JULY 31, 2013 - UNITED STATES - NASA and the scientific community as a whole are aware of the implications of openly communicating their UFO studies. According to Dr. Davis, the seed reason for this lies in the fact that it is because the military operations govern this coveted research. His opinion is that UFO study falls within the communication category, something the military has under its wing. For years many scientists have avoided discussing their own hypothesis and research surrounding this topic of investigation. However, Dr. Davis is among many scientists who illustrate that this concept is shifting as more scientists are openly discussing UFO investigation. "UFOs are real phenomena. They are artificial objects under intelligent control. They're definitely the craft of a supremely advanced technology," says physicist Eric Davis. Eric Davis is a research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin. His accolades in the science realm include his research of light-speed travel. At present, he is studying propulsion physics; something he hopes may enable humans to travel with ease and speed through space. Sharing his opinion about skeptics' harsh reviews, he is aware that it is a no-go area for most. "They're wrong, naive, stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful. It's a dirty word and a forbidden topic. Science is about open-minded inquiry. You shouldn't be laughing off people. You should show more deference and respect to them... Scientists need to get back to using the scientific method to study things that are unknown and unusual, and the UFO subject is one of them." Davis is presenting "Faster-Than-Light Space Warps ">GUARDIAN EXPRESS.
Credit: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com
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