Esteemed 31, 2010:
Monitor report: [check study from German] "On Tuesday, 08.31.2010, 22:13 h, I filmed about Zurich-Gr"unau this UFO. Dejectedly, the turning, red scintillating rays are not deceptive on the film, in simple terms the core spot of the lights, at these setting the lights on the video ominously past improbable than it perceptibly was." ON THE Tape TO ENLARGE!
"SEPTEMBER 2, 2010:
Monitor report: [check study from German] "47 h after the 1st UFO sighting of 31/08/10, I strut in the garden of a group together in Zurich-Altstetten about the UFO sighting of 2 existence further on, in the same way as a UFO appeared over us once more. Accompanied by a insolent whirring sound."Author: Diana D.
source: submitted to" ON THE Tape TO ENLARGE!
NOTE: Modish are 3 parts of this footage, all are avaliable in this the person responsible for below!
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