Sunday, 15 May 2011

Ufo Sighting Reports From Hbcc Ufo Research April 15 2008
Posted: April 15, 2008Lone Date: April 15, 2008THE VIKE Survey Infrastructure Exhibit - UFOS (Think about OR DOWNLOAD Exhibit #60) The Vike Survey New Exhibit On Sunday night, April 13, 2008 Heath gives a very great give an account of what he saw for a long spot in the sky one mile west Of Clayton, New Mexico provide for in the Summer, 1996. A wonderful, I mean a very famous old cigar twisted UFO sat over top of the partition.Download or Think about to this show: who I perfectly looked up to and was a strong man, he went out to astonish it off, subsequently doesn't matter what it was, deceased. I command never overlook the sounds it made that clear slow night. I'm hitherto abnormal what it may be marked with been, as abnormal to why they be marked with condemned this site above-board though submit had been floods in that area, it hitherto looked the especially as it did furthermore the rocks carried from the waters, submit was along with an old house that seemed to be marked with objective been deceased as if participant has objective got up and deceased suddenly, it sat faithful before the water up a bit on a hill aim, a car or two sat freely before it as well as the house that understood lots decoration. We imagine not touched any of it. It's an irregular world. We anchorage to hideaway it the way it was found. It seemed odd.That especially night stage we waited for this individual to jog on, we heard confident lady originate singing part, not in communication, but when a fetid clear, in the exact seat as if it came from that house or do up by the suffer, the rest of the area was all forest or flood and exact a drop but not do up adequate to entertain it. The lady sounded remarkable and it drew closer to us as if she was perception faithful supercilious the suffer as she sang louder, and her originate was very echoey when, we along with entertain wolves yelping do up by her as she sang. As it started to get closer towards us, it brought shivers down our backs and creeped us faithful out!We got out of submit faithful away speedy as the car would get started. It hitherto takes my animate away if I'm speech about thisI be marked with seen TV documentaries about the big foot individual that filmed it's appeal on the last event of one. It sounded objective when what I heard, I never had a drive to list the TV doc, but I wish I had, when they never filmed once again and i grew hackneyed of re-runs, I hoped to see special newer event, but mournfully they never did. I'm abnormal to why?I be marked with seen creepy lights not later than ensure to special outline not later than me that witnessed the especially lights as me one night intense on the topic 1 hwy, it was a cold and damp light that sat and hovered subsequently floated speedy in the sky. We went to see my mom, she understood the household seen this too after having a BBQ outside that summer of 1995? I was 19- I'm 32 now and can logically return. As a child I would be marked with creepy thoughts about UFOs intricate to result me, stage I stayed not later than my grandmother, they would sprint me a little her cooperation in my expect stage I ran to supply to get away from them telling my household that I wasn't lying and proving to them they were real. That age I didn't empathize what they were and was diffident when wacky. Favorably, it is not what on earth to afraid of and if these beings from someplace else are objective fashionable to good quality, if they're real. Taking into account being a mom in my opinion its physical to make clear these bits and pieces to my babies who ask me what UFO's and aliens are and if they are real. I hitherto be marked with no repair for them and wonder if I destitution be afraid to tell them I anchorage they are. Tribute for replying provide for, hug care!
Thank you to the witness for such an exciting story of what has happened.Brian Vike, Finer HBCC UFO Investigate and radio presenter of the Vike Survey UFO Bystander radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International: Infrastructure show radio presenter for the Vike Survey, witness relating their experiences. report/index.htmlEntirely spare, the Vike Survey Infrastructure Exhibit Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and appearance programs I do. UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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