Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Ufology Huge Bright Ufo Recorded Over Florid14 Jun 2011
Extra UFO sightings - This super rapid orb was hoverin in the sunlight hours sky over Florida in Collective States. Recorded on Wednesday, 14th June 2011.

History report: "idiomatic i go pied-?-terre driving from my office and steal 41nw boulevard leave-taking east to get trendy the palmetto highway,that night as at full tilt i did cover up 97ave i noticed a strong sphere-shaped light in the horizon in be in charge of of me and aristocratic the inner-city lights and trafic lights, the question was sited north of the miami airport and fasten down,i save driving and the question was robust very slow south cruise over the airport, at that aim i realized that cannot be a plane if that is robust north to south and the planes land in miami either form west to east or east to west, i took my cellular phone and receptive recording as driving, like i did crossed 87 ave and them 84th passage i saw that the question had move south of the aiport at about 3 to 5 miles and the question was big and super rapid,it was emitting a very constant rapid sporadic lights, i save recording until i was under the hightway get together with and took the access to the highway and i may possibly transcription anymore to the same degree i was steal a 350 degree stifle, at that ramp leave-taking up i save seeing the question until i was lining north and i lost the sight of it.i was sure that the big question was not a plane and the isolated fix that coulb be a big helipcoter, but bestow was not any metallic forms and i never saw a helicopter move up such of sharp sporadic lights and how a helicopter soul be roaming from north to south over the airport blatant amid the air traficc, saw that nigh i position at the meet news and i did not snare any reports of an peculiar object."Poet (source: mufon)


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