Sunday, 30 November 2014

Aliens And Demons Strange Fires In Sicily
According to this story from the UK Telegraph, "Aliens were responsible for a series of unexplained fires in fridges, TV's and mobile phones in an Italian village, according to an Italian government report."

Pyromaniac Aliens? Or Satan's hordes?

Locals were quick to blame supernatural forces and at the time the Vatican's chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth backed up their fears and said: "I've seen things like this before. Demons occupy a house and appear in electrical goods. Let's not forget that Satan and his followers have immense powers."

The reason I'm bringing this to your attention is this story demonstrates something I have observed with past and present representatives of the U.S. Government:

When given a choice between the unacceptable and the unexplainable, choose the unacceptable option. In other words, given the choice between pseudo-scientific aliens and supernatural powers beyond reason, always defer to the preudo-scientific explanation.

The report was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist. Their two year investigation has cost an estimated lb1 million. According to the report the fires were "caused by a high power electro magnetic emissions which were not man made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts.

The report also detailed a possible UFO landing close to the village, citing "burnt imprints which have not been explained were found in a field."

Given the choice between two evils, the typical scientist might opt for the unknown but conventional explanation. Blame "deep black" secret elements of the government:

This is just one possibility we are also looking at another one which involves the testing of top secret weapons by an unknown power which are also capable of producing an enormous amount of energy.

We'll get back to you on that. Meanwhile, here are just a few of the news outlets reporting this story:

'Aliens testing weapons' caused Sicily, United Kingdom - Oct 26, 2007The report was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist. Their two year investigation has cost an...

Aliens Attack Earth - OfficialGlasgow Daily Record, UK - Oct 27, 2007

A SERIES of bizarre fires in a village were caused by aliens testing weapons, Italian government officials believe. A report into the unexplained fires in...

Government report: Other-worldly 'secret weapons' responsible for...

WorldNetDaily, OR - Oct 27, 2007

A leaked Italian government report concludes "aliens testing secret weapons" are responsible for a series of strange, spontaneous fires that erupted from...

Spaced out, or switched on? Aliens blew up our fridge

Scotsman, United Kingdom - Oct 26, 2007

The report, by the Civil Protection Department, was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist who...

White House Candidates Battle Aliens

Wired News - Oct 29, 2007

The report, by the Civil Protection Department, was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a Nasa scientist....


Saturday, 29 November 2014

Este relat'orio fez-me pensar sobre isso a noite toda. Essas esferas n~ao s~ao morcegos ou p'assaros, porque eles n~ao t^em asas e eles nunca batem. Eles s~ao redondos e mover-se rapidamente dentro e fora do farol que atira para fora do topo do Luxor Hotel... que 'e na forma de uma antiga pir^amide eg'ipcia. O topo das pir^amides eg'ipcias est~ao a ser dito capaz de canalizar a energia em um feixe e dispar'a-la em algum lugar distante... talvez os orbs est~ao esperando a mesma coisa de um presente. Estranhamente, S4 'area que est'a dentro da 'Area 51 'e apenas 83 milhas (133 quil^ometros) ao norte-noroeste de Las Vegas. Se voc^e est'a em Las Vegas e tem uma c^amera com um zoom poderoso, por favor, assista esse farol para n'os e deixe-nos saber o que voc^e encontrar. ACS

Data de avistamento: 27 de junho de 2013

Localizac~ao do avistamento: Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, EUA

E-mail l^e-se:

Oi Mundial, recentemente deparei com algumas imagens grandes do Casino Luxor em Las Vegas com alguns muito interessantes UFO captura de e n~ao apenas um, mas tr^es ou quatro delas. Foi uma colec~ao t~ao convincente e de uma parte t~ao ocupado do mundo, pensei que estes eram reais como 'e que n~ao havia mais deles. Tal espet'aculo na minha mente teria que atraiu mais de atenc~ao. Eu decidi ver se eu poderia encontrar mais. Me deparei com um artigo sobre esses v'ideos de OVNIs e uma declarac~ao do Luxor afirmando que eles estavam se alimentando de p'assaro na traca do, eu achei isso muito divertido como era 'obvio, n~ao h'a indicac~ao de asa do flapping e seus padr~oes de v^oo foram p'assaro t~ao un like. Um v'ideo 'e filmado t~ao perto que voc^e pode ver que eles estavam formando fiac~ao, contraindo e expandindo padr~oes triangulares de forma deliberada muito controlada. Mas ao mesmo tempo eu podia ver como algumas pessoas podem confundi-los com aves, especialmente em um piscar de olhos e `a dist^ancia. Eu tamb'em me deparei com um v'ideo intitulado p'assaro no Luxor. E mesmo na minha primeira vista, pensei que eles eram apenas aves pelo grande n'umero deles. Ap'os estudar o v'ideo por um tempo, eu percebi que essa pessoa tinha filmado o mesmo OVNIs novamente em uma ocasi~ao diferente, mas havia falta identificou-os para as aves. Eu enviei uma mensagem a dizer para eles, mas tenho uma resposta indiferente bastante surpreendente. Isso me intrigou ainda, eu me perguntava se os outros tinham feito o mesmo por isso decidi procurar v'ideos de aves acima do Luxor vez. N~ao demorou muito antes de eu ter encontrado mais algumas identificac~oes perder.Alguns, apesar de terem sido intitulado como os p'assaros ainda tinha vozes na filmagem fazendo um ponto em que eles n~ao se parecem com p'assaros e eles eram muito grandes. Eles tamb'em fizeram pontos sobre os padr~oes de v^oo estranhos e at'e brincou sobre eles serem estrangeiros em pequenas naves espaciais, mas que tinha sido dito por algu'em que eram morcegos. No final, eu encontrei 14 clipes filmadas em ocasi~oes separadas, uma vez que olhei corretamente tornam-se claras, todos eles s~ao os mesmos objetos. E quando voc^e compar'a-los com os clipes das frotas dos orbs no M'exico, eo 100 'e talvez 1000, de outras gravac~oes de orb UFO filmado em todo o mundo nos 'ultimos anos, torna-se ineg'avel, este 'e um fen^omeno real vale a pena a atenc~ao do p'ublico. Para continuar a dizer a esses v'ideos s~ao fabricados torna-se tal conspirac~ao em si, que torna-se mais inacredit'avel em si mesmo do que o Fen^omeno UFO real.

N~ao h'a nenhuma prova s'olida de que eles s~ao estranhos, mas eles definitivamente possuem uma qualidade de anti-gravidade que lhes permite mover-se em qualquer forma em que eles desejam. Eles tamb'em mant^em dist^ancias perfeitamente escolhidos um do outro para realizar os movimentos de torc~ao tri^angulo exibidas nos v'ideos Luxor. Para fazer isso voc^e tamb'em deve usar triangulac~ao e um sistema de orientac~ao de computador de algum tipo para controlar o outro. Eu encontrei clipe 'e j'a a partir dos anos 50 com essas mesmas OVNIs em formac~ao de tri^angulo, e at'e mesmo a NASA filmou-los em 'orbita na mesma configurac~ao. Isto exclui-los de ser um prot'otipo moderno de algo que eles n~ao mudaram. Seja qual for o seu prop'osito 'e o design final. Isso me leva ao meu ponto principal. Por que tantos tri^angulos? O Luxor, como voc^e pode notar 'e uma estrutura de tri^angulo. Eles continuam a pairar em torno da planta em tri^angulos, mas nunca parecem pousar, ou dar-nos alguma indicac~ao que de onde eles v^em e por qu^e? Ser'a que o tri^angulo ser uma mensagem? O fato de que eles usam of'icios distintos que constantemente quebram de forma e com os outros em tri^angulos parece estar chamando a atenc~ao para o tri^angulo como um foco, mas o que significa isso? Minha teoria 'e que, se eles s~ao extra-terrestre, pode ser um protocolo de contato universal para contato n~ao-hostil com outra raca inteligente. Triangulac~ao como voc^e pode saber 'e um m'etodo utilizado por seres inteligentes para identificar, avaliar e at'e mesmo criar mundos artificiais 3D. 'E uma pr'atica verdadeiramente inteligente, n~ao faria sentido usar isso como um sinal para fazer contato com seres afins. Eu acredito que eles est~ao esperando por n'os para descobrir isso e 'e por isso que eles continuam flutuando em torno do nosso planeta nesta configurac~ao. Se voc^e vai para a casa de algu'em que n~ao basta quebrar em voc^e esperar por eles para responder. Eu acho que eles est~ao esperando por n'os para responder. Eu tive minhas pr'oprias experi^encias ao longo dos anos.Eu nunca entrei neste assunto por engano. Eu vi esses objetos me ent~ao para mim eu preciso de provas, mas todos fazem. Eu testei a minha teoria com um laser e eles respondem com sinais claros. Mas n~ao 'e sobre mim, 'e sobre n'os.Primeiro tudo o que precisamos para tornar-se consciente. At'e que cheguemos juntos a n'ivel mundial e comecar a fazer tri^angulos de volta, vamos manter apenas v^e-los flutuando. Pesquisa CE5 contato h'a grupos que est~ao cientes tentando fazer contato agora, mas que s'o vai obter os mesmos resultados que eu fiz at'e que todos juntar-se dentro Isso tem que ser um convite global e poderia trazer mudanca e respostas que precisamos desesperadamente. I acho que devemos comecar a fazer tri^angulos n'os mesmos.Paz e Amor.JDM

Friday, 28 November 2014

Ufo Sighting In Lloydminster Alberta On June 4Th 2013 It Was A Light That Travelled Through Sky
It was fairly large and appeared larger in night sky than a star and brighter. It was not a plane and didn't have blinking lights. Seem to fly at height of plane though. I just woke up to shut bedroom sliding door due to it getting chilly. I glanced up and saw it moving accross the sky. I was not afaid. I often see satilites and this was not one. They look like a star and eventually fade as their surface is unable to reflect off sun due to position. This held consistent brightness and same speed. Was too low to be a jet. I was not afraid but thought wow.(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Are Multinational Firms In Possession Of Alien Technology


Dolan said recovered alien technology is currently in the possession of powerful private multinational interests, who may also be pulling the strings of the U.S. government and other governments across the world. He speculated that former President George H.W. Bush as well as Vice President Cheney and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld may have knowledge about UFOs, however, most government officials do not. According to Dolan, the 'UFO problem' became formally removed from the office of the President in 1969.

Dolan believes multinational corporations have subverted our traditional constitutional government in order to protect the knowledge they have acquired from UFOs/alien technology. Such technology includes fiber optics, lasers and integrated circuit chips, he speculated. Dolan also spoke about media control and self-censoring, black budget spending and how the multinationals have managed to maintain their UFO cover-up stories for so long.

Richard M. Dolan was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy.

In 2000, he published a 500-page study, UFOs and the National Security State. This is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Ufo Sighting In Sacramento California On August 9Th 2013 Round White Object Was Motionless Straight Up In Sky

I was at the Applegate Zoo with my Daughter and Grandson. It is my grandsons 5th birthday today and he wanted to go there and see the animals. While admiring the caged animals, I looked up to see some birds in the shade trees above and that's when the round shiny object caught my eye. I observed it for a minute to see if it was an airplane in motion but it didn't move and it had no lights that I could see. When I decided that it was not an airplane, I called it to my daughters attention. She, too, agreed with me that we were looking at something that is not man-made. She got the chills at that moment. I then called several Zoo employees over to see this object. They were also amazed and could not come up with an explanation as to what we were looking at. The object remained within view for several hours, from at least 11 am when I first noticed it until around 2:30 pm when the the sky became overcast when it could no longer be seen. I called my husband who works at Merced College to tell him to take a look at it. He even got the Science Instructors involved and they viewed it with a telescope. They could not come up with an explanation as to what we were observing. I feel as if we are being observed by something other than mankind. This is not a common sighting for me but I notice that it seems to be a common sighting in general. I will go out later today if the cloud-cover clears and try to find this UFO again.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Latest Ufo Sightings 27 Oct 13
"Swift UFO Having difficulties ON Data Smooth MIAMI, FLORIDA 20-OCT-2013 POSTED: 27 OCT 2013 07:47 AM PDT"UFO videos - This very long-standing facetious object was recorded over Miami in Florida on Sunday, 20th October 2013. Like do you wait for... [[ This is a delighted rasp distinct. Settle my website for all-embracing acquaintances, other delighted, and more! ]] "UFOS Controlled Second QUEBEC, CANADA 24-OCT-2013 POSTED: 27 OCT 2013 05:20 AM PDT"Recent UFO sightings - These unidentified flying objects were seen and filmed in the night sky larger than Quebec, a influence in... [[ This is a delighted rasp distinct. Settle my website for all-embracing acquaintances, other delighted, and more! ]] "Ancient ALIENS Celeb SHOWS Film OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS POSTED: 27 OCT 2013 04:46 AM PDT"Ancient Aliens star Clifford Mahooty shows ancient rock drawings interpreted as Celeb Beings. [[ This is a delighted rasp distinct. Settle my website for all-embracing acquaintances, other delighted, and more! ]] "Peace...

What If The Aliens Are Not From Other Planets

By Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles

(c) 2-8-10

If ET is here, as many Ufologists believe-are they really coming from other planets outside of our solar system, as is the common view amongst ETHers? This was the question that young Mac Tonnies, author, blogger and "outside of the box thinker" not only pondered, but framed as his thesis for the book he was working on when he passed away prematurely at the tender age of 34.

Fortunately, with a little help from his friends, that work and said dogma will be explored in The Cryptoterrestrials, (Anomalist Books) coming out next month.

Close friend, author ">See Also:

SHOCKER: Esteemed Author, Writer, Mac Tonnies Dead at 34!

Radio Mysterioso: Mac Tonnies Memorial Show Tonight (Sunday November 1st)




Grab this Headline Animator

Friday, 21 November 2014

Paranormal Is The New Normal Investigators Fans Gather In South Bend
"BY DAVE STEPHENS""SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER""11:48 P.M. EDT, OCTOBER 2, 2011"SOUTH BEND - The zombie, smoking a cigarette by the conference center's front door, should have been a clue.The girl wearing fairy wings, or the guy walking around with photos of his "encounter," could have been another.But if there was any doubt Sunday that a person walking into the Hilton Garden Inn was about to experience something outside the realm of "normal" human experience, all he had to do was look for the sign.Michiana Paranormal Expo 2011.Para, the prefix, meaning "going beyond." Normal, meaning "conforming with the or constituting an accepted standard, model or pattern."In other words, an exposition for those seeking experiences beyond the accepted parameters of modern society, or modern science.Ghost hunters. Psychics. UFO investigators. Magicians."Paranormal is the new normal," said Chris Schultz, one of the expo's founders. "It's only becoming more popular."Schultz said the idea to start a local paranormal event came after traveling to similar events - some that attract thousands of visitors - across the country."We tried to bring the best part from each one to what we are doing here," Schultz said.And by doing so, also help show the local members of the paranormal community that they are not alone (not as in haunted by ghosts, but surrounded by like-minded people).For Erick Hardy, Michiana chapter director for the Indiana Ghost Trackers, the expo was a chance for him and other members to explain what they do and why."Our goal is to prove their existence," Hardy said, and members do so by using digital audio recorders to record the voices of ghosts in old buildings and cemeteries.Hardy said his chapter has about 52 members and meets monthly. He joined three years ago, but has been curious about ghosts and the paranormal for years.Its a common theme.Stewart Hill is the director of Indianas chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, a group that records and tracks reports of unidentified flying object activity.Hill, who said hes had a lifelong interest in aliens, said his group receives reports of more than 200 UFO sightings or experiences a year. Trained investigators within the organization are then sent to check out the claims.Nationally the cases keep going up, Hill said. It makes you wonder if theres something going on.But if something is going on, no one at Sundays event was admittedly 100 percent sure what.Aliens? Ghosts? Other world spirits?Ken Age, director of the SyFy networks Spooked, spoke at the expo about his ghost-hunting experience, much of which was documented on the TV show.But Age said he wanted to make it clear that no one really knows for sure if what they are finding is actually a ghost.Theres people who will passionately disagree with me, Age said, but what Im saying is that something is happening to them, we just dont know what it is for sure.That skepticism, Age said, is needed as the paranormal community grows and seeks larger legitimacy.Thirty years ago, if you said you saw a ghost, youd have guys in white suits asking you questions, Age said. Now, people are starting to take you seriously.Staff writer Dave Stephens:dstephens@sbtinfo.com574-235-6209Source article:,0,5722409.story

Paul Kimball Ufo Debunking And Irrationality

By Stanton Friedman


"The definition for balderdash is senseless prate,

a jargon of words, noisy nonsense."

Every so often I find a UFO debunking piece that illustrates the irrationality of the debunkers' arguments despite the educational background of the debunker. For example, Dr. Isaac Asimov who wrote more than 300 books, mostly on scientific topics and many Science Fiction tomes made the following claim, "If aliens were visiting Earth, they would either land and make themselves known, or keep hidden. If they do neither, they are not visiting." How extraordinary that a world class sci-fi writer can't think of other scenarios, some place in between the noted extremes. He certainly gives no rationale. He has not claimed to be himself in touch with ETs or to have studied the evidence presented by witnesses to actual ET behavior. One might say it illustrates arrogance combined with ignorance.

My nephew Paul Kimball has a law degree and has spent a lot of time "studying UFOs"; in mid August he penned a piece about which one can only shake one's head and ask where that nonsense came from. He starts by saying "here are the reasons why I am completely convinced there was no ET Crash.

If aliens had sufficiently advanced technology of the kind that would permit travel to the stars (and I have talked to enough scientists to know just how mind blowingly advanced this would have to be, Stan Friedman and his nuclear rockets balderdash not withstanding) then it beggars belief that they would crash in spaceships that looked like something out of a 1950s sci-fi B movie once they got here (much less crash multiple times, as some posit, including Stan)." As noted in the book "Science Was Wrong" by myself and Kathleen Marden, there were loads of scientists who were totally negative about flight in the air and then flight in space. I don't know how Paul knows what the Roswell crashed saucer looked like... lots of reports of small light weight pieces of wreckage... not like a spaceship at all.

Notice the assumption that the same small vehicle that crashed at Roswell, or Aztec, or the Plains of San Agustin came to earth directly from another star system. Is he really unaware that flight in the atmosphere of a planet is a very different business than flight in deep space between stars? Wow! Lift, drag, heating, gravity etc., are very different for airborne vehicles than for deep space rockets. We have many reports of huge mother ships into and out of which the small earth excursion modules fly.

The Lunar excursion modules which landed on the moon were extraordinarily different from the huge Saturn V rockets which were launched from Earth with the LEMs on Board. Surely he (with a very strong background in history) is aware that even as far back as the epic battles of World War II, there were huge aircraft carriers which carried a bunch of small airplanes to the locations from which these aircraft flew. The carriers didn't fly, and the aircraft didn't float on the water. The carriers carried fuel for the airplanes and provided housing, food, ammunition for the pilots, etc. The aircraft are far more maneuverable than are the carriers. Despite all the aircraft in a huge variety of sizes, speeds, etc., there are loads of crashes. Two huge and expensive space shuttles crashed.

Paul has another sword which he wields, "However, allowing for the equally infinitesimal [based on what?] possibility that Murphy's Law applies to super advanced aliens, It beggars belief that they would just leave the remains of the ship and their dead comrades to be found by beings, who, as Stan puts it, were here to observe us because we might be dangerous someday soon." In actuality, I have suggested more than 20 reasons for coming here. Furthermore we are already dangerous. We killed 50 Million of our own kind in WWII. We destroyed 1700 cities. We have exploded 2000 nuclear (there is that word again) warheads. Not dangerous?

Additionally, there certainly were later sightings near the Roswell crash site that might well have been aliens looking for their fallen comrades. I doubt if they worried much about our duplicating their technology. Christopher Columbus could not have duplicated a nuclear submarine or a radio or computer chip. After all we Earthlings have left many of our dead behind. Check out "By Any Means Necessary: Americas Secret Air War in the Cold War" by William Burrows. 166 US military men were in planes "tickling" radar sets in North Korea, China, and Russia just after World War II... and being shot down. We didn't go after them (starting WW III) and their families weren't told about what happened to them until 50 years later in 2001. We didn't attack Russia when they downed Gary Powers U-2.

Yet Paul asks "How can we be asked to believe that they would let we warlike creatures have their technology? " Why does he think we would have been able to duplicate it? Has he no concept of how difficult it would be? Moreover, he pontificates as a supposed expert on alien behavior and technology, "if they had the ability to get here from another star system, then they would certainly have had the ability to collect or vaporize the wreckage." One might note that we earthlings have had the ability with nuclear (that word again) weapons to vaporize all the civilizations. Yet we have exploded 2000 nuclear warheads, but only 2 on people; funny how countries agree not to use poison gas.

Paul also pontificates about keeping secrets, "It beggars belief again that the United States government could have maintained what must be [why?] such a vast conspiracy to this day to keep it all quiet. History tells us that the reason they are kept for a very long time successfully is that they are always confined to only a few people. As soon as they start expanding the circle of knowledge, then the wheels fall off." Now that is real balderdash! The definition for balderdash is "senseless prate, a jargon of words, noisy nonsense." Yes, Paul you hit it on the head. There were 12000 people at Bletchley Park in the UK secretly working on intercepting, decoding, translating and carefully distributing German military communications in the early 1940s. Not one word in public until 25 years after the war was over. The Lockheed Stealth aircraft was developed at a cost of 10 Billion over 10 years in secret utilizing thousands of people. At one time the Manhattan Project involved 60,000 people in secret. The National Reconnaissance Organization contracted with Boeing on new spy satellite architecture and then cancelled the program. That involved thousands of people in secret at a cost of 13 Billion. The development of the first successful US spy satellite in the "Corona" program was kept secret for more than 30 years. The first one (after 12 expensive failures), obtained more information about Soviet military installations than all the U-2 spy planes that preceded it. Many more than a few people were involved.

Now let us look at "Stan Friedman's nuclear rockets balderdash." It is quite clear that when engineers and scientists want to control large amounts of energy, they go nuclear. When it comes to bombs, a big bomb in WWII released the energy of 10 tons of dynamite in 1944. In July 1945 the first nuclear fission bomb released the energy of 16 thousand tons of dynamite; by 1952 the first nuclear fusion weapon (Mike) released the energy of 10 million tons of TNT. The Russians later set off a fusion (H-Bomb) one releasing the energy of more than 50 million tons of TNT.

The US Navy, admittedly a bit larger than our Canadian navy, built their first NUCLEAR submarine in 1956; able to sail around the planet underwater. Submarines in WWII could stay underwater for all of 24 hours. Years later the first NUCLEAR fission powered aircraft carriers operate for 18 years without refueling. Three different organizations successfully operated NUCLEAR fission rockets at the NUCLEAR test site in Nevada. They were Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory (I worked on their NRX A-6 at a power level of 1100 megawatts); Aerojet General operated the XE-1 at a power level of 1000 megawatts. Los Alamos operated the Phoebus 2B at a power level of 4400 megawatts or twice the power of Grand Coulee Dam, less than 8' in diameter. There are no fission nuclear reactors in Nova Scotia where Paul lives. We here in the neighboring province of New Brunswick have the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, a fission power- plant producing 2200 megawatts. I and many others worked on studies of fusion rockets able to eject charged particles having ten million times as much energy per particle as in a dumb old chemical rocket. Many papers have been published but I suppose Paul hasn't seen any.

It should be noted that almost all the energy in the universe comes from nuclear fusion in the stars. Why Paul is in denial about nuclear rockets I don't know, though I suppose lawyers don't dig into such matters. I should note that my book "Flying Saucers and Science" has pictures of several real nuclear rocket engines

The real balderdash is that one should theorize for ever about alien activities and motivation, but avoid the facts; however-it is the evidence that matters. Of course there might be advanced propulsion systems that can outdo nuclear fusion. They are not needed to get us out there and certainly not needed to get aliens here. Let us not forget that nearby stars are already within reach, if we want to spend the money. We didn't even find out that there was such a process as nuclear fusion until 1938-a very short time ago indeed. We now know that there are planets all over the place many of them have to be much older than earth.

Paul may think "nuclear rockets are balderdash" and only small groups can keep secrets. He probably is aware that many nuclear facilities had UFO sightings back in the 1940s. These included reports near Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and the Hanford Atomic works up in eastern Washington state. Furthermore as delineated by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas, there have been UFO observations where missiles on which were mounted nuclear weapons had been shut down by the aliens. The notion that that only small groups can keep a secret is put to rest by the fact that this year the US black budget is about fifty billion.

Visit Stans site:

See Also:

UFO Debunker, Philip Klass and the FBI

UFO Debunkers: Irrational, Uninformed and Ignorant

Deconstructing The Debunkers: A Response


Debunkers at it Again

Stanton Friedmans Ongoing Task in Educating The Ignorant (Debunkers)

Leading UFO "Skeptics" Shy About Discussing Their U.S. Government Connections



Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Idle Ufo Musings J Allen Hynek Part Two
In the run-up years to the Colorado Project and Hynek's distancing from Project Blue Book, from across the Great Waters came Jacques Vallee. Vallee was a very bright young Frenchman with all sorts of training in astronomy and mathematics, and an intense desire to research the UFO Mystery. This had been inoculated into him by personal experiences with members of the French astronomy community and in talks with Aime Michel [which would probably have inspired about anybody]. He came to Northwestern University to study with Hynek, now head of the astronomy department there. This relationship became more Colleague-to-colleague than Student-to teacher rather quickly from what I've been able to determine.Jacques used Hynek's contacts to create a database for statistical analysis [very crudely at first, but interesting nevertheless] which with his own contacts abroad allowed him to write the twin classics, "Anatomy of a Phenomenon "and "Challenge to Science." These books put Vallee on the UFO map, and in at least this way he owes Hynek a great deal. With Hynek's knowledge and prestige coupling with Vallee's books and statistical ideas, they made a formidable pair as the Colorado Project was formed. Colorado refused to take them on as staff, but they did invite them in to consult. Vallee's approach hit David Saunders right in the sweet-spot, and Saunders decided to attempt to prove the reality not only of UFOs but that they were intelligently driven extraterrestrial technology using statistical data and Vallee's French mentor, Aime Michel's, concept of UFO waves in orthogonal [artificially straight and patterned] lines of occurrence. In doing so, Saunders abandoned larger duties on the Project and the future of UFOlogy suffered due to that abandonment. [Plus the Orthoteny theory failed anyway, so it was a complete bust]. One can't blame Jacques or Allen for this, but they played a role.Another oddity of this period was Allen Hynek's evolution towards parapsychology. Rather than blaming Jacques for this, it at least as possible that the influence went the other way. Hynek was getting himself into a real mental bind. He KNEW that UFO experiences were real and that they were not just odd lights. But their manifestations had become stranger and stranger across the 1960s. A REAL robust phenomenon with real credible witnesses and real mind-boggling strangeness. Since Allen's astronomer's hang-up about ETs not being able to cross interstellar space still dominated his prejudices, he didn't have many options. Hynek was also in no way conventionally religious, so angels and devils were out as well. He was running out of theoretical options. Allen began turning to the paranormal. He didn't know HOW that realm might answer his questions, but it seemed that it might just be "big" enough to handle them. As I say, I believe that this influenced Jacques as well, as pretty soon Vallee was abandoning his view that science could handle this problem, left the US and went back to France to contemplate other answers, possibly occult ones.Colorado came to its infamous close, and Project Blue Book to its unceremonial one. Hynek went on with what had by now become an obsession. Back in Evanston, and thankfully for the future of UFO research, carrying loads of "stolen" Blue Book files, he contemplated how to go on. He began thinking about a civilian organization, maybe even without a physical focus: the "invisible college". This group would stay in touch with each other and the phenomenon, some members maintaining anonymity to the outside world so as not to damage their working relations, and plan ways to push research forward. He began to coerce several old buddies into coming in with him on this, even enlisting former Robertson Panel member Thornton Page as an initial name on the brainpower list. But going it alone was going to be tough.Coincidentally, an old NICAP hand in Chicago, Sherm Larson, was trying to rescue the invaluable NICAP files literally from the trash dumpster. With great energy he managed to almost completely pull this off, as perhaps two-thirds of the files safely transited to Chicago. [Most of the rest blundered about in DC, ending up with Dick Hall
the story of their ultimate disposition is a tragedy which will not be gone into here
]. The Chicago story is pleasanter. Larson convinced Hynek to join him in a new organization led by Hynek, and founded upon the combined resources of the NICAP and Hynek's own personal files. Here then was another formidable source of information. And it was called The Center for UFO Studies.Now with persons already around Larson and new additions by Hynek or others volunteering themselves, Hynek was no longer alone to try to get things done entirely on his own. Hynek and Larson shot high: a sort-of membership concept, a pretty good newsletter, ultimately a darned good "magazine" [The International UFO Reporter], a couple of academic-style conferences, and ultimately a try at an academic journal. In the meantime he also wrote his book trying to define the field as an academic area of research. None of this was easy, but all of it had some success. And CUFOS got a reputation as the place to come to see the master [Hynek] and get the best information. NICAP had collapsed; APRO was doing so, MUFON was still in "club" status, but CUFOS had Hynek and the NICAP files and the "invisible college". Hynek went from maligned swampgasser to pop cult hero in a few years.This sounds rosy, but it was very much like every UFO organizational experience in several ways. It still had no secure base of funding and inordinate amounts of time had to be wasted trying to live day-to-day. Also, the supporting troops were nice and helpful in some ways, but in the end it was Hynek himself that everyone wanted to see. Allen, to the outside world, rightly or wrongly, WAS UFOlogy by the mid-1970s. And Allen had not suddenly become a bean-counting administrator. Allen still loved the adventure of the Hunt. He didn't want to just sit in Evanston or Chicago while others had all the fun; he wanted to be out there himself [if the case was right]. Above, there he is with the young Ted Phillips investigating a trace case literally "in the field".Some of that adventuring he probably should have passed up no matter how tempting. Particularly things like going to Hessdalen, Norway in winter to try to catch the Hessdalen lights with Erling Strand couldn't possibly done his old body's health any good.But some of these trips were important. On some of them he inspired researchers in foreign countries to organize more seriously and cooperatively. Hynek was attempting to build a UFOlogy community which would separate itself finally from the Uforiacs. Astronomy had separated from astrology and until it pulled that off it had no chance of getting any respect. But that took astronomy many centuries of eroding unhelpful cultural elements. Victories in this quest were small and of course insufficient. Still, three cheers for Allen.Other sorts of important trips were like his surprising foray to Australia and on to Boianai, New Guinea to interview the local residents who had seen the case usually known as The Father Gill case. As great a witness as Father Gill was [and he was one of the best ever], this case would not have become the number one case of all UFOlogy [my ranking, not, I realize, yours] without a true effort to interview the other 30+ witnesses. Allen didn't get to them all, of course, but he saw plenty. The interviews [on invaluable cassettes in the CUFOS collection] are a real pleasure and even a Hoot on occasion. Language was an issue, but the locals were very intelligent and seemed to "get" Hynek just fine. Hynek however took forever to "get" them. All this was "The great Cultural Divide" and Allen was no anthropologist. Sometimes when he asked a primary witness if she had actually seen the object, she might say "no", totally blowing Allen's mind. What he didn't realize is that she was telling him that she didn't see any object from where they were standing at the time. Upon getting to the exact scene, then yes, the object was right up there.There were other goofs and howlers like this. Allen tried to get a couple of men to do his "if you use your finger to point to the spot of the UFO, how did it move across the sky?"... he was trying to count the seconds that a westerner would make his finger move to gauge the subjective speed. Hah! Good luck with That!. The locals just whisked their hands across the sky to show the direction of motion and never the pace. Hynek never could get his thought through to them, and gave up on that one. Despite these [actually funny] "difficulties", Hynek's not-so-brilliant interviews established the vital foundational fact: it wasn't just Bill Gill who saw something astonishing [or made it up], it was many persons, most of whom were about as unpolluted with western hang-ups as you could find on this planet. Hynek helped place the Credibility Index for this case through the roof. Also, the descriptions of the craft and the actions matched up in the end. HIGH STRANGENESS. = UFO.Allen accomplished quite a lot for one guy, but he was in analogy the equivalent of the young man who is interested in so much that he can't focus. After he wrote "The Hynek UFO Report", he wrote no more books [the sit-down semi-BS session volume with Jacques doesn't count, and neither does his tag-along presence on the Hudson Valley Boomerangs book]. We could have used some more. He also didn't really write much of significance at all. Allen was becoming an old man, who was looking for more spontaneous and less grinding "projects". Still, it is very hard to complain about how much he DID do. And probably too base of us to complain about his mistakes.As Allen became infirm, he gradually left the "business" of CUFOS in others' hands, whether he was relaxed about that or not. When he fully retired to Arizona, he left behind a different CUFOS than the fully academic and field research organization that it never was and only occasionally resembled. But it was a CUFOS which carried much of his finer ideals and his standards of excellence. I'll say something about that in the next post.I have a couple of busy practical days ahead here in Wheeling. Next post might be a few days from now. See you then, and blessings.

Neil Armstrong Dead At Age 82
NEIL Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died at the age of 82, NBC Gossip has reported.Neil Alden Armstrong (Regal 5, 1930 - Regal 25, 2012) was an American NASA astronaut, test pilot, aerospace put together, university educationalist, Location States Sea Aviator, and the first type to set foot upon the Moon.Preceding sycophantic an astronaut, Armstrong was in the Location States Azure and served in the Korean War. Once upon a time the war, he served as a test pilot at the Land Helpful Governing body for Aeronautics (NACA) Firm Curve Mortal, now acknowledged as the Dryden Curve Look into Crux, where he flew over 900 flights in a high-quality of aircraft. As a research pilot, Armstrong served as project pilot on the F-100 Massive Sabre A and C variants, F-101 Voodoo, and the Lockheed F-104A Starfighter. He furthermore flew the Distress X-1B, Distress X-5, North American X-15, F-105 Thunderchief, F-106 Delta Aspect, B-47 Stratojet, KC-135 Stratotanker, and was one of eight choose pilots difficult in the paraglider research means of transport program (Paresev). He graduated from Purdue University and the University of Southern California.A society in the U.S. Air Force's Man In Breach Soonest and X-20 Dyna-Soar human spaceflight programs, Armstrong allied the NASA Astronaut Section in 1962. His first spaceflight was the NASA Gemini 8 career in 1966, for which he was the straight pilot, sycophantic one of the first U.S. civilians to fly in space. On this career, he performed the first manned docking of two spacecraft along with pilot David Scott. Armstrong's little and last spaceflight was as career commander-in-chief of the Apollo 11 moon landing career on July 20, 1969. On this career, Armstrong and Mumble Aldrin descended to the lunar finale and deceased 2 1/2 hours exploring even if Michael Collins remained in crowd in the Announcement Option. Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Judgment of Liberation by Richard Nixon defeat along with Collins and Aldrin, the Congressional Breach Judgment of Look upon by Chief executive Jimmy Carrier in 1978, and the Congressional Gold bars Judgment in 2009.Former Linked Gossip ARTICLE:Neil Armstrong moon landing and ghost of UFO's and alien on moon.

Is This A Chupacabra
The Chupacabra has become one of the most popular creatures of debate in resent times. The word Chupacaba means GOAT SUCKER (IN SPANISH) which has mainly been reported to have be seen in Latin America, USA (TEXAS, FLORIDA AND CALIFORNIA). It is commonly described as a imp like creature by the legends with Brown - grey skin / hair with three horns on its head, a long sharp tongue and red eyes that glow. It is also said to hop like a kangaroo and some even believe the creature can fly. CHUPACABRA -- GOAT BLOOD SUCKER.. As the name suggests THE CHUPACABA feeds mainly on domestic animals such as goats. It will drain the blood from its victims leaving puncture marks on the neck similar to a vampire. In some reports there are claims of organs were missing from the attacked animals bodies, with out any notable ways to see how the organs have been removed. The Chupacabra really is a interesting creature, who knows maybe it really is a strange sick dog as the sceptics say or undiscovered species related to a coyote or maybe it is real. One thing is for sure, what it does to its victims such as goats and live stocks makes me believe that what ever it is I am sure it is not safe for humans as well.. Tags: first abduction travis spaceship ufo clear intent black universes pics videos life earth videos alienigenas reais pascagoula alien kenneth arnold


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Intelligence Vs Cosmic Gurgle And Martian Methane
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:

g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star system Luyten 726-8?

g ABODES - Research on methane at a Mexican salt flat could help reveal the source of methane that has been detected in the atmosphere of Mars. But first scientists have to decipher the unique - and seemingly contradictory - isotopic signature of the Mexican methane. See article. For related story, see "Mars Soil, Chunky-Style".

g MESSAGE - How can we be sure scientists listening to noise from space have picked up intelligence, and not just the cosmic gurgle of a completely natural object? See article. Note: This article is from 2003.

g COSMICUS - A British space expert has described the Phoenix Mars probe's successful landing as a "massive step forward" in the quest to establish whether life can exist on the Red Planet. See article.

g AFTERMATH - Will ET be altruistic or hostile? An Internet poll found a strong connection between people's beliefs about extraterrestrials and their feelings about how meaningful life is. What makes the results even more compelling is that they match the findings of an earlier study conducted under more stringent testing conditions. See article. Note: This article is from February 2002.

Friday, 14 November 2014


My father was driving, we were in a 90s ford pickup. We were having a casual conversation, and while I was turned facing him, my attention was caught by turning lights. From my angle, it was visually below my father's jaw line. I have seen a meteor shower and the light and a similar "natural" glow, no streaks or beams like I see with artificial lights. The difference was the fact that the lights did not burn out or go any lower in the sky. The 3 lights were rotating as if, for example, if someone was holding a ball in their left hand, they would pass it around front to their right hand and from their right hand pass it around their back to their left hand and repeat. Also, as I explained in the short description, the rotation of clock hands if the clock was laid face down. As my father drove north, I watched the 3 lights rotate at the same height for less than 20 seconds until we turned away from it. There is an air force base north east of that location so I have seen many aircraft lights at night and none appeared that size, light type or stationary. There were residential lights to compare size and how high above the horizon. Lights near the horizon were much smaller and lower in comparison. I was too interested in the movement of the lights to alert my father. Kept it to myself for over a year.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

UFO case in the Everglades, USA 1965A famous and well-documented account supported by physical evidence.UFO Phenomenon at Close SightTHE REPORT: On the night of March 15, 1965, James W. Flynn was camping in the Everglades after training some hunting dogs. Shortly after midnight, Flynn saw a britghly lit object descending approximately a mile away. Flynn thought it was a helicopter until he looked at it through binoculars. Thinking it may be some kind of a plane in trouble, or 'some new device from Cape Kennedy' he drove his swamp buggy towards the light, while it was visible through the trees. About a quarter of a mile away, he got out and headed towards the light on foot. As he neared the object, Flynn saw the craft was not a plane, but a large, cone-shaped machine hovering a few feet above the ground.The craft was about 75 feet in diameter at the base and 25-30 feet high. Four rows of ports of windows were visible, with yellow light shining through them. Flynn heard a whirring like 'a diesel generator,' which disturbed one of his dogs 'who was howling in his cage and trying to get out', but could observe no equipment or occupants. After several minutes, Flynn approached the craft, Within 200 yards of the UFO, jumped out of his swamp buggy, stepping into the circle of light and raising his hand as a friendly gesture in case he was being watched. As he did this, the UFO emitted a jet-like noise and a blast of wind that knocked him off-balance. As he continued to approach within a few yards, the UFO emitted a light beam like a welder's torch, striking him on the forehead and knocking him unconscious.Later he told the local newspaper "I felt a blow like a sledgehammer between the eyes, and that's all I know." When he came to hours later, he found himself partially blinded, and a painful bruise was left on his forehead where the light beam had struck. The craft was gone, but there was a charred circular area where it had hovered, and the tops of nearby trees had been burned. Flynn sought aid from an Indian acquaintance who helped him back to Fort Myers. He required medical treatment and had a small dark spot on his forehead. In addition to the painful bruise on his forehead and the effect on his vision, doctors determined Flynn also had an impairment of deep muscle and tendon reflexes, numbness and loss of hearing. During the five days when Flynn was in the hospital, intelligence officers, under the orders of General O'Keefe, phoned him from nearby Homestead AFB. After obtaining a basic report, they informed him they would interview him again when he was released from the hospital.Flynn's doctor found impairment of muscle and tendon reflexes which he believed could not have been faked, and the NICAP investigation concluded that the account of the event was supported by the physical evidence: extensive physical trace evidence was found at the site, including a circular area of burnt sawgrass 72 feet in diameter where the object has been hovering, and burns of the nearby trees.USAF'S POSITION: Unfortunately Flynn's encounter came at a time of maximum difficulty for the Air Force, indeed during a major flap in the locality, and they were doing their best to play down the sighting. Attempts were made to discredit Flynn which backfired when many leading citizens, police officers and doctors vouched for him. The Air Force's suggestion that Flynn may have hoaxed the encounter ignored the remarkable ground and tree traces and his own physical impairments which his doctor believed "could not have been faked".In the end the Air Force settled for the somewhat useless statement that, when questioned, they had nothing on their files concerning the Flynn incident.REFERENCES:"Fort Myers", Florida News-Press for March 18, 1965."Uninvited Guests", book by Richard Hall, Aurora Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp 250-251, 1988."World Atlas of UFOs", book by John Spencer, Smithmark, 1991."The UFO Encyclopedia", Volume 1:A-K, by Jerome Clark, Omnigraphics. Pulsating UFO Lands in Florida Swamp News clip, Republican Journal, Belfast, ME, July 02, 1987, by Glenn Sparks On the night of March 14, 1965, James W. Flynn, who is a rancher and hunting dog trainer, was camped out for the night in the Everglades. Just as he was settling down for the night, his dogs became restive and upset. He looked around expecting visitors, but instead he sighted a bright light silently and slowly descending about a mile away. Thinking that perhaps an airplane had gotten into trouble and gone down, he prepared his swamp buggy for the journey and set out to render aid if needed. He was guided directly to the spot by the glow which continued unabated. This worried Flynn as he expected to find a burning plane and probably injuries or fatalities. He found neither. Pulsating Glow When about a quarter mile away, he grounded his swamp buggy and continued on foot. Soon he found himself in a large clearing and he wasn't alone. Some twenty yards away he saw a circular, cone-shaped object with a pulsating glow. It hovered just above the ground with a slightly perceptible wobbling motion. He detected, after a bit of study, a sound he could only describe as a hum. He estimated the size at well over seventy-five feet in diameter and twenty-five to thirty feet thick. There were four rows of ports or windows encircling the craft, each emitting a yellow light unlike the color of the craft's overall glow. A partition immediately behind the windows prevented him from seeing any internal details or occupants. For many minutes Flynn just stood there, amazed. He had heard of such things, but, until now, had never really taken them seriously. Overactive imagination, he'd thought. But this was not imagination. It was real. Curiosity overcame fear. He started to approach the craft to get a better look. He never made it. A pencil thin blue light shot out from "somewhere" on the craft hitting Flynn on the forehead "right between the eyes." He was unconscious before he hit the ground. When he regained consciousness, he was partially blind, sluggish, had a terrific headache and a large, sore bruise on his forehead. The craft was gone. Somehow he got his swamp buggy going and got to his hometown of Ft. Meyers, Florida. He was rushed to a hospital for examination and treatment.Trees Burned After he told his story, investigators went back to the spot. They found a large circular spot in the clearing where the ground and grass were charred. The tops of some nearby trees were severely burned. The trunks and limbs of some of the trees were scarred. The Air Force, at that time, normally debunked and belittled UFO sightings and the people who reported them out of hand, but in this instance, they did not reckon with Flynn's standing in his community. On this occasion the Air Force had to partially back off. They only took one shot, that I can find, in that they labeled it by innuendo to be a hoax. Question is, how did Flynn fake the charred circle of ground, how did he burn and scar the trees and, most importantly, how did he self-inflict a bruise of such shape and intensity? One final piece of evidence helped exonerate James Flynn. One of his physical injuries was atrophy of internal muscles. Medical science tells us that one can't be faked; period! It happened, probably exactly as Flynn described it. The trouble is he dosen't (sic) know what it was nor where it came from. So, even today, it's still carried in the annals of the UFO as unexplained!

Military Jets Pursue Two Ufos Over North Carolina
By Roger Marsh


A North Carolina witness reports watching two F-15 jets pursuing a slow-moving, "egg-shaped and brightly lit" UFO, while a second UFO came from behind - with all objects at "750 feet above ground" on September 1, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"The second object came from the southwest - then as it reached about 1 mile - it rose slightly, rolled left at 90 degrees - then flew out of sight on knife edge," the witness stated....

... More

See Also:

UPDATE Additional Reports of Jets Pursuing a UFO Near Washington...

"... Jets From RAF Lakenheath Were Called to Intercept a UFO"

Brazil Jets Chase UFOs




Grab this Headline Animator

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Moon Bases
SHORT UFO FACT: [Early on the morning of March 31, Jeno Udvardy, a 1956 Hungarian refugee, was driving home from a late work shift near Vicksburg, Michigan. When he reached the crest of a hill he saw a cluster of lights on the road ahead which he assumed was an ambulance at an accident. Brilliant lights from the object, some steady and some blinking, concealed some details of the object. (SEE SKETCH). Udvardy became frightened and tried to back away from the strange object. At that moment his car was buffeted violently as if by strong gusts of wind. For the first time he heard a low humming sound like a swarm of bees. Moments later, the UFO rose abruptly and sped off at a steep angle, disappearing in the eastern sky. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [At 2:10 a.m. on the morning of April 23, Ronald E. Johnson, a farmer living on Route #2 in Yorktown, a few miles west of Clarinda, Iowa, was awakened by a loud roar. On getting up and going to his window, which faced south, he saw a cigar-shaped object, approximately 60 feet in length, landing in a field within 50 feet of his house. The roar of the object ceased as it landed. On the end of the object closest to the, house, Johnson saw a brilliant red light, which bathed the area in a "BLOOD RED" glow. On the farthest end, he saw two blue lights approximately eight inches in diameter, which extended above the body of the object. After 40 min farmer went back to bed, then he got up, he saw what UFO departed silently.]



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Niagara Parkway Ontario Four Huge Lights Lined Up In Possible Circle
Posted: January 1, 2009Date: December 30, 2008Time: 8:02 p.m.Hi Brian, I strut to you a few time ago re a combination lippy "flying saucer" sighting in the 1950s in Menihek, Labrador, by a neighbour. For instance I embrace never seen a UFO that I didn't label as projected being landing lights from an aircraft or a star or planet, my exchange and I did see something strange over the Niagara Thruway (Ontario) Tuesday night December 30, 2008 at 8:02 pm Eastern time. So it was so strange, my exchange took door of the time. We were about ten kilometers out of Niagara on the Lake description for Niagara Falls past we observed four (4) stellar, self-illuminated lights lined up in the initial stages of what weight embrace been a circle. In other words, in spite of this we saw no shape of any unselfish overdue the lights, they were halfway to the right, in a row that was barely "bent." I hand-me-down to be a partisan pilot and violent them to be at around about 500 feet next to. They were marvelously radiant - in front of following movie klieg lights and I made-up to (my exchange): "Jeez, embrace we seen them before!?" She replied: "No..." and I came prove with: "Equally are they?" Instinctively, one looks for a mindful explanation such as a few contract of new workings, equal in spite of this I knew they were too high to be on any ground nature in our area. We were expectations to a stir with a few foliage shadowing the parkway and I said: "Let's see them from over hip. Four is too diverse for landing lights and a plane shouldn't be at that next to splendidly." We spherical the rotation, ram for five or ten seconds and they were preoccupied. I idle on the escarpment at the Brock Statuette pass over to scan the area but possibly will see nothing. The evening was plaza foggy but I don't twig what the control was that night - something that would projected be available. I established to goggle lights, Niagara etc. to see if anyone else saw them and came straddling the other reports from Welland which is in our area - a few miles dazed. We plus waited to see if grant were any news report.Greatly, I wouldn't file a dogmatic UFO sighting report as I embrace no thinking what they were other than a few strange, marvelously strict lights in the sky that shouldn't embrace been grant. Their spacing was too wrap up for combination aircraft with landing lights on to be flying definitely and, splendidly, I hand-me-down to live on a flight route for Toronto Universal and never saw lights this radiant on any aircraft! Pilots hardship be so lucky.Just reaction I'd tell you as we can't appearance it out...all the best.Thank you to the look into for their report.Brian Vike, Examiner HBCC UFO Conduct test and throng of the Vike Revision UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Conduct test International: Just mega, the Vike Revision Interactions Represent Blog. You can coupon the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and forthcoming programs I do. UFO Conduct test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Bigfoot Skull Found
A scientist in Idaho found a fossilized Bigfoot skull.

Ralph Barnkopf came by the West Coast offices of WWN and showed us a Bigfoot skull he found in the woods outside Boise.

"It's a Bigfoot skull, for sure. I'd bet my life on it," Ralph told WWN.

We contacted a number of Bigfoot experts. Dr. Lee Blanton of Alberta, Canada confirmed that the Barnkopf skull was, indeed, a Bigfoot skull.

The head looks like it belonged to a Bigfoot that looked like this:

"I was looking for some fossils," the 69-year-old "semi-retired" anthropologist told WWN, "and I was kind of drawn to something in the ground."

It was a rock, sticking up out of the dirt.

"So I went and dug it out, and you couldn't tell what it was 'cause the head was face down; all you could see was the back of it," he said. "But when I dug it out you could see the face, perfect."

The skull tips the scales at 70 pounds and is the first Bigfoot skull found in modern times.

"I've been tracking and watching for Bigfoot," Barnkopf said. "I'm very curious, interested in that, and wanted to get footage on it 'cause I've ran across him a couple of times."

"I think people need to be more aware, open their eyes and be more aware of what's around us," he said. "Because I think there's a lot of ancient (things), and fossils and different things, around us that if people would just kind of open their eyes to they'd see that we walk past them every day."


Monday, 10 November 2014

Watton Norfolk 23Rd July 2011
Organized of Sighting: Watton, NorfolkMake sure of Sighting: 23/07/2011Time: 10:30pm - 11:00 pmSpectator Name: -Liam Spectator Statement: my son came down to me greatly late on saturday the 23rd itmust of been about 11pm. he askedme if a saw a radiant whitish light glowing i asked him what he ment and he led me to his bedroom outer space to show me. we live on the blenheim grange gardens and from his outer space he well-defined to anywhere he saw the radiant light it would of likely been over griston path he supposed he watched it for about 30 seconds and all of a quick it shot off neediness a shimmer and mislaid. My son was very shook up by this as he doesnt distinguish about ufo clothes.Can anyone fend for what he saw that night please ? Source: Comment : If you can go hurry up information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area with please pass away a letter or direction details by our "board sighting" form.

Are We Related To Alien Greys
Perplexing Species CALLED THE GREYS Greys are a future alien domestic that is most much interconnected when the alien abduction phenomenon. It has been alleged that Greys are quick extraterrestrials who distinguish Nation and slyly decree health check experiments on humans. Unnatural claims roughly speaking the Greys are creature in common ways, as well as their individual, adequate dispositions, intentions and bodily appearances, sure having a creature covering color. A compound tinge resulting from bestride claims would stick Greys as small bodied, genderless beings when silky grey covering, an puffed-up head and ample eyes. They are described as humanoid beings that fixate abridged forms of, or a abundant lack of, independent human organs such as noses, ears or sex organs. Their bodies are on the whole depicted as being extensive, having a small chest, and ineffective in piquant demarcation. According to a 1995 inspect among reports of alien encounters, Greys result up approximately 50% in Australia, 43% in the Unite States, 90% in Canada, 67% in Brazil, 20% in Continental Europe, and approaching 12% in Perfect Britain. It has been future that the lay planet of these beings is sited in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Greys are thus sometimes predictable as Zeta Reticulans. Associates stick reported two split groups of Greys, when one being a long way away taller. This had led to the musing that the minor Greys are not organically living, but more accurately an insincerely constructed mechanism or cyborg servant. Associates stick described the Greys as staring modish their eyes for example conducting mental procedures. This staring, which is performed arranged in your face, is claimed to comprehend hallucinogenic states or arranged move up creature emotions. According to English reproductive natural scientist Jack Cohen, the proverbial image of a Grey, explicit that it would stick evolved on a world when creature biological and biological withstand from Nation, is too physiologically lock to a human to be resounding as an alien domestic. This brings us to the theory that these extraterrestrial beings had sure sustain on the demonstration of life on Nation in the unfriendly outer surface, or that they are an ancient tribe of humans that was border to free will Nation, but immobile watches over the planet. Respect to UFO Casebook and Bryan Johnson KEN PFEIFER MUFON NEW Jersey..... WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG33 viewsFeb 25, 2011 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Pictures AND PHOTOS - -

Getting The Public To Take Exopolitics Seriously
By Ed Komarek2/2/08Copy and Distribute FreelyMy blog: gathering information on extraterrestrial societies and their interaction with earth humanity is really no different that gathering information in other disciplines. A good scientific investigator works from a solid as possible evidentiary foundation but that is not enough. A good investigator must have the intelligence and intuition to draw the right conclusions from the data available and also use this intuition or remote viewing sense to find even more as of yet hidden evidentiary information. Growing up amongst some of the leading ecologists of the day prepared me for my exopolitical studies.Anybody can gather information, but making sense of it and drawing correct conclusions that adhere closely to reality is a different matter altogether. I think that people who rely on information gathering alone or intuition alone diverge far off the mark. On the one hand we have scientists who rigidly adhere to factual information but rarely discover anything really new and on the other hand we have scientists that intuit information that is a confusing mixture of partly true and partly false. I believe there must be a proper balance between facts, evidence and intuition. A good investigator and analyst strikes this proper balance either through personal investigation or by knowing the investigators well that collect the information.Recently one person on the Internet made the point that the public investigation of extraterrestrial realities was no different than in the 1600s during the voyages of discovery. When people began to come back from China and Japan many doubted the stories for good reason because many people exaggerated their stories for effect. I think the breakdown of belief would be similar to that of those who have had or think they have had extraterrestrial contact.Some people will believe everything, some will believe nothing except were there was some physical proof and maybe doubt even that, while a very few would study carefully all the stories and compare one to the other looking for similarities. Some of these few might even travel to see for themselves so as to confirm personally much what they already had summarised from the study of the stories and the people that told the stories. So in a sense only a very few would ever be able to understand and know the whole picture until later when so much information and evidence becomes publicly available that no one could doubt the realities involved.Things are no different today because some people are traveling into the depths of space and into other dimensions, parallel worlds, while others are in great secrecy learning about extraterrestrial realities from crashed craft and the occupants of those craft. Stories get exaggerated and distorted in the telling as a great many people who either deceive others deliberately or deceive themselves by grabbing hold of a tiny bit of evidence and make a mountain out of a molehill of it.Uninformed and propagandised readers when faced with such a complex situation wonder how in the world they are going to find out what is really the truth. All I can say is begin by reading books that are well written and informative such as, UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan, that are backed up by the governments own declassified documents. Or books by well respected and highly regarded individuals such as The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip Corso. Then get out in the field and onto the Internet and join a UFO group so as to verify from personal experience what has been read. There is a lot of work to do because the stakes are high.The toughest thing I and others in the exopolitical have to do is to get an uninformed and propagandised public to just study the evidence and inquire. Much of the mainstream media and newspaper editors in particular find the subject taboo and refuse to publish articles because they think their papers credibility will be affected by an open public discussion. Those editors that have had the courage to publish have been surprised by the interest in the UFO/ET subject and that instead of lessening credibility find that quite the opposite is true and that their papers circulation increases.Newspaper editors and publishers have become the most propagandised of the public because of a steady stream of UFO denigrating propaganda to their papers that originates out of the major news wires from Washington DC and several of the largest newspapers in the country. I have a friend who edits several small newspapers and he used to run local articles on sightings and other strange phenomena. People on the street would stop and complement him on his articles but all it took after several months was one anonymous letter to his boss to shut him down.There is a chain from editor to publisher and only one person in that chain who disapproves will cause the article or news to be rejected and an open public discussion suppressed. If it was not for this there would be a Dear Abby column on UFOs in major papers around the country because of widespread public interest in the subject. As it is readers have to go elsewhere and on to the Internet to become informed.The effect of 60 years of government brainwashing is to so dumb down the population that they either think the subject is silly or that even if true they have no need to be concerned because they are not being seriously and profoundly affected. People are being seriously and profoundly affected on an everyday basis by extraterrestrial realities and the suppression of the knowledge of those realities, from the price of energy at the pump to their emotional and mental well being.

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