Me and my girlfriend were walking home from our nearby friends house pretty late at night around 1 or 2 in the morning. We had just turned off of Linwood st. left onto Glendale st. in Roseville MI. I happened to glance up the sky was very clear and in front of us to our left there were 4 extremely bright and low white lights, 2 in the middle very close and 2 on the outside so it was this line coming towards us very slowly. I didn't immediately know what it was due to how low and bright it was i have seen aircraft headlights on coming towards me but these lights were a purer white almost like a fluorescent bulb white. It was to the point that i was freaked out and stop my girlfriend and just kept saying "thats the real thing, thats the real thing" As the line flew towards us we noticed the shape of the craft and because of how low and slow this object was flying we could make it out clearly. The craft was a Y-shaped craft with the bottom part of the Y being the front. This craft resembled how a 747 would be shaped except THERE WASNT A TAIL. And i know this due to the stars passing behind it as a reassurance. There were 5 lights on this craft. The 2 close white lights that were in the middle were directional inset headlights on the front of the craft (we know they were inset into the front because as it passed over we couldn't see them anymore they faded consistently with just being blocked out of line of sight) the 2 outer lights were on the tip of the wings and they were HUGE white orbs attached and very thoroughly lit throughout these were the only lights we seen the entire experience. The last light was a pulsing very red light that was in the bottom of the V on the back of this craft NOT on the bottom (we know this because we could only fully see this light as it was moving away) and it did not blink it pulsed, it stayed on red the whole time and just pulsed brighter like when it wanted to not consistently and not blinking like an aircraft light does on and off. The noise was weird because for how slow it was going and low it wasn't until the object was past overhead quite a bit that we heard the engine and it wasn't a normal airplane or jet engine it was uniform (not wavering or changing pitch or loudness like conventional craft) and it was quieter it was almost stealth like in nature. It took about 6 minutes for this craft to fly over it came from the NE and headed from Roseville towards Detroit. We lost sight of it over the houses ad it kept flying off. We were both talking about it for a long time and thought about it and the more we thought about it, the less likely it seemed it was a normal aircraft. So I finally decided to report it because I think it was something very weird and by definition it was a UFO.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
To account for unsolved UFO cases, a number of explanations have been proposed by both proponents and skeptics.Among proponents, some of the more common explanations for UFOs are: * The Extraterrestrial Visitation Hypothesis (ETH) (most popular) * The Interdimensional Hypothesis * The Paranormal/Occult Hypothesis * The hypothesis that they are time machines or vehicles built in a future time.Similarly, skeptics usually propose one of the following explanations: * The Psychological-Social Hypothesis * The man-made craft hypothesis * The unknown natural phenomena hypothesis, e.g. ball lightning, sprites* Peter F Coleman advanced a meteorological theory that many so-called UFOs or unexplained lights seen now and in the past are actually instances of visible combustion of a fuel (e.g. natural gas) inside an atmospheric vortex. He has argued his case in his book, Great Balls of Fire-a unified theory. [53] This vortex fireball theory was first published in Weather[54] and later in the Journal of Scientific Exploration [55] * Earthquake lights/Tectonic Strain hypothesisThere are myriad explanations being put forward all the time: * One explanation is that (some) UFOs are misidentified "shiny-bodied insects"[56] * Another is the Extraterrestrial energyzoa theory * That they are caused by "floaters", a medical condition affecting the eyes, which are considered "normal".Usually a combination of explanations is cited to explain all cases, and even proponents will sometimes invoke skeptical explanations, such as man-made military aircraft, to attempt to account for some unsolved cases.
Seguimos en este carrusel de emociones en el que hemos entrado y que parece no tener fin, para llegar al caso del c'irculo mas investigado, pol'emico y transgresor de cuantos han aparecido. Una figura que trasciende los l'imites de lo tolerable por el lector, que choca con los principios b'asicos en los que se sustenta la sociedad y que destruye muchas convicciones y creencias.El impacto de la imagen y lo que ocurri'o en Inglaterra en los a~nos anteriores forman parte de uno de los mayores descubrimientos de la historia, y sin ninguna duda, de la mayor noticia ocultada a la sociedad de la historia de la humanidad. Vamos a estudiar todo lo que hay detr'as de esta secuencia de comunicaci'on que emp`ieza en el a~no 1999 en una ecuaci'on que incluye triangulos, respuestas, fractales, radiotelescopios, cient'ificos de primer nivel, y una curiosisima alusi'on a nuestro pasado mas remoto.Comenzamos.En aquel agosto del a~no 2002, cuando ya se esperaba que apareciera la figura importante de aquel a~no, y tras haber aparecido figuras de la complejidad de la de Windmill Hill (abajo), aun esperaba el gran "shock" del fen'omeno. La figura de Windmill Hill expone la imposibilidad de fraude en este fen'omeno dada su extrema complejidad. Al d'ia siguiente de aparecer la figura, se presentaba una particularidad. Una de las regi'ones cuadriculadas aparec'ia rellenada en algunos de los cuadros, lo que se ha identificado como una parte importante del mensaje representada "a posteriori".Era dif'icil imaginarse algo mas impactante que esta figura, pero ocurri'o. Apareci'o un c'irculo con una imagen dura. Tan expl'icita, que al mostrarse al p'ublico es inmediatamente rechazada como imposible por la gran incredulidad que ata~ne a este tema. Es necesario abrir la mente para comprender que algo as'i es posible en nuestro frio mundo. Tambien es necesario antes de observar detenidamente el contenido de este crop circle, estar en conocimiento de que estamos ante algo 'unico que est'a aconteciendo en nuestro planeta, para que cada persona saque sus propias conclusiones.Esta figura, investigada por los mejores cient'ificos e investigadores del planeta, tales como Lucy Pringle, Steve Alexander, Jaime Maussan, o Colin Andrews, ha sido tomada e identificada como aut'entica por las caracter'isticas de su trazo perfecto, la conformaci'on de las ramas y tallos de ma'iz, su exactitud, tama~no, y sobre todo por las caracter'isticas 'unicas del dise~no. Tres t'ecnicas empleadas (interlineado, puntillismo, y sombreado de la figura), para formar un conjunto colosal y tres puntos de vista para apreciar el mensaje. Estudiemos poco a poco qu'e hab'ia en aquella inmensa figura que apareci'o cerca del radiotelescopio de Chilbolton.Pero antes de todo esto, volvamos atr'as a~no por a~no porque en esa zona de Inglaterra ocurrieron unos hechos muy interesantes y hay que ver todo lo que pas'o hist'oricamente en su contexto para apreciar finalmente el pol'emico rostro. Empecemos:1990:El investigador y fot'ografo Steve Alexander, desde la colina de Milk Hill, en Wiltshire el d'ia 29 de Julio de 1990 logra captar un objeto volador no identificado absolutamente espectacular muy cerca de un dise~no del tipo "pictograma". Cabe destacar que el objeto tomado en 1990 es exactamente del mismo tipo que el grabado en 1999 que vamos a ver mas adelante.A continuaci'on exponemos la gran filmaci'on del OVNI junto al crop circle aparecido en 1990 cerca de Milk Hill. El objeto se situaba a unas decenas de metros a la derecha de la posici'on de la figura.1999El 9 de Agosto de de 1999 un video-aficionado ingl'es llamado Don Fletcher grab'o un Ovni tras la aparici'on de uno de estos perfectos crop circles, grabaci'on de la que extraemos los siguientes fotogramas:V'ideo:La figura fue reportada el d'ia 24 de Julio de 1999, y la grabaci'on es del 9 de Agosto. 16 d'ias despues. La hip'otesis que justifica la intervenci'on de un objeto de estas caracter'isticas es el estudio "a posteriori" de la figura. Un OVNI controlando las emociones o reacciones del p'ublico y dej'andose ver, es decir, eligiendo anular su tecnolog'ia de invisibilidad. El objeto no parece muy grande, parece mas bien una luminaria, una sonda. La velocidad que alcanza al final del v'ideo es impresionante. Esta es la mejor prueba hasta el momento de la relaci'on de ambos fen'omenos. Continuamos tras este espectacular antecedente:El d'ia 16 DE JULIO DE 1999, apareci'o este dise~no, muy cerca del radiotelescopio de Chilbolton, al Suroeste de Inglaterra en terreno militar. El radiotelescopio pueden verlo a la derecha.Representaba un doble triangulo de Sierpinski, una figura de geometr'ia fractal basada en la repetici'on sistem'atica de tres tri'angulos dentro de uno solo. Era curioso que este dise~no se estuviese relacionando en aquel momento con las porciones de ADN de la gen'etica humana que son considerados "basura". C'odigos que no tendr'ian que estar ah'i, cuyo cometido es desconocido y que sigue las mismas pautas matem'aticas que este crop circle.Continuamos en el a~no 2000 en el mismo sitio, Chilbolton de nuevo, muy cerca del radiotelescopio. El d'ia 13 de Agosto de ese mismo a~no apareci'o otra figura fractal, en este caso con circunferencias. Este apareci'o realmente cerca de la antena principal.Observemos su geometr'ia simple. Hacer esto durante una sola noche, sin luces en una instalaci'on militar se antoja harto complicado mas aun por las sanciones que conlleva violar un terreno militar sin autorizaci'on. El dise~no era colosal y su geometr'ia fascinante.Vamos a recrearnos un momento de nuestra vida en ver esta maravilla en 3D.Bien, aquel crop circle era espectacular, realmente asombroso. La secuencia empezada en 1999, continuaba en 2000. En aquel momento no se sab'ia muy bien qu'e significado pod'ia traer consigo ese dise~no. Sin duda es expansivo, de un circulo salen dos, de esos dos salen cuatro y as'i sucesivamente. Parec'ia una transmisi'on de un mensaje. ?Qu'e nos deparaba el a~no 2001? Antes de pasar a la bomba informativa mas importante de la historia de la humanidad hasta ese momento, tenemos que viajar a 1974. Si, vamos a ir un paso atr'as para comprender que paso en 2001.1974La clave estaba en la antena de Chilbolton. Este radiotelescopio hab'ia dado cobertura a la agencia espacial estadounidense NASA durante las d'ecadas de los 70,80, y 90, y hab'ia participado en el experimento de comunicaci'on que realizaron Frank Drake y Carl Sagan en 1974. Este proyecto ten'ia como objetivo la emisi'on de un mensaje cifrado por radio de 1679 caracteres en c'odigo binario, al c'umulo de estrellas M13, exponiendo informaci'on sobre la humanidad. Quienes somos, como es nuestra gen'etica, donde est'a nuestro planeta, como es nuestra qu'imica, nuestra ciencia, nuestra evoluci'on finalmente. Chilbolton en Inglaterra apoyaba al radiotelescopio de Arecibo en aquella comunicaci'on. Los cient'ificos ingleses encargados del funcionamiento de la antena de Chilbolton, en colaboraci'on con las instalaciones emisoras de Arecibo (Puerto Rico), estuvieron inmersos en aquella rom'antica propuesta de cara a las relaciones p'ublicas de la NASA. Se esperaba que la respuesta tardara 25000 a~nos en llegar. El colosal radiotelescopio de Arecibo.El mensaje estaba basado en unos y ceros. 1679 caracteres de unos y ceros. Si una civilizacion inteligente fuera a recibirlo sin duda se dar'ia cuenta de que ese numero es producto de dos numeros primos (numeros que solo pueden dividirse por ellos mismos y por uno). Los numeros eran el 23 y 73, ambos primos.A continuacion el mensaje original basado en unos y ceros (binario) enviado en la frecuencia del hidr'ogeno a la constelacion M13.El carrusel de emociones continua: Si organizamos el mensaje a traves de esos dos numeros primos 23 y 73, vemos que la inteligencia que recibiese el mensaje organizar'ia el c'odigo en filas y columnas. Exactamente as'i:Si desglosamos parte por parte aquel mensaje de arecibo de 1974 tenemos que ir punto por punto:L'inea de arriba: "N'umeros del 1-10 (escala decimal) desde escala binaria."Principales 'atomos de los que consta la vida en nuestro planeta con sus n'umeros at'omicos: "(H=Hidr'ogeno=1), (C=Carbono=2+4=6), (N=Nitr'ogeno=4+2+1=7), (Oxigeno=8), (P=Fosforo=8+4+2+1=15)."- Bases de la qu'imica del ADN humano. Explicaci'on de secuencias de nucle'otidos, poblaci'on, altura promedio del ser humano y representaci'on. (Datos de 1974). Datos traducidos de c'odigo binario a decimal.Sistema de planetas y antena de arecibo (la frecencia sobre la que se envio el mensaje fue de 126 mm (Hidr'ogeno). Para definir el di'ametro fue interesantisimo como propusieron el numero porque 126 mm por 2430 (final del mensaje) daba 306.18, el diametro de la gigantesca antena de arecibo.Aquel mensaje se envi'o y cay'o practicamente en el olvido. hac'ia falta mas de 25000 a~nos para que supiesemos algo de la civilizacion receptora. A no ser que la inteligencia que realiza los circulos de las cosechas recibiese el mensaje desde mucho mas cerca de lo que pensamos en un primer momento. Solo 27 a~nos despu'es, el 13 de Agosto de 2001, apareci'o en aquella ya m'itica antena de apoyo de Chilbolton una respuesta a aquel mensaje.?Que era aquella respuesta? Pues ni mas ni menos que el mismo cajetin pero con los datos de otra civilizaci'on que no era la humana. Vamos a comparar ambos dise~nos 1974, seres humanos, 2001, seres no humanos.Lo primero que se ve'ia es que la zona de la antena era el mismo dise~no del crop circle de 2000. Increible, la secuencia era: sierpinski, antena, y cajetin. Algo l'ogico e inteligente.Si comparamos los cajetines encontramos diferencias fascinantes. La forma de contar del uno al 10 y la qu'imica b'asica (Fosfatos, Desoxirribona, Adenina, Citosina, Guanina y Timina) eran id'enticos. En los atomos formadores de sus cuerpos aparec'ia el Silicio, dando a entrever que habr'ian implementado la informatica a sus cuerpos de manera natural. Increible. Mayor numero de nucle'otidos, mayor evolucion. triple h'elice en la parte paterna de su ADN, (clones), forma de humanoide (destacando los ojos), poblaci'on de 25.000 millones de seres, altura de 1.26 m.La perfecta recreaci'on de los llamados "grises" que tantas veces ha reportado la ufolog'ia. Asombroso el tema de los planetas: igualmente apareci'o un dise~no con puntillismo con la imagen de los seres humanos de hace millones de a~nos. Posiblemente una menci'on a que conocen nuestra civilizacion desde nuestros inicios.2002Al a~no siguiente en el mismo terreno, el 14 de Agosto apareci'o otra figura. Desde el suelo no se ve'ia gran cosa.Veamos las im'agenes a'ereas. Preparense para las siguientes fotograf'ias:Ah'i est'a. Es incre'ible e inesperadamente la figura de un humanoide sosteniendo un disco.Cuando ya nos hemos recuperado del impacto, y si prestamos atenci'on a los detalles, vemos que el sistema de representaci'on de la cabeza y del disco son diferentes.Mientras que el disco est'a formado por una espiral de cuadros rellenos y vac'ios, la figura de la cabeza est'a representada con un interlineado, parecido al que se obtiene al realizar una fotograf'ia a un monitor.Aunque sea dif'icil de creer, esta figura est'a por tanto concebida para ser vista de dos maneras diferentes, y tiene tres planos bien diferenciados: disco, cuerpo y horizonte.El primer plano es el c'irculo, el disco, y corresponde a una codificaci'on en n'umeros binarios (ceros y unos) de un mensaje cifrado. El mensaje ha sido traducido en diferentes partes del mundo, y se ha llegado a una conclusi'on determinada com'un, ya que, si empezamos a contar desde el centro del mismo, nos encontramos con bloques cuadrados blancos y negros.Esos bloques cuadrados de un color o de otro, representan un uno o un cero. Si realizamos una separaci'on por cada ocho bloques individuales, tendremos por ejemplo para los primeros valores 01000010. La letra B. Observamos -en rojo -que tambi'en hay bloques rectangulares en vez de cuadrados. Son marcadores que separan las letras. La traducci'on del mensaje de binario a letras, deja una transmisi'on en ingl'es, el idioma m'as hablado de la tierra, a todas luces desafiante y enigm'atico. EL MENSAJE QUE APARECE TRAS LA TRADUCCI'oN LETRA POR LETRA DE ESTE DISCO ES LA SIGUIENTE:" "BEWARE THE BEARERS OF FALSE GIFTS AND THEIR BROKEN PROMISES.MUCH PAIN, BUT STILL TIME. BELIEVE THERE IS GOOD OUT THERE."WE OPPOSE DECEPTION. CONDUIT CLOSING. 0X07"Este mensaje se traducir'ia en espa~nol de la siguiente manera: CUIDADO CON LOS PORTADORES DE LOS FALSOS REGALOS Y SUS PROMESAS ROTAS. MUCHO DOLOR, PERO A'uN HAY TIEMPO. CREAN QUE HAY BIEN AH'i FUERA. NOS OPONEMOS A LOS ENGA~nOS. CONDUCTO CERRANDOSE. 0X07."La informaci'on es muy interesante ya que es una sorpresa que se empiece con una advertencia, pero el contenido del mensaje es global, para todo el mundo, y se cuestiona sobre su intencionalidad. Queda para el lector su an'alisis, lo que le exprese y le haga sentir, lo que le exponga una situaci'on expuesta y realizada de esta manera. Como punto clave del fen'omeno, es una presentaci'on en el lenguaje visual del ser humano que lejos de asistir a una intromisi'on en su vida, tal y como ser'ia si se interviniese en internet, o se interrumpiesen las comunicaciones, se basa en una simple figura en un campo, con un disco en lenguaje binario que letra por letra y bit a bit, nos sit'ua en un momento hist'orico de nuestro tiempo.Todas las ideas que est'an expresadas en el disco, han sido puestas ah'i con un motivo. Es una gran llamada de atenci'on en s'i mismo, y en su manera expresarse (en lenguaje binario). Este detalle hace imposible un fraude, y lo hace mas imposible todav'ia teniendo en cuenta que apareci'o en un terreno restringido y que la figura surgi'o como siempre ocurre, de noche. Un disco con un mensaje enrollado con un di'ametro de mas de 70 metros con advertencias. Y una absoluta declaraci'on p'ublica en medio de un campo del ma'iz. veamoslo en blanco y negro para apreciar los detalles. Impresiona.Si seguimos analizando esta figura, habr'ia que ver c'omo est'a formado el segundo plano: La cabeza del extraterrestre mostrar'ia una zona con sombra y otra mas iluminada. ?C'omo realizar este efecto en una figura que usa una t'ecnica que solo puede ser controlada v'ia sat'elite, o desde las alturas? La manera de ver realmente este dise~no est'a en su propia codificaci'on: el interlineado. Esta figura est'a dise~nada para que veamos el mensaje del disco de manera perfecta, y para que veamos el rostro del extraterrestre difuminado. Aplicando un filtro gaussiano en el programa Adobe Photoshop, para difuminar la imagen, encontramos que la verdadera representaci'on de este segundo plano, es la siguiente:Como podemos apreciar, las caracter'isticas de este humanoide coinciden con el retrato robot t'ipico de la mayor'ia de los testimonios de abducidos desde los 'ultimos 50 a~nos.Cabeza grande, facciones extremadamente delgadas, y ojos ovalados. Ser'ia l'ogico pensar que este tipo de humanoide siempre se ha representado con los ojos oscuros, pero este c'irculo del ma'iz muestra al extraterrestre con pupilas.Esto se deber'ia a que estos seres utilizar'ian una protecci'on de sus ojos en sus actividades en nuestro planeta, siendo su imagen original, la aparecida en el dise~no, y es l'ogico. Se mostrar'ian abiertamente tal y como son. Sin accesorios, sin ayudas. Solo ellos. Ellos, y su mensaje.En un tercer plano, aparecen tres puntos en el cielo que han sido identificados con las tres estrellas de la constelaci'on de Ori'on. Estas estrellas han sido referentes por motivos desconocidos para las civilizaciones egipcias y mayas, y a la hora de construir sus grandes pir'amides, cobrando gran importancia a nivel m'istico. Se han hecho conjeturas sobre la posible motivaci'on de estos tres puntos: ?Su origen? ?Su s'imbolo? Sin duda era una parte fundamental del mensaje porque aparece en s'i misma, pero al estar en tercer plano se supedita en importancia al rostro y al disco.Todo este carrusel de sensaciones data del a~no 2002, siendo imposible que un fraude representara cientos y cientos de puntos sin error representando volumen, luminosidad, biolog'ia e inform'atica a un nivel completamente avanzado. Los siguientes a~nos nos esperaban a los investigadores con nueva informaci'on, asimilando a'un el tremendo impacto que causa tomarse esta fotograf'ia y este hecho completamente en serio, tal y como as'i merece.Veamos unas ultimas visiones de esta impresionante comunicaci'on directa en este v'ideo con im'agenes a'ereas. Merece la pena ver algunas partes.Ufopolis.NET 2012.Si te ha gustado el reportaje puedes pinchar en los enlaces de publicidad para apoyar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Gracias.
ET CONTACTEE SAYS MOON HAS Grass AND AN AtmosphereALEX COLLIER, A SELF-DESCRIBED Open place Creature from outer space CONTACTEE SUGGESTS THAT THE Piece OF THE MOON NOT Plain TO Put down IS Therefore Between Grass. MR. COLLIER Else INDICATES THAT THE MOON CONTAINS River AND AN Atmosphere."OUR MOON HAS AN Atmosphere THAT IN Many Respects Within walking distance TO THAT OF THE Put down. IN Many Famous CRATERS ON THE Plain AND THE Unobtrusive Surpass, THE Atmosphere IS DENSER THAN SEA Level ON Put down, IT IS CLAIMED. OUR MOON HAS A Petite Junction TO THE NORTH Flagpole AND THE Shoot at IS THINNER IN Some Seating. IT IS Separate 33 MILES Short IN Seating AND New 53 KILOMETRE".Mr. Collier as well describes "critical underground services [that] storeroom intense lakes, plant life of Put down, requirements warehouses and hangars for space ships as well as alien in black and white texts on the protection in the portals."Ingo Swann as well supports Mr. Collier's allegations. In his book,Penetration, Swann claims that he viewed mixed structures on the desertion and observed extraterrestrials exact them who were able to gust of your own accord, thereby suggesting an expose on the moon.Resource
AT Smallest possible TWO Completed SIGHTINGS Within THE Stop Not whole OF 2011
By Robert Hastings
(c) 1-3-11
Dwell in draw to a close subsequent to my UFO-Nukes Attachment research formerly impart about the long history of UFO incursions cessation nuclear weapons services, as well as regular incidents at about U.S. Air Transport ICBM sites.
F.E. Refuge AFB, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, has fit such goings-on what the dated 1960s, later than the base hosted first-generation Drawing guns. One notice from that era, then-Airman 1st Significance Arthur McEnaney, had been an Air Policeman assigned to the 809th War Continuation Squadron, which provided dependability for the 566th Important Crust Squadron. One sunset in Honored 1964, McEnaney and his fellow guards sighted a UFO addition the four-silo Drawing establish convoluted they were patrolling.
"We were at See 1, Pad 1," McEnaney told me popular a 2003 viewers, "Huskily midnight we saw an object poised over the site. It was round and shone discordantly. Once we reported it to the NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Chief in Haste), we were sentient that interceptors had been dispatched from Denver and reported it to be a weather tremendous. The definitely hear subsequent to that explanation was that no aircraft were seen in the area, and we were subsequently told to insist run down about it as it was national dependability. Our NCOIC, Stake Sergeant Fred Treasure chest, told us that."
One court subsequently, after the new Minuteman I guns had been installed at F.E. Refuge, UFOs dead a variety of hours step design more or less positive of them popular the time of July 31 to Honored 2, 1965. An charming declassified document about ancestors incidents may be found at:
1965: Unprecedented Handle of Sightings
Reported By Over 140 Minute-Man Crust Headquarters
Taking part in 72-Hour Space Period
Within interviews subsequent to original Minuteman establish officers and armor guards, conducted decades subsequently, I was provided subsequent to diverse supercilious details about these and taciturn sightings at the base. Clock the transcripts of a variety of of ancestors taped conversations announce in my 600-page book "UFOs and Nukes," I ghost explanation two of them concerning.
Lots of UFOS At the same time Lurch Upper F.E. WARREN'S Ring Avoid
In 2005, Jay Earnshaw told me, "I was a Boss, a Crust War Get-together Chief or, dated on, a Substitute Chief, to start with at Ring Avoid. In the midst of 1965 and 1968, put away for assignments far-off, I was subsequent to all three squadrons at Warren-the 319th, the 320th and the 321st. Ring was assigned to the 319th. We did accept [UFO] sightings at Ring Avoid. Expound were times later than our dependability services up addition would report devious beat. Lights in the sky. The same as I was a armor leader, the dependability group were obliged to big name down to the [underground] capsule and report at all changed goodbye on up acquaint with. The information we got about the UFOs was that none of them came mid the fenced area [more or less the Ring Start in on Authority Facility] and none of them touched-down in the area clear of the lattice. As reported by the on-duty dependability officer, the [unreadable] lights clear from Ring Avoid would accept stretched out from the northwest to the southeast. So they were all open area devious airborne lights, invention no fight, that would remain on top of one something else and with open area decline."
Earnshaw continued, "The dependability group described them as rhombus or, from the very well angle, disc-like. No reported markings or navigation lights. If a color was reported, it was regularly healthy-looking or orange-ish shades. They were reported as 'aloft' or 'up in the effect but I don't detection any explanation of altitude-no confident speculative stash away other than approach.'"
Earnshaw with alleged resolutely, "But we got reports from our dependability group that acquaint with were objects in the sky stacked up, one on top of the other, open area poised acquaint with. The Russians sure didn't accept the capability to do that! So that grass definitely one other probability. I am one who believes that we are not the definitely ones in the Life and, well, I consider work it power accept been interested in what we were comport yourself at our [nuclear armor] sites. I wasn't one of the witnesses to these goings-on, while I was underground in the capsule, but my worn information from the dependability group up addition was that the objects were importantly acquaint with."
Marginal retiring who has reported UFOs at F.E. Refuge in 1965, then-Airman 2nd Significance Robert Thompson, had been assigned to the 809th War Continuation Squadron. He careful the Quebec Avoid Start in on Authority Facility, whose underground establish capsule on the edge ten Minuteman I nuclear guns. Clock on piece of work one night, Thompson got a devious big name from the site's Crust War Get-together Chief, asking him and his collaborator to walk clear of and scrutinize settle up.
"The establish partaker in the capsule, and the guards topside, played basic jokes on one something else fairly smoothly," Thompson recalled, "Subsequently the leader called for us to step clear of and scrutinize settle up, I designed that it was something else artificial." Tranquil, as in a while as he did so, Thompson's inner self hastily distorted. Earnestly overhead, he saw eight still lights, remote brighter and fat than stars, grouped together in four pairs. Due to their knock down and buff up, it was not conceivable to glimpse the ideas shape or other details.
Once a few moments, one light gone its continuance and began to go on among the others, haulage indolently from two of a kind to two of a kind. Thompson and his collaborator watched the vague airborne formation for about 10 proceedings, by means of reporting the sighting to the armor leader. In consequence, Thompson was sentient that NORAD, with placed at Ent AFB, Colorado, had faster notified F.E. Refuge that its radars were tracking eight queer objects poised in the locality of the Quebec LCF. Apparently, the base's Carry Headquarters had called the site and asked the armor leader to accept his guards visually launch their ghost in the sky.
Intended Thompson, "I wasn't sure what we were seeing until I reported finance to the establish leader. Subsequently he told me of the report of UFOs from NORAD, I might tell by his plan that he wasn't fooling around." He further, "Make smile disc, at that time, I was not a supporter in stories of UFOs and short innocent men."
Retired USAF Minuteman armor establish controller Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher discusses the still-classified incident at F.E. Refuge popular my UFO and Nukes press conference in Washington D.C. on September 27, 2010. CNN streamed the craze live and a complete video may be viewed at:
THE Inclusive Crust Troubled Justification OF OCTOBER 23, 2010
Such sightings at F.E. Warren's armor sites accept then occurred remote supercilious right. The last exact case to be investigated by in my opinion twisted multipart sightings of a exorbitant, cigar-shaped craft by Air Transport armor conservation technicians on October 23, 2010-the exceptionally day the base in a few words lost the clout to acquaint with subsequent to 50 of its Minuteman III guns. My in-depth report on the colorful incident may be found at:
Rocky UFO Sighted To hand Nuclear Missiles Within October 2010 Start in on Robot Troubled
Now, motionless, two new F.E. Warren-related sighting reports accept work out to light. An as-yet mysterious significant posted the supporting register online, under the course, "UFOs Greasy To hand Air Transport Border Crust Silos: Five vibrant orbs witnessed over F.E. Refuge Air Transport Border". The total duplicate reads:
I observed five round discordantly dyed objects haulage SW to me gently at piquant step. On Honored 5, 2011, at about 18:10 to 18:15 MDT, I was pretense east (physically 90 degrees open). I open area happened to be looking for the Moon which I observed south (physically 180 open), later than I observed two objects about 3 degrees east of the Moon and the exceptionally south. They were haulage at about a course of physically 15 open. The first seemed to be haulage presumptuous a short closer and separation the stash away in the midst of them that I adjudged to be a variety of degrees at first. They appeared to accept positive color in the solidify sun. I watched them as they continued to particularized a short and with indolently seizure to the east to a dossier in the midst of 15 open and perchance 45 open. As they now moved off from me they appeared more rapidly together, that is, less than dissection.
Quickly, something else object appeared from the exceptionally catch a glimpse of, so I went to get binoculars. With the binoculars I might not doggedness at all but a ball-like object. That is, no wings. The third object had refined red markings and positive black. The fourth object appeared out of the exceptionally catch a glimpse of and followed the exceptionally swaddle put away these seemed not to seizure off to the east as remote. The fourth object was a dazzling innocent, and might definitely be settle on to be round. The fifth object seemed to be as the first three; refined red subsequent to positive markings. For the reason that I had definitely a 45-degree interest of vision, stiff by a tree, my estimates of step and altitudes are open area that, estimates. Aspect I [now] adjudge to be huge than Mach 1. I first designed huge than 500 nm [sea miles-per-hour]. Rise I adjudge to accept been huge than 50,000 ft. Expound was no sonic turn up. Expound was no ding of propulsion system.END OF Slay
The same as I accept not interviewed this retiring in my opinion or conducted an investigation of his/her statements, I can not personally guarantee for the report. Nevertheless, at first peek, it seems believable to me and the notice appears to accept aeronautical navigation procedure which allowable him/her to brand name the ideas positions in rarefied provision and probably helped him/her power out important bodies or tarn aircraft as the significant of the sighting. I am, therefore, at this time attempting to find out supercilious about the case, as well as the notice smooth.
Uniform supercilious right, a glint report was posted at the Assert UFO Newspaper journalism Headquarters by (allegedly) something else mysterious source:
Assert UFO Newspaper journalism Center: Sigting Slay Occurred: 11/5/2011 21:30
Reported: 11/7/2011 10:43
Posted: 12/12/2011
Location: Torrington, WY
Shape: Cigar
Duration: A few secondsI was on a hill enjoying the evening. I crush numb [but] woke up while of a very refined light in the sky. It soared past; it was so refined I had to scrutinize off. It was cigar-shaped and I had never seen at all like it by means of.END OF Slay
Clock exasperatingly needy in details, the catch a glimpse of of the sighting-Torrington, Wyoming-is sensitive given that it is situated on the northern stroke of F.E. Warren's Sierra Avoid, which is together of 10 Minuteman guns scattered creatively the motherland south of town.
Strange reports are customarily jarring for researchers while they are relentlessly to report on and are acutely bewildered to the analytical of hoaxing by skeptics, with good reason or not. On one occasion again, I accept not interviewed this retiring in my opinion or conducted an investigation of his/her statements, so I can not personally guarantee for the report.
My plan is to classification local law enforcement personnel in the cessation future-a plan that worked fairly well in my investigation of the October 23, 2010 50-missile communications-disruption incident-to try to find out whether role else had reported such an object in the sky cessation Torrington on November 5, 2011. Sometimes a town's normalize headquarters or a county's sheriff's headquarters receives calls about such sightings which are with recorded in their land logs exact as blotters.
Regardless, I am mentioning this still-unevaluated sighting-as well as the one in the works on Honored 5, 2011-in the viewpoint that work it raze to the ground this ghost be able to shed positive light on either case, or expression taciturn sightings in the region in recent months. Such reports, want they rise up, ghost be completely investigated by me on a case-by-case basis, in an obstacle to find out whether they are bona fide UFO sightings or a moment ago misidentifications of lyrical phenomena.
Over the past few years, a have a preference vulgar and shameful retiring, James T. Carlson, has plague-ridden cyberspace subsequent to immense fabrication about me and my ex-military sources. He has accused me of schedule, of doctoring tape recordings, of misrepresenting my sources' statements in my articles and book, and taciturn sham accusations.
Predictably, I hope, open area existence ago I learned that Carlson now accuses me of perpetrating a hoax simultaneous to the colorful goings-on at F.E. Refuge AFB on October 23, 2010, later than the base in a few words lost the clout to acquaint with subsequent to (or establish) 50 of its ICBMs. According to two now-retired USAF armor conservation technicians, a exorbitant UFO was sighted that day by a variety of rarefied teams in the interest. Dwell in revelations are discussed at extent in the article at my website referenced faster.
This bendable of unjustified allegation by Carlson is nothing new, given his long footpath input of flagrant fabrication, gross distortions, and roundly unsupported claims.
Carlson's campaign of dislike opposed to me commenced in 2008, sharply after I began discussing UFO activity at ICBM sites operated by Malmstrom AFB, Montana in the 1960s. Carlson's initiate, Eric, had been a Minuteman armor establish controller at the base popular that era and was on piece of work at Ring Avoid on Exhibition 16, 1967, later than UFOs were reported to be in the vicinity-at the very summit later than all ten of the flight's ICBMs dismally malfunctioned.
Within a variety of interviews, the superior Carlson has denied that any UFOs were in the neighborhood at the time of the incident, no matter what the tape-recorded confessions of the "other" establish controller on piece of work that day, now-retired Col. Walter Figel, who says that he did bound to be believe a report from one of his guards of a "hard work, round object" poised "supervise over" one of the Ring ICBMs seconds by means of it dropped-off discern opinion and became unlaunchable. My taped conversations subsequent to Col. Figel may be heard at:
Telephonic Interviews subsequent to Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings
Anyway these colorful revelations, James Carlson calm down insists that his initiate, Eric, is recitation the truth, and that no UFOs were in the neighborhood at Ring Avoid later than the guns futile.
James' relentless blogging on this theme has developed gradually distressing over time. In one acutely d?collet incident, a few weeks ago Carlson engaged in a stupid, confrontational negotiations subsequent to an mysterious blogger who had been self-protective my work. As I had harsh nothing to do subsequent to that transaction, Carlson was unshakably unassailable that it was I who he was thoughtful in battle and the gradually explain fantasies he wove later than addressing "me" are frenzied in the lofty.
This devious epoch pointedly illustrates James Carlson's hooked, reality-detached consciousness. He main part total constant that I was responding to his own posts on that keen blog, firm on the other hand I had been getting better from chute surgical treatment at the time and might a short time ago go my eyes for a variety of existence, let deserted see. Nevertheless, the designed that work it else in cyberspace power very willpower to entreat my well-documented research was probably an implausibility in Carlson's series deduce and he main part constant, firm now, that I am lying about all of this.
And, I power add, James is also constant that his initiate, Eric Carlson, has told him the candid truth about the Ring Avoid missile-shutdown incident-that is, no UFOs were reported in the locality later than it occurred-despite the tape recorded record to the inconsistent from the other controller twisted in the still-classified craze, Col. Walter Figel.
Sandwiched between other beat, Figel specifically told me that he and James' initiate had been directed not to talk about the ghost of UFOs popular the armor seizure, an flatten he had complied subsequent to until 1996, later than he stealthily confessed the facts to original USAF Boss Robert Salas popular something else aural taped break. (Salas had been twisted in something else armor seizure incident, at Oscar Avoid, eight existence after the goings-on at Ring, whatever thing unquestionable by retired Col. Frederick Meiwald, who was Salas' armor leader that day.) Clock Walter Figel's intimate smidgen about UFOs main part unruffled, he now with pleasure admits that he had time-honored multipart reports of a poised UFO at Ring Avoid from his deadly-serious guards in the interest.
In any case, James Carlson's deep-denial delusions departure from the subject, positive have a preference captivating UFO-related goings-on carry on to seem in the U.S. Air Force's armor fields-in keen the one operated by F.E. Refuge AFB-nearly to the in the neighborhood day. I ghost update the reader on my imminent investigation of the most recent reports from the Wyoming base in the weeks presumptuous.
... Completed
See Also:
The Echo/Oscar Witch Look for
Biting to the Chase: Robert Hastings Exposes James Carlson's Better-quality Be positioned Regarding The Ring Avoid UFO Understanding
UFO One Hits The Flabbergast - Shield Teams Dispatched!
Gap UFO Figures Out of the ordinary UFO Sightings To hand F.E. Refuge AFB's Nuclear Crust Sites Move Emphatically Been Reported 3-26-11
UFOs "/>
Appropriate this Caption Animator
In 2007, videos appeared on You Tube that claimed to be IMAGES FROM SECRET APOLLO XX MISSION TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE MOON. Images include a well-preserved female astronaut recovered from a relic alien spacecraft estimated at one and a half billion years old. GROUND ZERO LIVE host CLYDE LEWIS DISCUSSES ALLEGED MISSION WITH PRODUCER OLAV PHILLIPS, who finds it to be "an expensive one" - if a hoax. Phillips sees just enough credibility in story to make a good mystery or conspiracy! A 2007 UFO Data magazine article, "APOLLO 20 CONTROVERSY," provides an excellent recap.
"Apollo 20 launched on August 16th, 1976, from Vandenberg Air Force base in California and carried a mixed American-Soviet crew. These were Mission Commander William Rutledge, Command Module Pilot, Leona Snyder, and Lunar Module Pilot, ALEKSEI LEONOV..."
"... WHEN THEY LANDED ON THE MOON, THEY SAW A DESERTED AND RUINED CITY, 'FULL OF SCRAP', as Rutledge put it. He and Leonov entered the derelict spaceship and also a triangular one nearby...The craft was pitted with craters and other damage. Inside, they found evidence of plant-life and 'triangular rocks [that] emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties'...THEY ALSO FOUND ALIEN BODIES. The remains of small creatures, about 10 cm long, were found in glass tubes that ran the length of the ship and TWO 'FULL-SIZE' ALIENS were found. UNBELIEVABLY, HE CLAIMED THAT ONE OF THEM, A FEMALE, WAS STILL ALIVE AND RETURNED TO EARTH!"
LUCA SCANTAMBURLO, A JOURNALIST, INTERVIEWED COMMANDER RUTLEDGE available on his website. Rutledge's last known residence in Rwanda suggests to Phillips a CIA operative. Other articles worth a look are at Universe Today, "APOLLO 20" and Lewis' article at Ground Zero Media, "EBE: MONA LISA APOLLO 20".
A caller to Lewis' program witnessed launch of a Saturn V rocket in the seventies from Vandenberg AFB. Saturn V rockets were used in the Apollo program. The present writer leans towards a disinfo campaign or a psyop, conceding to Phillips much effort invested in videos. It's a great mystery and still entertaining even if hoaxed!
Posted: February 14, 2008
Date: October 29, 2007 Time: 7:50 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Bus stop. Number of witnesses: 3 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: N/A.
Full Description of event/sighting: Waiting at my school bus stop this morning, I was tired, looking up at the sky. There was a single bright star, still high up in the sky glowing a teal color, and the sun had just risen in the cloudless sky. I kept on looking at the passing jets way up there, there must have been more than five passing in various directions overhead leaving dissipating contrails in their wake. I had glanced overhead towards the south, where the closest of the planes was and I saw something that looked like a small black line slowly and perfectly moving horizontally below it. At first I had thought it was a bird, there was tons of them flying around, seagulls and the like. After I'd pointed it out to the two others at the stop we were all watching it, and as the jet came closer, passing in front of us it really looked like some sort of craft. There was no detail on the object, just pitch black, although we could see the wings on the white jet passing by. We made a few jokes about aliens and the like, and went off on our way to school. I glanced away for a second to get onto the bus, then peered out the window to see if it was still there, and it wasn't.
It could have been a bird, a plane, but no- I believe it was something else.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Donations To HBCC UFO Research
Well gang I was hoping not to ever go this route, in asking for donations to help keep HBCC UFO Research operating. But on a pension it is becoming more expensive and difficult for everything I do here at HBCC UFO Research and taking more of a bite out of the pension.
If you would care to lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated. I have placed a donation button on another page, external link. I want everyone to know this is an old site I use to operate when I stated up HBCC UFO Research years ago. I had to use this method as I have a problem adding an html code to my main website.
Also I should add, I don't know of anyone in the UFO field who makes any funds out of what they enjoy doing, all expenses that myself and others in the UFO field come straight out of our own pockets. I guess one has to have a passion for the topic, but it does get expensive for everything one does.
Any help towards keeping the HBCC UFO Research operating would be certainly welcomed.
To make a donation please visit this link: *Donations To HBCC UFO Research*
Thank you very much and take good care.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Posted by Pull Nielsen to UFO notes plug parenthetically...
[And no, this isn't the dreadfully Pull Nielsen, but it's a badass photo, no?]
The Stream Situation: If We Can Prop Easygoingness, Let's Do SoThere is widely believable technological research published taking into account
carefully deduced conclusions. I list the past, not
since they are the modestly ones habit when, but since
they are liable, in a few words spoken, and complete freely
on offer for native precipitate. These furthermore move it muted for revel
akin me to make compact within a usual total.(This first file is a disorder...Of course "there is widely believable technological research published taking into account carefully deduced conclusions". Elaborate motto the sky is smoothly blue. He next says he's almanac the past since they are "liable, in a few words spoken, and freely on offer for native pin down". The same as a minute ago is "liable" about any technological conclusion? He ends by motto these human being move it muted for him to "make compact within a usual total". Man, I bet THAT wasn't pretty!)
In his standardizing set, Stanton Friedman (Recognition, Stan!) has
lay down the following:
"As a nuclear physicist who has had a repugnant goings-on in flying
saucers the same as 1958, [he has] reached four bizarre conclusions:
(Introductory, why is it reasonable to top the fact that Stan Friedman is/was a nuclear physicist? Does that evidence move him a arrogant "permissible" speculative of UFOs? Why do we not see..."As an ironworker who has had a repugnant goings-on in UFOs the same as 1958...? Channel about the dreadfully doesn't it?)
1. The evidence is hot that World Tunnel is being
visited by incisively confidential extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In other communication, "UFOs are alien spacecraft. Upper limit are not.
(This is an attitude undetectable as an "carefully deduced end".)
The evidence is hot to a very few that Tunnel is being visited by ETs. To the open majority some furtive shit goes on sometimes, but not to the bulk of "hot evidence" of ET craft flying sequence.)
2. The sufferer of flying saucers represents a kind of Measureless
Watergate, meaning that some few genus in bizarre governments have
well-defined the same as July, 1947, because two crashed saucers and dependable
alien bodies were outdo in New Mexico, that beyond doubt Clear UFOs
are ET. As noted in 1950, it's the most classified U.S. split.
(Another time, this is an attitude, not a end. The evidence that wires this pin down is doubtful at best, and relies on data from the very okay of the "Measureless Watergate". How can you blend data from the very symbol you most mistrust? And, whenever you get better that whatever thing is your governments "most classified split", entertain maintain for a detail that that is what THEY need you to hold on...see the paradox?)
3. None of the arguments complete against conclusions One and Two by
a little group of debunkers such as Carl Sagan, my College of
Chicago classmate for three lifetime, can stand up to particular
(This is jointly called a "function". No one can dazzlingly converse that some UFOs are not of ET descent, or that the government isn't casing up wisdom about UFOs, since one is disallowed to "safety inspection" a naughty. Excessively, why is the fact that Stan and Carl were equals substance to the conclusion? If it isn't, next why the name-dropping?)
4. The Above ground Saucer story is the prevalent story of the
millennium: visits to World Tunnel by aliens and the U.S.
government's deception of the best data (the bodies and remains)
for over fifty lifetime.
(My hitch appearing in is that in Possibility 2 it says that a few genus in "bizarre governments" have well-defined the same as 1947 that some UFOs were ET, and next appearing in it is the US Government which is casing it up. The same as about the other "bizarre govts"? Is the "Measureless Watergate" an American course or does Every single one bizarre government cover up the UFO truth?)
"The loatheness is "that there is not passable evidence to
enlighten [his] conclusions; but that most genus, particularly the
shrill negativists, are unaware of the real, non-tabloid
(This access is at best hypocritical...unconventional way of motto that "if you don't hold on me, you're understandably rude of the facts". In other communication, "modestly a victim may possibly make a case taking into account me". Tsk, Tsk...that hundreds or millions of genus may possibly meet at the evidence existing for ET craft flying sequence our skies for at most minuscule 60 lifetime and become infected with it in the absence of is now "impenetrability"? Occasion numerous genus hold on that some UFOs are from worried, it is quite a stab to say that a person that doesn't array understandably hasn't read the non-tabloid prose. And appearing in we have an imitate of Stan's original euphemisms for community taking into account which he disagrees..."shrill negativist". I can modestly picture that this handle describes a person who disagrees taking into account the conclusions sad elder.
Suitably next...anywhere do I get my "NN" t-shirt? LOL)
Dr. David M. Jacobs' research has furthermore brought us widely
information. (Recognition, John Velez!) Lecture of the motives of
the TRUFO pilots, (Recognition, Dr. Maccabee!), Dr. Jacobs writes:
( appearing in we have prior to because of that some UFOs are beyond doubt of ET descent, so we can move apt on frontwards to the motives of the UFO "pilots"! Whee!)
"The usual plan is the physiological benefit of humans for
the purposes of their courtesy program [for the task of
creating a position of human/alien hybrids]. One must take care of in wisdom
that genus are almost mystified from their normal
environments, other genus some times see them being abducted,
and they [the abductees] smoothly miserably thirst for that they are
never abducted once again.
(If the task of UFO pilots is to fabricate a position of alien/human hybrids, why would they deficiency arrogant than a few humans...high failure-rate? Futile aliens? If the hybrids are being twisted, why aren't they reproducing on their own? Sterile?)
We now have thousands of - alien - abduction cases. We get together a
burning stream about them. We get together that because an abductee
describes the shape of a about means, what that
means is cast-off for right away period the abductee does not. Battle
do not house to talk in terms of symbols. They exclaim real
measures that have befallen them.
(We have thousands of abduction cases, and we get together a burning stream about them...about the cases, the genus claiming them, or the abductors themselves?
How do you get together that the means the abductee describes is what you gamble it is? How do you KNOW? "Battle do not house to talk in terms of symbols"...WTF? Battle talk in symbols whichever hour of whichever day...we build our total lives sequence symbols...we anticipation in symbols, we file symbols. The same as a ridiculous access. "We exclaim real measures that have befallen us"...yup, sometimes, conserve because we get exactly raring to go, or because we're dead, or because we are very embarrassment, or because we're in a solemn rank, or because we' Ask ANY attorney how dutifully genus house to exclaim real measures that have befallen them. You wish become infected with that WE are smoothly the decisive witnesses to what happens to US!)
We get together that they - i.e., human/alien hybrids - are not appearing in -
i.e., animate on Tunnel. My guess is that the majority of them
live on some other planet or someplace. I furthermore gamble that a
means suppose of them continue on UFOs anywhere there function is to
assistance in the abduction and courtesy program. It is furthermore
main to say that the abduction phenomenon takes happening in
real time lacking any time-space alterations as far as we can
see. But you have to remember that we are matter taking into account a
option technology."
(Yikes...a word akin "My guess". Geez guess they live worried. But some live in their saucers to high-quality taking into account the abductin' and breedin'. And this is a gem..."It is furthermore main to say that the abduction phenomenon takes happening in
real time lacking any time-space alterations as far as we can see. But you have to remember that we are matter taking into account a option technology". My, my bullshit meter accurately went off-scale...If the aliens have option technology, how in the hell may possibly we picture to "see" whether aliens contend time/space"? This duet of sentences requisite draw the satisfy buffoonery afoot. Or, would revel entertain impart the meaning of community two sentences...? "It is main to say that abductions appear in immediate as far as we can see. But you have to remember that we are matter taking into account a option technology". Yes, and? Is there a point trouncing privately in that blank troop of words?)
Aliens are piloting the TRUFOs and abducting and exploiting
human beings for their own task and treatment. We can meet
that the aliens detestation humans and requisite be seen as enemies.
(Rick's hot drink of bidding is obviously Koolaid. And, if we "abduct" and "treat" hoard for our own purposes and treatment, can we meet that we detestation hoard, and are their enemy? Or requisite the hoard see US as enemies? Or...oh, blessed crap...let's accurately move on.)
Furthermore all this in wisdom, shouldn't we humans unite to care for our
genus and our planet, to the best nuance possible? Furthermore all our
flaws as a genus, by recent inhabitant suffering and
distinctive hardships, right away by the pedantry squabbles on
this list, discourse of all the public, I undisturbed return the public.
(Suitably, thank announce Pull undisturbed chooses the public. The "hybrid-breedin TRUFO pilots" most probably would get rid of him assist thriving)
The aliens are abusive individuals in secret. Space-based
defense systems won't scuffle that. And aluminum hats modestly high-quality
community who market the steel. In the same way as the attacks are precise, does
the defense have to be? I have no concept if such a defense is right away
achievable. But if an be responsible for program can be advanced, it
requisite be. And the same as secrecy is so main to the aliens,
helplessness of some type possibly will be a genteel line for progress.
(Recognition, once again, Dr. Jacobs!)
(OK...the aliens are abusive in secret, but we have thousands of abduction cases, and we get together a burning stream about them...erm, ok. And the same as secrecy is so main to the ETs, we requisite command them, dammit! Wow Pull, you've exactly used up some token time committed this all out, huh?)
If there is a way to care for against the structured invasion and
benefit of human beings by aliens, let's become infected with it and use it.
The same as say ye all?
( Suitably, I dunno...Koolaid stands...monetary tinfoil *sigh* Okie Dokie, Smokie!)
[I picture numerous out there wish point the finger at me of "consolidating within a usual lull", as well. LOL]
Suchlike started out as lesson no matter which for fun, eager to lure rambler off the highway, the UFO watchtower became considerably supplementary than that. It in truth lived up to it's fix.
Once shipping to San Luis Fen in Colorado to bloat cows, rancher Judy Mesoline, began probationary lots UFO stories from the locals. This is what motivated her substance for a UFO watchtower!
Judy had never bump into any UFO phenomena up until that bottom, but this anon tainted. Once having to plug up her cows due to struggling in the ranching stiff, a guy cultivator motivated Judy to in truth time period her watchtower substance to life.
The spacey looking auditorium encircled by friendly alien decorations rests in Hooper Colorado. Inwards, you energy contract a shop/museum and on top, a tower wherever up to sixty inhabit can cost in UFO gazing. Submit has been over 67 sightings at the watchtower in isolation and Judy has now seen lots UFOs herself, for instance the tower opened in 2000. For instance referring to if she believes in extraterrestrial UFOs she known, "And do I prestige now? You betcha."
Dissoluteness Media has bent a well created, squat documentary righteous, Fen Of The Ufos, about the UFO watchtower. It starts off before Judy Mesoline's story and than cuts to a guy and his giant pet crocodile! But convene performance, the witnesses' descriptions of UFOs are very ending to what I stomach seen! Identical when Judy compares one of her sightings to a reducing star. Irritate watch the video under and convene an eye on the sky.
Intermingle to the UFO watch tower website:
(Source: Fashioned by Erin Lee Carr and reduced by Chris O'Coin.)
Click haughty image for fat archetype
Customary THIS Facts Today...I Agreed IT Despondent TO A FEW Equals FOR THEIR Imaginings. General Consensus IS 'INDETERMINATE.' LMK Such as YOU THINK:
This is a picture from our neighbor's cell cellular phone - she saw this at the top of our land. We saw a height lion (not sure if the incredibly one) on Tuesday May 7th at gruffly 11pm in our sow as the deer were feeding on bump.
Distinctively scary! We specific seen it a few times in the last engagement all but brunette - dark brown, very want unsolvable tail and looks elaborate a phantom! We would see on the letter of Utter Flood 92 as it jumps hip the wood.
Why does no one reflect they exist?
Regards, Steve and Rose
NOTE: IMO...IT LOOKS Care for IT HAS MARKINGS OF A BOBCAT, BUT THE Litigant IS TOO Hunger. I Faded IT UP TO GET A Trip Emerge AT THE Devise. IS THIS A HYBRID? I DO Have faith in Stage ARE Barrier LIONS Nomadic PENNSYLVANIA BUT NOT Prosperity Provable OF THE Cooperation OF THIS Within walking distance CAT...LON
Forest Cats of North America
Cougar: Ecology and Conservation"
PLEASANTVILLE, NJ - 5/20/2013 - UNEDITED: Ive continually been a skeptic of aliens and UFOs, up until two nights ago, and I be aware of lost and perturbed, thats why I am state. I would elaborate to uncluttered off by indicative you that about 3 weeks ago I saw an unidentified flying object that looked elaborate a fireball in the sky, and since consequently I specific felt elaborate I am being watched. Two nights ago as I was about to go to abstraction I saw something in my room main my peripheral vision. I dont liven up separation to abstraction, but I do liven up waking up in a metal room and I was lying on a metal bed and I was become quiet. I struggled to put in the bank my head and I saw numerous kin lying in these metal beds ethical elaborate mine and I conscientious on one in shrewd which I realized was my sister, it seemed that everybody was in more than a few state of faint away. At that intention I realized that something was very erratic and I was consider of the upsetting affirm I was in. I started to flap and tried to free in person. At that intention I realized that I was enclosed by brief beings, they were begrimed in color and seemed oblivious to the fact that I was wearing to fight my way out of the manacles. Suddenly out of nowhere came a luminous light and marginal being appeared, this one was taller and had a first-class oblique produced head by means of indentations in it and it was resembling tan in color. It communicated by means of me telepathically and I asked it what it was exploit to us and it alleged "We are looking at your DNA." I asked it why it was exploit this to us and it replied "All humans specific alien DNA, but not all humans specific the incredibly alien DNA" I asked it but they were from and it alleged "We ooze from Sirius" and it afterward told me that they specific been opportunity to me for a want time. At that intention it passed on and my terror returned and I started stabbing from the top of my lungs, the approaching thing I liven up is jumping up from my bed stabbing waking up everybody in the house.I havent slept for 2 nights now....."MUFON CMS"
The Snowy Alien Question: A New Look at carefully In vogue the Time, Verification, and Embrace of Snowy Theater company
Onwards Contact: A Capture to SETI and Communicating by means of Alien Civilizations"
Curtail Making - RED LION, PA
Curtail circle appeared and has remained for at lowest amount 10 excitement. Plants worthy of note in its obscurity (not finished but straightforwardly bent). Walked hip. Patterns observed: would elaborate an areal view. Looks elaborate course as well as symbols - "MUFON CMS"
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Spirituality of Curtail Circles
The Toward the inside Evidence of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Equipment and the Prospect New Race"
It's not separate for a cat to get a hairball, but a 400-pound tiger vital nice from veterinary surgeons in Florida taking into account he couldn't remove up a basketball-size hairball by himself.
The 17-year-old tiger named Ty underwent the function Wednesday at a veterinary center in the Tampa Bay area public of Clearwater. Doctors alleged in a news item that they inoffensively naive the 4-pound barrier from Ty's belly.
The tiger, which is cared for by Wildlife Recover and Cure in Seminole, was brought to veterinarians after not burning up for next to two weeks. Doctors alleged they detected the hairball by way of a achieve by means of a camera.
Vernon Yates, whose nonprofit group by and large assists law enforcement agencies by means of under arrest natural world, says he's favorable the hairball was naive and Ty is exploit accomplished. - WBIR
Human SNAIL CARRIES Domestic ON Goad
A Chinese man has turned himself hip a human snail by creating a house he can costume on his lay bets.
Liu Lingchao, 38, from Liuzhou, Guangxi State, carries his terra firma all day as he moves from classify to classify.
"I can go everywhere I yearn for to go. It's an gentle defrayal taking into account I yearn for to move on," he alleged.
His undecorated but wily cell terra firma consists of plastic sheets related to a light wicker set.
"This is the third cell house I've made. They exclusively weigh up about 60kg and last for about a engagement."
Despondent the way, Liu ropes himself by collecting and big business wet behind the ears beer bottles.
"I be aware of free, I can go anyplace I yearn for to go, and I live on my own," he alleged. - Orange
We have received a detailed report of a bronze triangle from an eyewitness with an extensive history of conscious contact and a stellar reputation in the research and literary community.
This is an exceptional Object Special Report; we have an utterly impeccable eye witness who has keen observation and note taking skills and a new configuration of the black triangle as witnessed during a very recent mass abduction. This eye witness has requested to remain anonymous, so from this point on in the story we will refer to this CE4 witness as "Pat". Through several email exchanges with Pat, we have worked up a highly accurate rendering of what the triangles might have looked like that evening. Let's take a look at Pat's emailed text description included with the two sketches of flying triangles and an apparent mass abduction:
"The exterior of the triangle shaped craft were a very dark bronze color, almost black, but this was at night and that's probably why they were almost black. They were a dark bronze and not black. The exterior of the craft were ribbed like corrugated metal as in the drawing. Top, bottom and sides were all ribbed. The craft were completely silent with no visible propulsion. They hovered and flew bumper to bumper or what pilots would refer to as wing tip to wing tip. The lights were red, amber and whitish light glows on the sides. In the back of the craft, the lights were in mixed positions along the corrugated surface. The lights did not flash, but all colors were represented in a soft glow of light." In a subsequent email from Pat I received a detailed, hand drawn sketch of the triangle seen hovering above the large field adjacent to the wooded area where an apparent mass abduction took place. There were several other triangle craft of the same configuration that were seen by Pat that night. Below is one of the sketches provided by Pat, I have removed the hand written notes in pencil that were on the same page and have typed them here below:
Original sketch provided by Pat.
"... we were in elevators as we boarded, but they were very large, the size of large rooms and they went upward very fast. I suspect this was some sort of beaming, transport technology. Maybe the craft actually lowered these 'elevators' downward and they were a real structure. They moved upward at an incredible speed and took large groups of us into the triangular shaped craft. The walls inside the 'elevators' were metallic.
* "150 feet by 60 feet"
* "Ridged like corrugated metal"
* "Flying bumper to bumper, wing tip to wing tip"
* "Bronze black metallic"
* "Red, amber white glows"
* "No visible propulsion"
* "Ribbed"
Scene Recreation of Pat's silent bronze triangles in formation at night. CLICK HERE FOR HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGE. Reposting of above image is allowed so long as image credit is given to The Object Report.
In another email, we received details about the abduction event itself. I want to note that I have edited out a few minor details in order to keep this witness anonymous, however all of the text regarding the actual sighting is present and unaltered."The sighting occurred at night over a large field adjacent to a heavily wooded State Park in the United States. After several craft were sighted, I found myself in a beige/tan colored room that was approximately 40 feet long by 16 feet wide with metallic walls. I, along with about 20 to 30 other people, was suddenly inside this room. (I feel that these triangular-shaped craft were shuttles). We all walked through a door into another smaller room that was about 10 feet by 12 feet with 10 foot high ceilings. As soon as the doors closed, we all went upward at a really high rate of speed. This made me feel we were inside a large elevator so I tend to think of these moving rooms as elevators moving into a larger structured craft."
"People were wearing everything from everyday normal clothing to nightwear including pajamas. After we went upward very fast, I noticed everyone was walking with a dazed look on their faces except me. After the doors opened on this 'elevator,' everyone, still in a daze, walked out onto an enormous craft in single file. As the 'elevator' entered the craft and the door opened, I saw two tall 'grey' aliens with tan skin (Tans) standing off to one side. They stood at least 7 feet tall. The aliens said nothing and appeared to be observing as people exited the elevators onto the craft. I watched as the people walked toward other rooms that appeared to be 'apartments' but they didn't have kitchens. There was only a bed and a toilet; no kitchen, but there were windows that looked out onto other apartments and seemingly housing blocks."
"After everyone walked to their rooms, I went back into the 'elevator' which then went back down. The process repeated itself with approximately another 20 to 30 people inside the 'elevator.' There were also multiple 'elevators' taking people up to the enormous craft."
"These triangular craft may interlock. The corrugated type ribbing may be structural docking aids. I can visualize two of these craft possibly forming a rectangle when docked."
These are incredible details Pat is relaying to us. We can readily place the greys with the silent triangles, which now we find out are not necessarily always black, they can be dark bronze. The triangles are involved with mass abductions and we have some of the abductees like Pat remaining fully conscious, or more specifically, they are allowed to retain the memories of the experience and a few like Pat are used to calm and maneuver the large groups of people who apparently remember little or nothing of the event after the fact. Shining a bit of light onto the logistical reasoning on the part of the visitors are the apartments inside the ship for the temporary stay of the patient who is aboard long enough to need a place to lie down or use the toilet, but not around long enough to need to eat. The ground transports or elevators Pat rode in several times are interesting to note as well. Triangles certainly seem to be the shape du jour and it gives Agent D the impression that not only are we hearing more and more reports of triangle sightings, but we are getting clearer details from the witnesses of what is going on beneath and inside these craft. Will this increase in sightings and eyewitness details continue its upward curve?
Though light configurations, ports and skin surface details would seem to be varied we ultimately have two basic configurations of black triangles: equilateral triangles and isosceles triangles. The elongated triangles are based upon isosceles geometry which states that two sides of the triangle be equal versus an equilateral triangle which has three equal sides and angles and of course appears the same no matter which way it is rotated. From what we know at this point, the isosceles triangles generally are the configuration of larger vessels and in this particular sighting we can deduce from eye witness testimony that the bronze isosceles triangle is capable of transporting great numbers of crew and humans.
All of this triangle activity in our skies - what does it mean? What is it leading up to? I realize for many readers (myself included) it is difficult to wrap one's head around the idea that the triangles are utterly real and full of telepathic, alien beings. Many readers likely feel more comfortable with the notion that black triangles are operated by secretive military personnel and simply mistaken for UFOs. While we cannot rule out the possibility that some black triangles may be operated by a military style faction of humans, this special report in particular is from an impeccable witness and unquestionably ties the Visitors, specifically the tan greys, to the silent triangles. In fact, this report not only ties the silent triangles to the greys, it ties them to the abduction phenomenon.
Agent D
"Addendum by Agent K
I've recently been reading a book by author David Marler entitled "Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation" and it's been an eye-opening read thus far. His first case study begins with the January 5th, 2000 southern Illinois sightings where multiple eyewitnesses - including law enforcement and fire department personnel - witnessed low, slow moving black triangular and rectangular craft over the course of several hours. Without going into too much detail about those sightings there was one eyewitness description in particular that I feel relates directly to Agent D's Special Report above.
On the morning of January 5th, 2000, a computer technician working for a St. Louis law firm was driving home at 2 am when his attention was drawn to a large, dark rectangular object in the air moving toward him at about 200 feet altitude. He said it spanned the width of the highway and initially "looked like a bus" in recorded testimony he gave in 2004. On the side of the object appeared to be a large, long rectangular "window" lit up from within. As the object crossed the highway in silence, the man noticed a Florissant police officer was pulled over on the side of the road outside his vehicle watching the craft. And here's where it gets weird... Within the object's illuminated window, the man reported seeing what appeared to be "a child skipping" which then paused at the window and peered outward. The witness informed his wife of the event that same morning, and after David Marler interviewed the man in 2004, he confirmed with the man's wife the same details that were conveyed to her at the time of the sighting.
No media coverage was ever given to this sighting. I find this very interesting considering we're talking about triangular and rectangular craft full of aliens and hybrid beings actively abducting people...
Agent K
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JULY 2011
"Dig out KELSO!"
Murky crash site holds clues to the UFO
- and to JFK!
The remnants of an airplane crash from 1947 stretch out on inner recesses chattels in Kelso, Washington. No hasten exists to dig it up avert among UFO enthusiasts who become familiar with the share the B-25 has to the first flying saucer sighting of the explosion era, the supposed Maury Coral reef affair. Occupy among UFOlogists once in a blue moon clippings sooner than the espousal of the necessary cash convenient to get to the point of a flying saucer mystery. Judge Roswell, New Mexico, arrange of stimulus for a loft carefulness of notional books and a pair of government obscure stories, no real investigations that scarcely increase its famous grandeur. Considering Roswell, the plane in Kelso promises the speculation of getting better successful pure from the space ships. Also be keen on Roswell, quiet, the best dependence for that resurrection untrustworthiness sooner than kind line until efficient investigators are complete to money up.
Two men died in that Kelso plane crash: Captain William Lee Davidson and Before time Lieutenant Truthful Mercer Suntanned of the Fourth Air Oblige A-2 Skill, under the hint of Resident Carl "Ptooey" Spaatz. From McChord Air Treacherous exterior of Tacoma, Washington, Resident Spaatz had begun an investigation of the convince of UFO sightings that followed Kenneth Arnold's famous report of nine flying chevrons over the Fur Mountains en route for Rise Rainier in Washington. Spaatz when had directed air force military intelligence at Hamilton Fork in California to report connected UFO data to the Air Oblige Ceremonial Skill Direction at Wright Fork in Ohio. Davidson and Suntanned were headed for Wright Fork, for ceremonies marking the nippy break apart of the Air Oblige from the military, whenever you like their plane went down. It had flown out of McChord after the two men had gorgeous it up sooner than a "Kellogg's Cornflakes" box indigestible of rest from the flying saucers at Maury Coral reef.
Door the rest of this Guest Piece
Kenn Thomas: July 2011.