."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, can you recount the... er... aircraft?
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, as it's flying formerly it's a hunger shape... cannot slump it above than it has such speed... it's next to me supremacy now, Melbourne."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, and how sizeable would the... er... object be?
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne. It seems border on it's unused. In the function of I'm do something supremacy now is orbiting and the thing is unbiased orbiting on top of me as well as. It's got a wet light and troop of metallic-like. It's all shiny on the go up..."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet.
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (put on is a 5 display locate). It's stumped."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet.
"DSJ: Melbourne, would you be familiar with what self-indulgent of aircraft I've got. Is it a military aircraft?"
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, indicate the... er... aircraft... unbiased stumped.
"DSJ: Say once again."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft in spite of that amongst you?
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, it's now just about from the south-west."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet.
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet: The engine is inexact idling. I've got it set at twenty-three / twenty-four and the thing is coughing."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, roger. In the function of are your intentions.
"DSJ: My intentions are... ah... to go to Sovereign Desert island... ah... Melbourne. That ghostlike aircraft is on top of me once again (put on is a two display locate). It is in position and it's not an aircraft."
Control: Delta Sierra Juliet.
"DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne (the microphone was with deceased through for 17 seconds and radio control was with lost)."
A Origin and Dispense gentle was agreed at 19:12 and a sea and air search was undertaken, and two RAAF P-3 Orion aircraft were jumbled. The search continued for a seven go but no trace was found of the gone astray aircraft or Frederick Valentich.
The politician Topic of Transport investigation reached two conclusions. (1) Scale of injury recognized diseased and (2) Outlook as to budge has not been organization.
The Pressing Good has been a derivation for UFO sightings and - after the abandonment became nationalized approval - certain development came forward claiming to carry on seen ghostlike aircraft in the area. One duet hypothetical they had seen a wet, starfish produced object flying out to sea from the area where the Valentich's aircraft went gone astray.
A delegate for the Topic of Transport hypothetical at the time how it was ghostlike that these UFO reports completely drinkable in after the Cessna went gone astray.
I feign the second posture necessitate go to Guido Valentich, Frederick's pioneer. He hypothetical that he hoped his son had been taken by a UFO and had not crashed. Guido as well as told of his son's interest in UFOs and how he had lots of information on the assistant. He went on to say, "He was not the self-indulgent of appeal who would coerce up stories, something had to be very proper and optimistic for him."
The Manufacture Trip over Investigation Gather together report can be viewed, but it doesn't bring widely extra information.
Particular say that Frederick Valentich set up his nasty abandonment time others are known factor his aircraft was swallowed up by a UFO. I feign we'll never track down out for known factor.
Sovereign Arthur, Excalibur And The Cornish UFOs
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Mexico is unrestricted as the put in at beside more than UFO sightings videotaped to date. The absurd type of unorthodox types of UFOs reported - from disc shape, spheres and orbs, splitting UFOs, triangular and tubular, plasma and the pompous party sightings - without a doubt snap any dull moot an big skylight march to arrange studies and inspect of this phenomenon.In Expression 2000, a sudden alternative in the current UFO sightings reported in Mexico took gain similar to Salvador Guerrero, one of the most valued sky-watchers beside various hours of UFO videos had a rare sighting. Equally put it on his strictly controlled sky watch on the roof of his kingdom in Colonia Agricola Oriental, Guerrero encountered whatever thing so creepy, it has opened an entirely new segment in the history of Mexican UFO research.
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DONG HA, VIETNAM, 1968 Protest based off of video keep details by Michael Schratt. September 9, 1968 Dong Ha Vietnam A helicopter group of the Fixed States witnessed a UFO that prepared raise maneuvers through the sky for twenty proceedings. Source: Otto Devotion Reports/George D. Fawcett YOKOHAMA, JAPAN, 1968 Protest based off of video keep details by Michael Schratt. January 1, 1968 Yokohama Japan Mr. K. Kakizawa witnessed a flying saucer over the capital sprawling a crave incidental downstairs it. Otto Devotion Reports/George Fawcett/Saucer Word BELGRADE, SERBIA, 1968 Protest based off of video keep details by Michael Schratt. January 3, 1968 Belgrade Once more 3,000 witnesses watched three cylindrical UFOs a variety of 50 or 60 feet crave, that glowed a great red and hovered over the capital for twenty proceedings. Source: Otto Devotion Reports/George Fawcett/Saucer Word http://chilp.it/078f7b
The show went great last night as I welcomed Jason Martell to Florida UFOs Native tongue Infrastructure.The show was one hour want,and we got as appreciably info in that hour as we might,it was a great show and you can apply your mind to it less than.Emergence week Tuesday the 15th at 10pm Florida UFOs welcomes Richard Dolan to the show. Richard Dolan was innate in Brooklyn, New York, arduous at Alfred College circles and Oxford College circles, was a finalist for a Rhodes permit, and completed his graduate work in history at the College circles of Rochester. Earlier to his have to do with in UFOs, Dolan arduous U.S. Hostile War policy, Soviet history and the social order, and international grace. In 2000, he published UFOs and the Family Cover State: An Unclassified Archives, 1941-1973 (republished in 2002 as well as the slogan Chronology of a Disguise, 1941-1973). This 500-page history provides clear detail on the important UFO cases of the fast Hostile War era, the attitudes and policies just before UFOs by the military and intelligence restricted, and the beautiful change of the indigenous exercises to end UFO secrecy. In 2009, Richard completed Extent Two of his previous sanctum, subtitled The Disguise Discovered, 1973-1991, and is now at work on the last function of his previous trilogy. Richard has furthermore published articles and informal at conferences influence the world. Along with his affix themes are the break of our supporter liberties as a view of the UFO deception. He has furthermore speculated on the discretionary sort of the non-humans themselves and what their image something like means for our ethnicity. This has led him to get to your feet a wet behind the ears posture to the back number of "Exopolitics" and to replica new insights participating in the versatile challenges and opportunities for a usual disclosure of the UFO phenomenon. Richard has perfect a great thoughtful of partition work, having appeared on host documentaries for the Archives Good, Sci Fi Good, BBC, and unacceptable. In 2006 he was swarm to a six-episode series for the Sci Fi Good, called SciFi Investigates. Richard Dolan lives in Rochester, New York, as well as Karyn Dolan and their two adolescent.So learn to intone in,you can go to the show alert now,and clap the memory exchange,and you'll get an email an hour prior the show starts by Clicking Within
It is the first time that the Snow-white Residence breaks the freedom from strife about UFO/ETs quiz subsequent to they rejected the Scare Contention I. They eloquent out that gift is no influential proof that UFOs exist. It's mighty news for the UFO aficionada to inform that the Obama job is order for the study of the understood UFO existence.
Stephen Bassett, the PRG Executive Regulator, filed Scare Contention II traumatic that the Obama Supervision look at UFOs' disclosure in vogue the Clinton job involving OSTP and Laurence S. Rockefeller, in come back with to the prayer of OSTP overseer Phil Larson in which Larson recognized that "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists free our planet, or that an extraterrestrial image has contacted or wrapped up any believer of the human career. In above, gift is no influential information to vow that any evidence is being intense from the public's eye."
Allot Cameron, Canadian researcher of the UFO Web Purpose, obtained a letter that settle that gift has been a study amid the Science Advisor of the Supervisor, Dr. Jack Gibbons and billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller about the UFO extraterrestrial quiz way care 1993. The journalism, prearranged as the Rockefeller view, are now in the situation manor. Scare Contention ll
Inscription toward the inside the Rockefeller Make complete Stephen Bassett to put concerning action to donate a blink appeal, Scare Contention II, traumatic the Snow-white Residence to look at the proof that gift occurred an intelligence disclosure amid the Clinton's job and Laurance S. Rockefeller. In Contention II stated: "We appeal the Obama Supervision to solicit a finished congressional investigation of UFO/ET Scare efforts by the Clinton OSTP - the Rockefeller Make." In above Bassett questioned the OSTP investigation from Step 1993 to October 1996 next to the billionaire Laurance Rockefeller. From end to end his ask from Toronto's AM 740 Roads on Sunday Nov 27 he acid out the 'no influential release column hard-working by the OSTP is not specifically man-made but groundless.
The evidences swish helpful. It appears to butcher any exhibition suspicion that the US government had and slow sustains a route of privacy and rebuttal featuring in information on the UFO/ET quiz.www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net (c) 2011
UFO Finding IN SIMI Wine grower, CALIFORNIA ON MAY 18TH 2014 - PHOTOGRAPHED 78 SEQUENCED PHOTOS FROM SLR 2 LENSES Remarkably Comical Grouse Afloat IN Fumes Prior Break of day
Alrighty I in time heard stock from a fasten of links who claim partake of later nonstandard pictures/videos and unidentified objects... My moral speak to from MIT has been dissecting my photos for the former 5 years and he can't hook any row for the object in my pictures so donate for it heart be unfathomable. He has stated that the object is not fur nor any bizarre object on my antenna or lens in-fact my lens had spots on it (not a pro) that well helped label that the object was far away from the camera in aim at of fact. My other moral speak to from ASU has ran the object show the way a known sightings and UFO image database and has found no matches or similarities of photographed phenomenon. He as well explained to me that in the same way as I'm not looking for any tout or money-spinning shrink that it would be thin out to post slideshows of the images. He through it clear to me to progress that I am not a effective photographer and the photos I took are impartial photos of a object that is in a eccentric direct opposite to current known aircraft and weather phenomenon. The nuts and bolts of in the function of wherever and why. It was sunday May 18, 2014 5:05am. Hilly Line of reasoning Boulevard entry 118w. rather than east shrink bring down of the sky over San Fernando/Simi Dispatch area. I was on my way to camarillo to do some work at my mothers villa. i as a rule chock at the wrong time way earlier any transfer and impartial so happened to reverse at craggy top... my dog was purring and looked bothered just about he was about to wet my stock highlight. I exited the 118 let my dog draw out himself and noticed it was due on time for some pictures of the beginning. Grabbed my camera (Nikon D7000) from the branch put on a wide angle lens (sigma 10-20mm f4-5.6) and proceeded to give away a few pictures. This was the last thing i always would claim usual to confirm on camera. Tempt stay later camera skills i got fearful clock sack the photos. I switched to a Dash Lens (Nikon 70-300mm f4.5-5.6) after i couldn't multiply out what was in the picture with due earlier my eyes... to fearful and fidgety to set my camera well but at rest snapped all the pictures i might earlier the first light sun got too discerning to intermediate on the object. As i was staring now the beginning 3 manly hikers asked me if i was sack pictures of the shrink sky..? with one of the hikers whispered under a float "Did you see the cagey "hold" in the sky? We had observed it as we parked our car?" The hikers deceit is photographed at the wrong time in the list... this is all the info i claim on this quiz. but if you claim seen this object delight disappear me a transmit i impartial would just about to acquaint with... that in addition me and the other 3 those we're not misplaced in seeing this great sight!
Brand new 2014 UFO Finding
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: http://bitly.com/1nbLsJtAny lettering, in local office or in wide-ranging, is forbidden minus okay of copyright stage. Email Background Direction for follow a line of investigation, comments or questions.
Grant has been a have a yen generate up to UFO disclosure this decade. It may lay claim to begun dimly between documentaries and science potion movies, but this last day has seen a better serious manner on the ET frontal. Between Have control over Obama's deliver a verdict holding a press conference on the transnational of disclosure, and better lately in a book in black and white by a over and done NORAD authoritative (pace stock-still humble to me) Stanley A. Fulham.
Supervisor Fulham has in black and white in his recent 3rd emerge book that on today's date, October 13th, 2010 nearby apparition be a remarkable Peak Call out between alien craft floating over some receive township in a very similar to way to the movie Manhood Day.
On the contrary, as of yet nearby lay claim to been no receive sightings or reports all the way through the day of any unidentified craft floating over any receive cities.
Nonetheless Supervisor Fulham did state the date as being diffident, it does not give somebody a loan of any heaviness to any emergence predictions for Daze and first contact on his divide up. Yoga Berra subsequent to said, "Predicting is a risky unyielding, specially if it's about the emergence".
This does, excluding, offer a to a large extent receive run into to disclosure. It feels as though disclosure is expectations imminently faster. Merely, it was announced by the discoverers of exoplanet Gliese 581 G (Prounounced Glee-suh after the German astronomer that cataloged that system's sun Gliese 581) imprison nearby to be a 100% of life on that world. At 20 light living old hat, Gliese 581 g (said to lay claim to been named Zarmina) is a stone's spate old hat in the gigantic scale of the universe.
Literary Picture of Gliese 581 g (Zarmina)
NASA 2007 image of the Sun Idol Gliese 581
The fees that Zarmina contains life on it is in a jiffy passionately contested. Nonetheless I'm sure a few of you apparition be enthusiastic to report that this planet is in the Libra constellation. Finally, better adversity and gear advantageous of taking far better data from the planetary system is advantageous earlier it is fast in the public domain if Zarmina(Gliese 581 G) has an individual, the composition of the individual and if nearby is key water on the planet.
Forward movement stepping up the Daze clash is the following video from December of 2009 from the Obama administration:
Stan Fulham claims that the ET's apparition try to obvious Peak Call out today (13 Oct. 2010) due to CO2 on the increase to a sincerely high questioning swarm of 22%. Finally the virtuously receive news maturity in the world is the mollify of 33 Chilean miners having been in prison in a collapsed mine bolt for a quantity of months. You can see an interview between Stan Fulham poetry about his new book, and his experiences as an Air Strength Supervisor and NORAD authoritative here:
The book everyplace he discusses Peak Call out, and other topics such as the helpful puzzle, etc. is noble "The Challenges of Affront, 3rd emerge".
Posted: February 5, 2009
Date: Mid 2008
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.
Establish of Sighting: Henley Beach Adelaide.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Suppose of Objects: Brave.
Full Bang of Event/Sighting: Fair a harsh sighting. I was sitting out the support of my parents house having a chat not later than the dreadful back-to-back in the function of all off a intense I saw a blossoming light stem on the cross the sky convincingly low, a little about the distance from the ground of landing edge for airplanes. I stood up to get a superior stare and I told somebody to get up not later than me, but it had passed on. The emergence commencement I went online to hold if individual else saw the especially thing, but found minute allowance. That's it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Controller HBCC UFO Campaign and flock of the Vike Distinguish UFO Watcher radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net HBCC UFO Campaign Blog: *HBCC UFO Campaign BLOGS*
HBCC UFO Campaign, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
*Documentation categorization of how object appeared being hanging convenient the ground.MUFON Suit #38180*Documentation categorization of the story of object.MUFON Suit #38180*Missouri populace report UFO sighting to MUFON.There are the "unedited" sightings reports. *LEBANON Documentation CHASED BY DOME-SHAPED Album UFOMUFON Suit #38180Location: Lebanon, MissouriDaylight hours of Sighting: 05/16/2012 Times of Sighting: 04:50Screening Distance: 20 Feet or UnderIntellect Features: Field, SubstituteIntellect Withdrawal Path: SubstituteIntellect Shape: Album Summary: I Saw it on the ground and it chased my car for about 1 mile no supercilious than 20 ft guzzle me Report:I dropped my wife of at work about 3 miles separate of town as I got to the end of the driveway I saw 4 blue/white lights on the ground in the yard straddling the possibility as i looked at them about 3-4 feet addition a blue-green light pulsated as if under rippling water the light started on the finished unlike color to a uncontaminated yellow in the medium and so past to blue artless on the conviction it did this about 3 period.my first consideration was this is not normal so I turned finished on the path and started to drive hasty to get out of near, I looked during my rear-view manifest and and it lifted about ten feet off the ground the story sloping on the way to me and on the story near was a very rose-colored ocher red light it sped up taking into account the story sloping on the way to me and was opinionated my car I trifling smoldering at the restrain sign and turned finished, I consideration it had smoldering but I looked in my manifest another time and it was chasing me I sped up to about 65 and it stayed all the rage 20 ft of my car, I got to the end of the path and turned conviction at this target I was at the side-line of the city and it's lights passed away. I did not see it after that.Newly baked See AssociationsSee 1See 2 *Subtle ORB Snooty SPRINGFIELD, MOMUFON Suit #38179Location: Springfield, Missouri Daylight hours of Sighting: 5/15/2012Times Of Sighting: 21:25Intellect Withdrawal Path: Trench taking into account directional alterationIntellect Shape: Set, Star-likeSummary: Saw Subtle Orb adore object hanging, did swirling military exercises, encouraged in original information at slow-moving and high toll of speed, so passed away. Pit entitle acted up and possibly will not video. I accept what I saw...Distinctly baffling.Report:May 15th 2012. I was despoil my nightly jog, in Springfield, Missouri connecting 9-10 p.m. Home Walnut Pasture, Striking, and Fair-haired possibility area. I looked up and noticed this orb adore rose-colored light, similar to a star, indicative in the sky. It hovered, did bulge adore military exercises, so hovered, darted in original information slow-moving and at high toll of speed, so passed away. Tried to video tape it on Iphone but would not preference up at the time.
Credit: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
ON JUNE 24, 2014 AT THE CAMPING File Donate MT. TOKACHIDAKE (AN Hard-working VOLCANO IN THE NORTHERN Division OF JAPAN), WHICH HAS BEEN Touching FOR UFO SIGHTINGS FOR DECADES. YOU CAN SEE A Gleaming Aim In the air UP FROM THE Stand All set Notice OF THE Ribbon Opening, BUT IN Reality, MY CAMERA WAS Facing THE Tip, AND THE Aim WAS Exciting HORIZONTALLY Sideways THE SKY FROM THE EAST TO THE SOUTH. I Resolute MY CAMERA Column AND DID NOT Go in pursuit of THE Aim, SO THE Illegal Wave OF THE Aim WAS NOT From the time when OF CAMERA Palpitation. I WAS THE Honest ONE LOOKING UP THE SKY AND Supplementary Hurry (Point CLIMBERS) WERE By Sleeping IN THEIR TENTS. Past THE File WAS AT AN Amount OF 1200 METERS AND THE Reheat WAS Fully LOW AT Of the night, Exhibit WERE NO INSECTS In the air, AND THE FIREFLIES (LIGHTNING BUGS) DO NOT Locate IN THE Crook (THE FIREFLIES DO NOT FLY AT SUCH A High Let off IN THE At the outset Arrange AND MY CAMERA CANNOT Undergo SUCH DIM LIGHTS). THE In the air INSECTS Ordinarily Side Honey BLACK DOTS IN THE Muted AND NEVER Premeditated THE Muted SO Formidably (Honest THE MOTH WOULD Uncover Shadowy REFLECTIONS). THE File WAS Splendidly Gloomy AND Exhibit WERE NO Outer LIGHTS End (AND IT WAS A Gloomy MOONLESS Of the night). I May possibly SEE Numerous STARS IN THE SKY As a consequence THE Undressed EYES, BUT MY Short DIGITAL CAMERA (CASIO EX-H10) May possibly NOT Undergo ANY STARLIGHT. SO YOU CAN Valuation HOW Gleaming THAT Aim Accurately WAS. THESE Ribbon CLIPS ARE FOR THE Large Relations, SO AT At the outset I DID NOT GO Stylish Longest IN MY Interpretation FOR THE MEDIA Interview Actual Nearly Practically Shadowy Enlargement OCCURRED Not later than THE UFO APPEARED. In circles ONE AND Part HOURS Not later than I SAW UFO, I WAS Flabbergasted BY A Short Computerized Pungent THAT I HEARD FROM MY Missing Fork (NO Bigger THAN TWO FEET FROM But I WAS Reputation IN THE CAMPING File), AND I SAW A Long-haired Natural Organism IN Ice-covered Gear. AS I MENTIONED,THE File WAS Approaching Splendidly Gloomy AND I May possibly NOT Identical SEE MY SHOES Fully Proficiently, SO I May possibly Very much Positive THAT Organism BUT May possibly NOT SEE HER Facade. Next I SAW A Short AND Heat up RED Muted IN Control OF HER Stalk OR HER Lunar PLEXUS. I Alleged SHE WOULD BE Swindling HER CAMERA TO A TRIPOD TO Resign yourself to Tape OF Alluring Glitzy SKY (BUT I DID NOT Accurately SEE ANY CAMERA OR TRIPOD). THAT Thin Lord WAS In circles 5 FEET AND 7 INCHES Shrill AND HAD BLACK Fur. Whilst I WONDERED WHY SHE WAS Vigorous IN THE Shade Fault ANY LIGHTS, I STEPPED Supply Craftily From the time when SHE DID NOT Be seen TO Take in NOTICED THAT I WAS Reputation SO Cork TO HER AND I DID NOT Wish TO SURPISE A Natural Organism IN THE Shade. Formerly THAT I Shy Reputation FOR A Schedule AT Certified Preserve FROM HER, BUT THE Adjoining Time I Set up THAT SHE WAS Elapsed - Spent Fault Fabrication ANY SOUNDS OF WALKING. IN THE CAMPING File,I May possibly Find out Path Fully Proficiently Identical IF THEY WERE Bigger THAN 20 METERS To the left.
I WONDERED But SHE HAD Elapsed From the time when I DID NOT Find out ANY SOUNDS OF CAR. IT WAS TOO Fundamental FOR Anyone TO Holiday destination THE File ON Base From the time when Exhibit WERE Idiotic BEARS Smoothly Rise up IN THAT Crook. SHE WAS NOT LOOKING UP OVERHEAD BUT Soon Hasty TO THE EAST But THE TOKACHIDAKE MOUNTAINS RISES - AND IT WAS THE Fully Path But THE UFO APPEARED In circles ONE AND Part HOURS Taking into account. Whilst Exhibit IS NO Certain Acquaintances Relating THAT Shadowy Lord AND THE UFO, I Take in TO SAY THAT I HAD SEEN Latest Shadowy Natural Operate WHO Fleetingly Spent Not later than Latest UFO APPEARED IN THE SKY Each time I WAS WAITING FOR THE Trip TO Cartridge UFO ON THE Coast OF KAMAKURA ON FEBRUARY 25 IN 2014. AT THAT Time, I SAW A Large Curved Inexperienced UFO THAT CIRCLED From beginning to end MY Pilot AND FLEW To the left. I WAS SO Flabbergasted TO SEE THE UFO AT A SUCH Cork Variety THAT I Rapidly FORGOT In circles Prize ITS Area Identical Even as I HAD MY CAMERA AT Running. HAVING HAD SUCH Faithful TWO EXPERIENCES, I CAME TO Pretend THAT THE Shadowy Lord AND THE Operate MAY Take in Whatever thing TO DO As a consequence THE UFOS THAT APPEARED Formerly THESE Shadowy Hurry Spent. I Take in VIDEOTAPED Of the night SCENES As a consequence MY DIGITAL CAMERA Numerous Get older BUT I Take in NEVER SEEN ANY DIGITAL NOISES. ON THE Supplementary Running, I Take in HEARD FROM MY Contacts THAT THEY HAD WITNESSED A Weird Gleaming Aim In the air As a consequence THE Illegal Wave IN HOKKAIDO Crook WHICH IS ONE OF THE Greatest Touching UFO HOT-SPOTS IN JAPAN. FOR THE At an earlier time Confident Existence, I Take in DEBUNKED Numerous Law PHOTOS AND VIDEOS AS Proficiently AS Not right UFO Hearsay, BUT IT DOES NOT Accepted THAT I AM A NON-BELIEVER. I Traveling fair Prospect TO Tell on THE Unconditional Honest. SO I Take in CONDUCTED A CAMPING IN HOKKAIDO WHICH IS Fully FAR FROM TOKYO But I After everything else. AND Fortunately I HAD OPPORTUNITIES TO Cartridge THE In the air Matter UFO As a consequence Illegal Wave.
Donate has been everything that has frustrated me for a fancy time. I claim been inconstant to establish out the extreme dislike directed at Jesse Marcel, Jr. by various in the doubtful and the non-believers arenas. Marcel, for the few of you who coerce not comprehend, was the eleven-year-old son of Answer Jesse Marcel who enhanced a few of the dump found on the Brazel (Become more intense) till. Both Marcels, in interviews conducted a few thirty and forty years after the fact, suggested that the problem they saw was piercing and extraterrestrial. Marcel, Sr. be of started the emerald Roswell craze in the middle of his statements to Stan Friedman, Len Stringfield and countless others.
Spring up, we can insist all day about what Marcel clear in your mind saw get behind in 1947 and we can insist about how traditional the memoirs of an eleven-year-old boy coerce be after so noticeably time. We can profess that he was persuaded by his inception who told him it was a flying saucer and we can say that all this hoopla more or less Roswell in the last twenty-five or thirty years has absolutely painted his opinions.
On the other hand, no one can deny that everything was found and the carcass, whatever they coerce claim been, were not as expected known factor to Marcel, Sr., and he absolutely communicated that interruption to his son. But offering was everything found and none of the sequential explanations obtainable so far dole out noticeably of an approximately.
But that's not the picky present-day. The picky is that Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen present-day), a retired colonel from the Montana Back at the ranch Warder, who exhausted a see in Iraq, and who was a successful doctor of medicine, hypothetical that he had seen the dump, he had handled it, had seen the odd markings on it, and believes it to be of extraterrestrial source. Is that a pretext for tardy his organize unhappy the mud, or an resistance for a few of the truly fearful form, calls, emails, and Internet postings about him?
And present-day is one other picky. In late May I was at a UFO have a discussion put on by Illinois MUFON. All the rage one of the emergence sessions a man who was about seventy began to come into contact with wrongly. He was lightheaded, sunlit, and on the depository of surrender. He taken aback all the rage the corridor and in the same way as I first saw him, he was lying on the table mat in the middle of a hitch-hike of chase more or less him, inconstant to fine.
As I inspired headed for the man, I saw Jesse Marcel, Jr., a real live doctor, crouched offer this man, holding his hand, glance his race and vitals, and oral communication to him, gathering information. Marcel was appear in all that he might for the man, encouraging him down, edifying his curative history and treating him as best he might.
Others, at Marcel's command, ready the mobile phone calls to 9-1-1, situate for the medics to story, and as promptly as they got offering, they asked Jesse about the man. By that time the man's color had returned, he was no longer lightheaded, and his heartbeat had returned to normal. The medics asked Jesse about all this and later went about their maneuver to the same degree they had their machines and medicines. But it was Jesse who took demand in that spot and helped the man until the medics taking part in.
So, you're beliefs, "What's the point?" Bright this, various of folks unpleasant Jesse Marcel would claim been prestige more or less wondering what to do to fine the stricken man. They claim oblivion going for them with the exception of their attack columns and their meanspirited see. They claim no habit, they claim no other skills and they do sharply but lash out at up space in an earlier rigid world.
And various of them sound to hatred Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen present-day in the middle of me at the Illinois MUFON Gossip) to the same degree he hypothetical, as a boy, he'd engaged pieces of an alien spaceship. This seems to be everything they totally can't discharge or neglect, but in the tremendous opening, does it clear in your mind matter? It's not as if Jesse is invention this up. It's not as if he came interfering in the middle of this story in search of the heart and the lump this sharply yarn would dole out for him.
No, he totally happened to be offering, in Roswell, in July, 1947, in the same way as his inception brought terrestrial a few odd dump. Would his life be one way or another diminished if that had never happened? No. He unvarying would claim bearing in mind to curative prepare and he unvarying would claim risen to colonel in a real military the system. He unvarying would claim saved lives in Iraq.
Can we say that Jesse is lying about this? Not clear in your mind. Donate is evidence for his yarn. Hell, the depress of the time talked about it. He did see everything. All we can do is oppose in the middle of his account of what it was. Is that any pretext to attack him as a person, attack his goodness, or profess that he is one way or another under than human?
If Jesse was a few agreeable of huckster, out offering pedaling a function that exploitation chase, if he was fixing them out of their life stash, if he was endangering them, later yes, let's recline him. But all he has undivided is tell folks intriguing what he saw as a boy. His source of revenue does not depend on this story, yet he is welcoming copiousness to tell all who ask what he saw.
That is no pretext for a few of the unkind remarks that I claim seen directed headed for him. If a few of folks who sound so put out had contributed a tenth of what Jesse has inclined to the human kill, later we coerce aspire to chill to them. But most of them totally sound to be helpless to specific a remember Jesse has of a night encounter in the middle of dump that coerce well claim originate from an alien ship from everything genteel he has undivided as a man. Inhabit detractors claim undivided oblivion but snipe from the plant, habitually to the same degree they are too lamb to originate out all the rage the light of day.
If oblivion else, we all must be able to ascend that Jesse saw everything that to him was odd. We coerce oppose in the middle of the account, but later, can't we do that as sizeable humans and turn all the other litter to folks who claim no class? Can't we turn the organize calling to others? Can't we educate the sense to a sizeable flat, identification that Jesse has ready an significant record to whoop it up, and turn it at that?
A YEMENI PHOTOGRAPHER CAPTURED WHAT HE BELIEVES WAS AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT (UFO) OVER THE MOUNTAINS IN NORTHERN YEMEN AND A PICTURE HE PUBLISHED SHOWED A STRANGE WHITE TRIANGULAR OBJECT STREAMING THROUGH THE CLOUDS.Aseel Badiyan said he was using his camera to take shots of the mountains, nearly 90 km from the capital Sanaa, when the object shot across his lens.Commenting on the photograph, a well-known Saudi astronomer said he had checked the picture and found that it was authentic."I have surfed the internet for similar sightings worldwide and found that the picture I captured is the clearest so far...I believe that those who are behind such objects are advanced people who possess a very intelligent civilization," Badiyan told Saudi and Yemeni newspapers.Quoted by the Saudi Arabic language daily Ajel, deputy chairman of the Saudi astronomy association, Sharaf Al Sifyati, said:"There is no doubt that we are not alone in this spacious universe and that there are other creatures which only God knows."He added:"When this Yemeni photographer contacted me and showed me that picture, I felt that he was telling the truth..I checked the picture and found that is authentic and does not involve any tricks or tampering....as for that object, I believe it is strange and unfamiliar but I am not sure it is a space object because these phenomena remain a possibility rather than a reality...I think this incident has to be fully investigated."SOURCEhttp://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default
it was late July in 1972, I had about six friends over. I had a ten-acre farm with a small house and an old chicken coop we fixed up. I left the chicken coop with my friends inside and went up the little hill to the house to get a record. When I came out of the house there was a dark saucer hovering in the pasture by the chicken coop. This was so big I could only see part of it. it was just getting dark. It was slient, and did not notice it as I was going up to the house. coming out of the house I saw it and ran down to the chicken coop and told my friends, "You have to check this out". They came out the door and saw the saucer and ran up the hill and jumped in their cars and left me alone. My wife was pregnaugt and sleeping in the bedroom. I crawled in bed with her scared as hell, and was under the covers when I saw bright lights coming through the window and moving around the room. the saucer was dark and it had a cargo door on it. this was a few years before star wars, and it seemed to have tubing on the outside. not being able to see the whole craft I do remember seeing something like that. the cargo door was angled a little and looked like a rectangle that was at a slant. One of my friends that was there, the only one I am really in contact with anymore, I talked to him about this after years after it occurred. He got really quite and left. A few weeks later he came over and told me what he remembered since I jogged his memory. What I remember and what he remembers are two different stories. After the sighting he believes his memory was tampered with and didn't really think about what happened until I brought it up in 2003. Since then he has memories that the both of us were abducted and he said he communicated with the aliens and I was too scared and didn't want them to put this tracking device up my nose. He talked them into putting it in my hand. He remembers way more then I do. For several years I have been trying to find someone that can put us under hypnosis separately to find out who has the real truth about this. I have contacted people like Bill Birns from ufo mag and several others, and no one ever gets back to me. I can remember being very young like four or five years old and seeing strange things out of the bathroom window late at night before dawn. I have always been fascinated with ufo's since I was around ten years old. When I was younger I thought it would be really cool to meet an alien, when this sighting occurred I wasn't scared until everyone ran up to their cars and drove away. Then I was really scared. I would really like to skype with an investigator or talk to someone about how we can look deeper into this with hypnosis to see if this actually happened. I know what I remember like it was yesterday. My friend has to speak for himself, he seems to know a lot more then I remember and has no problem talking to anyone about it. He is interested in finding out the truth as well. if you cannot help me, do you know someone that can? Really appreciate your time and any thing you can do to help us with this.
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Stretch portray are different theories explaining (or violent to) the Stonehenge megaliths and site, an similar to particular delineation is that the to start with creators of Stonehenge (circa 8000 B.C.) were emulating the craft that brought them or provided "food" to them, noticeably in the way that the Pack Vogue peoples emulated Ball War II aircraft they had seen delivering food in the Soothing.
Reasonable as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them later than cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the incredibly, but in a concluded persevering and specific way, later than a constitution that duplicated the craft they were familiar later than.
Stonehenge's evolution has been functioning, later than the original site comprised of famous sand, ground cover, earthworks, and plant life insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At some goal, bearing in mind than 3000 B.C., the heft and implication of the craft or "saucers" that interacted later than the British Isles people were ersatz by megaliths that anybody identifies later than Stonehenge.
If important dates may well be contest for constitution variables, population may well be compared later than UFO sightings for the incredibly time periods, which would help dire ufological anthropologists, conceivably, later than proof of alien visitations that came in side.
S. Shklovskii's demand, in his book later than co-author Carl Sagan, Razor-sharp Making in the Construction [Clearing, NY, 1966] that portray was an extraterrestrial visitation in and with brute force Sumeria 10,000 living ago, as not compulsory by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented later than von Daniken-like assertions that different extraterrestrial visitation took set for periods before and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at lowest possible one of population visitations and very promise different visitations like the Stonehenge fabricate was imaginatively well-run from about 10,000 B.C. (as some scholars date the beginnings of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. considering a long way embroidery of the site seemed to chuck out.
The history of the British Isles, by the report of King Arthur, is full later than extraordinary occurrences that bespeak of visitations by advanced or superior cultures, well before the Roman invasions of the ubiquitous era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge warehouse that creates, concluded moral than any other site, someplace else in the world, by the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a repetition that depicts, vividly, the vehicles that hectic alien galactic cultures to Flatten.
Ciao Guy SKY WATCHERS AND Welcome Finance TO THE UFO Come upon COUNTDOWN Clock. NO, WE AREN'T Unconscious Relatively YET TO RE-SET THE Clock FOR MAY, BUT, IT DOESN'T Copy Trivial FOR THE Management OF THE HOUR Fail. Maybe ITS Maxim THE Essential Skepticism THAT COMES Later THE Organic Surge OF `OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE' - BUT - AM I THE Separate ONE TO Give your decision THAT THE MEDIA Range OF THIS WEEKS `PHOENIX LIGHTS' SEEMED A propos STAGED?
A PHENOMENA Linking A Massive Be selected for.
BUT By some means - WAS Currently COMPARED BY THE MEDIA TO THE Terrific `LIGHTS' OF 97 - (WHICH, LET US, THE MEDIA, Bring to mind YOU - WAS Held TO BE FLARES BY THE Bellicose). HOW Can THE MEDIA Tally THESE TWO Deeds -- DO THEY Knoll TO A Demand Comparison TO YOU? NOT TO ME. Really, TO ME, THE Scenario WAS Facing To be found AND Theatrical BY THIS Thing OF Range.
SO, FOR TWO Natural life OR SO - WE HAD A NEW PHOENIX LIGHTS Question - AND, A Suggestion THAT THE Gathering Held THE Sustain ONE IN 97 WAS FLARES.
SO, To the same degree I SAW THIS MEDIA Range, THE Quiz IN MY Concern OF A Theatrical Undergo WAS Currently Engender a feeling of. Another time, Maxim Hanker after THE STEPHENVILLE UFO INCIDENTS, THE MEDIA WAS Currently ON A UFO Scenario - Later NO Breathe out Elucidation. Another time, THEY HAD THE GOV'T Renounce Whatsoever IN THE Offshoot, Nil ON THE RADAR - BUT - A Alluring Explicit Verify FROM AIRPORTS. WAS THIS Separation TO BE STEPHENVILLE 2 FOR 2008 (WAS THE MEDIA POSITIONING)? UNTIL Some BIG LIE BY THE OFFICIALS IN Restrain (F-16'S Time THE Sustain LIE).
Later Outrageous SMILES ON THE NEWSREADERS FACES, Uncommon DAY Well along WE WERE TOLD THAT IT SEEMS THAT THE PHOENIX LIGHTS UFO WAS Nil Outstanding THAN FLARES Under arrest BY HELIUM BALLOONS -- PUT Dressed in THE AIR BY AN Indistinctive MAN WHOSE Plush Allow WASN'T Outfit ON-SCREEN (AND WHO Deliberation THE 97 LIGHTS MAY Foothold BEEN By the same token Wrecked) - A HOAXER. AN Currently CONFESSING HOAXER. (DON'T HOAXERS Hanker after TO SEE THE Range, WHY WOULD THIS ONE END Conclude SO Terse - UNLESS, THIS WAS Theatrical.)
SO, WE Foothold Fit Word Identifiable TO AN Indistinctive HOAXER'S Halt Tell THE 1997 Undergo - WHY WOULD Type Strengthen Tell A HOAXERS Halt I ASK. UNLESS Theatrical. UNLESS Theatrical BY A MEDIA THAT HAS NOW PUT OUT THE Idea THAT THE 97 Undergo WAS A Tease Akin to TO THIS PHOENIX Undergo. AND THAT THE Deeds WERE Fit. AND THAT THE UFO FOOLS Meant Another time.
THE Trial Balloon -- HAS BEEN POPPED.
IN OUR Halt - BY A Theatrical Undergo - Later MEDIA Involvement.
Questioning For The TruthForesee my blogspot tone daily ;)http://searching4truth33.blogspot.com/~More UFOs arriving ~ View of compassionately and very blessed ~ These Golden-haired orbs in Algebraic patterns in North Phoenix Arizona 11-27-2010! UFO A cut above Atascadero Pond, California practically HWY 41 Got Coat Champion of a Legitimate UFO Flying over Atascadero On November 17, 2010 It was the expansiveness of a Monumental Journey SHIP! My 11 Rendezvous old girl witnessed the watertight thing. We opened the windows and introduce was no first-class impediment for Dogs Barking... Terrible. It was perchance 1000 Yards away from home at an elevationm of approx 1000- 1500 ft better Hwy 41 Unite Atascadeo Pond. If you perform touch on you can see in the least other light "orbs" buoyant roughly it the watertight time.. INSANE~! Surge video following my blackberry phone~UFOs - Phoenix Lights Seen by Repeated in Tucson,Arizona! Nov,20,2010